Happy New Year to all! This month, KnowItAll features resources for Martin Luther King Day and African American History Month for use now through February. Our Holocaust Remembrance Collection provides resources for International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
In addition, we offer resources for National Trivia Day, National Bird Day, and Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
A native of the Florence area, Allie Brooks earned a bachelor’s degree and a Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army from South Carolina State University in 1968. Afterwards, he received a master’s degree in Education Administration from the University of South Carolina in 1974 and Education Specialist Degree in 2014. He completed the Institute on the Principal and School Improvement in 1987 at Harvard University. In 2006, he was awarded an honorary degree from Francis Marion University. He serves on the Board of Trustees of McLeod Health.
He has served as president of the S.C. Association of Secondary School Principals (SCASSP), the 4-A Principals Conference, and the S.C. High School League. Brooks was named Outstanding Principal of the Year in 1986-87 and 2000 by the SCASSP.
Brooks was the recipient of the Florence Civitan’s Citizen of the Year award in 1987, named Citizen of the Year by the Chi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1989, and selected as Educator of the Year by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in 1995. Brooks retired in 2005, after having served in Florence area public schools for more than 35 years as a teacher, principal, and superintendent of schools.
Brooks was honored as the 2005 Distinguished Graduate by The School Foundation of Florence School District One. He has been active in numerous civic and professional organizations in Florence such as the House of Hope Ministries and the editorial advisory board for the News Journal. He is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls Club of the Pee Dee and was named their 2009 Champion for Youth. In 2009, he received the South Carolina Board of Education Volunteer Award, and then in 2010, the Ashby P. Lawrimore Award. He has served as a college professor at Cambridge College in Augusta, G.A.
He and his wife, Barbara Faye, share three children, a daughter-in-love, and three grandchildren.
Presented through a partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and South Carolina ETV.
View the video on KnowItAll.org here.
View the series on KnowItAll.org here.
Download the SC African American History Calendar 2021 here.
January 4, 2021 – NATIONAL TRIVIA DAY
Explore our Knowitall Factoids by Month and learn from a wide assortment of topics. Visit each day to learn something new! The January Factoids are here!
January 5, 2021 – NATIONAL BIRD DAY
Use the Knowitall search engine to explore content on birds. The results are here.
Pauline Kael from Writer’s Circle of South Carolina
Looking back on her personal history as a writer, Kael offers some useful advice for aspiring screenwriters, and she has some strong views on the connection between writing and reading.
Explore other writers by visiting our Libraries, Literature and Learning Collection!
Community Based Policing - Lansing, Michigan
Follow police officers Linda Doherty-Wright, and Cassie Alley, as they work to keep the peace in Lansing, Michigan. These officers bring back the yester-year methods of “cops on the beat”; regularly patrolling local neighborhoods. These older methods have significant positive impacts on local safety. The officers talk about what it is like to work in law enforcement.
Police Officer | Meet the Helpers
Dive deeper into a police officer's career and find out how this Helper assists in emergency situations.
Policemen and Federal Marshals | Periscope
By the time Ruby Bridges was six years old, there were new laws stating that African American and white students had to integrate, or share, schools. People such as Martin Luther King, Jr. had worked for civil rights so all people could share the same education and opportunities. Read More.
Family Across the Sea, Part 3
Anthropologist Joe Opala has studied the history of slavery from the African side of the ocean. He has tracked a remarkable series of connections that end in Charleston and trace back to Africa. Bunce Island, a quarter-mile long island, twenty miles from Freetown, was the furthest point inland where slave ships could travel without being grounded, and was the location from which Africans were boarded on ships and taken to Charleston and the slave market. A reading from the diary of Anna Marie Falkenbridge reveals her observations, on looking through a window at the back of the manor house that stood on the island and was the home of the chief agent, who became wealthy from the trafficking of human beings. John Newton, a slave ship captain, later denounced slavery, became a clergyman in England, and wrote "Amazing Grace." READ MORE and VIEW VIDEO.
What is Human Trafficking | Palmetto Scene
Breaking down the definition of human trafficking.
*** If you believe you know of someone who may be a victim of human trafficking, please contact local law enforcement or the NHTRC (National Human Trafficking Resource Center) Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. ***
This Collection honors the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and relays much of the history of the Civil Rights era. The Collection includes:
Penn Center: A Legacy of Change
This program tells the story of the Penn Center’s inception in 1862 as a school for freed slaves to its involvement in the Gullah community today. Today the center collects, documents, preserves, and disseminates information related to cultural heritage of the Sea Island and Lowcountry African American culture.
African American History Month on Periscope
This collection honors our history and the African Americans who made strides in the advancement of African Americans.
Road Trip! Through South Carolina Civil Rights History
Designed to help teachers and students to learn about the people and the events, and the importance of the civil rights movement in South Carolina from the 1940s to the early 1970s.
Be sure to check the individual resources in this collection, including these and more!
- Andrew Young on the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Benjamin Mays | SC Hall of Fame
- Coretta Scott King – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- King at Penn Center – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Leading the Struggle – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Mahatma Gandhi | Periscope
- March on Washington | Crowd on the Mall | Periscope
- March on Washingon | Periscope
- March on Washington | Road Trip
- Marian Wright Edelman – S.C. Hall of Fame
- Martin Luther King with President Lyndon Johnson | Periscope
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) – Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebrated at the State House – Palmetto Scene
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Legislation | Periscope
- Orangeburg Massacre, Part 4 – The Big Picture
- Penn Center: A Legacy, Part 2 – Social Injustice
- Policemen & Federal Marshals | Periscope
- Road Trip Upstate, Stop 3: Key Leadership
- Rosa Parks | Periscope
- Ruby Bridges (1960)
- Septima Clark – S.C. Hall of Fame
- Why the Penn Center? Road Trip Through S.C. Civil Rights History
KnowItAll's African American History Collection provides these resources—all in one place! Use them now for Martin Luther King Day and in February for African American History Month.
- A True Likeness (Richard Samuel Roberts, Photographer)
- African American History Month | Periscope
- Blythewood History
- Born To Rebel, Driven To Excel (Benjamin Mays)
- Civil Rights Youth Media Summit
- Civil Rights Movement | SC Hall of Fame
- Congressman Jim Clyburn
- Dizzy Gillespie | Profile
- Dizzy Gillespie: From the Be to the Bop
- Education of Harvey Gantt
- Family Across the Sea
- GullahNet
- Homecoming: Art of Jonathan Green and Leo Twiggs
- Jail, No Bail
- Mary McLeod Bethune (Idella Bodie's S.C. Women)
- Matthew Perry | Profile
- Matthew Perry | SC Hall of Fame
- Modjeska Simkins (Idella Bodie's S.C. Women)
- Penn Center: A Legacy of Change
- Reflections of Columbia
- Road Trip! Through South Carolina's Civil Rights History
- Saving Sandy Island
- SC Chief Justice Ernest Finney | SC Hall of Fame
- SC Confederate Flag
- Septima Clark | SC Hall of Fame
- South Carolina African American History Calendar
- Tuskegee Airmen
- Briggs v. Elliott
- Friendship Nine
- Gullah
- Noted African Americans
- Orangeburg Massacre
- Penn Center
- Slavery in South Carolina
- African Penguins (Zoo Minutes)
- Eye Wonder (Penguins)
JANUARY 27, 2021 – international holocaust remembrance day
Check out the following series from the Holocaust Remembrance Collection
Holocaust Overview
There are seven overview sections. Each provides a short summary of a topic related to the Holocaust. Teachers can summarize these mini-lectures for their students or share them with more able readers. The overviews are intended to supplement the information in students' textbooks on each topic and provide a background for teaching the lessons that follow each overview. A Holocaust timeline and glossary are also included.
Seared Souls: South Carolina Voices of the Holocaust
Trace the events of the Holocaust through the testimony of survivors who settled in South Carolina. Interviews are combined with dramatic archival footage for a powerful and moving record of the inhumanity that was experienced during the Holocaust.
South Carolina Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust
Full interviews with South Carolinians who survived the Holocaust and those who liberated the concentration camps or witnessed the atrocities that took place. The Holocaust Forum was a collaboration between the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust, ETV, and the South Carolina Department of Education.
Visit our Visual & Performing Arts subject area.
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- Curriculum and Lesson Plans: We also have lesson plans for teachers that meet South Carolina standards.
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- Knowitall Factoids: Find resources you may not have thought to look for on KnowItAll!
- Knowitall Blog: Find helpful information on using KnowItAll all through the month!
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