Writer's Workshop

Writer's Workshop is a time capsule of Who's Who in literature in the 1980's!

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About Writer's Workshop

The Writer's Workshop features 15 major talents in contemporary literature who met in a one-on-one forum with well-known author William Price Fox and University of South Carolina creative writing students. Each writer discussed his or her personal writing methods, furnishing insights into the highly individualized process of literary creation. 

Other authors include George Plimpton, James Dickey, James McPherson, John Gardener, John Hawkes, John Irving, Kurt Vonnegut, Nora Ephron, Pauline Kael, Reynolds Price, Stephen Spender, Susan Sontag, Tom Wolf, William Price Fox, and William Styron. 

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Kurt Vonnegut (1982) | Writer's Workshop

To me, Kurt Vonnegut was the cool writer of his era, and I for one, could not get enough of his writings! Here in Writer's Workshop Tom Wolf introduces Kurt Vonnegut who talks about his concern for...

John Gardner (1982) | Writer's Workshop

Tom Wolf introduces this segment about the prolific young writer, John Gardner who wrote and wrote long before anyone took notice of his work. His father composed sermons behind the plow and Gardener...

James Dickey (1982) | Writer's Workshop

Literary giant James Dickey appears in this episode of Writers Workshop. Dickey said that he thinks that the major influence on prose fiction in this country and England, is poetry and examines the...

James McPherson (1982) | Writer's Workshop

In this episode of the historic Writer's Workshop, Tom Wolf introduces us to short story writer, James Allen McPherson, who in 1978 won the Pulitzer Prize for 2 of his stories, Elbow Room and Hue and...