Elite Pak USA, LLC
Elite Pak USA LLC is a licensed produce packaging facility whose goal is to bring the freshest asparagus they can to the plates of all Americans. Elite Pak, along with Haigler Farms and Oak III Farms has a commitment to provide the finest quality by implementing intense on-farm food safety programs. Their focus is to bring asparagus back to when it was once a dominant crop.
Elite Pak's CEO Lonnie Duwyn says, "we are truly humbled by all the support that we have received from the local public, along with some of the major grocery stores". Each year, you can find Elite Pak in the produce section from mid-March to July. The company is a proud member of Certified SC Grown and consider themselves fortunate for the program's help in brining awareness to locally grown produce.
Duwyn further stresses the importance of supporting local companies saying "SCETV and SC Public Radio were instrumental in getting our story out there. Having a platform that is so accessible is key for success of any small business organization."
For more information, visit us at www.elitepak.ca
To become a sponsor contact Melanie Boyer, Corporate Sponsorship Manager, 803-737-3289, or via email at mboyer@scetv.org.