History in a Nutshell

History in a Nutshell is a series that explains historical events in layman's terms.

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About History in a Nutshell

History in a Nutshell is a digital series that explains historical events in layman's terms. The digital series was originally produced for Knowitall.org, a K-12 website owned and managed by South Carolina ETV. The series has expanded and can be found on YouTube, scetv.org, PBS.org, SCETV app and PBS app. We invite you to explore the full digital episodes and test your knowledge with the companion quiz.

History in Nutshell Shorts is a spin-off series that explains history usually in sixty seconds or less. 

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The Lewis and Clark Expedition | History In A Nutshell

President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803, and recruited his own personal secretary Meriwether Lewis to pick a team of men to make a journey to the Pacific ocean...

The Persian Gulf War | History In A Nutshell

Saddam Hussein instigated the Persian Gulf War with his invasion of Iraq’s next door neighbor Kuwait on August 2, 1990. The introductory segment of this edition of History In A Nutshell sets the stage...

The Reconstruction Amendments | History In A Nutshell

The question of "the peculiar institution" known as slavery had been hotly debated long before the American Civil War. This video outlines the reasons the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S...

Carolina Day | History In A Nutshell

Are you a South Carolinian looking for another reason to fire up the grill and celebrate in the month of June? This episode of History in a Nutshell explores the S.C. centric holiday known as...


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