Go For It

Go For It with Discover SC's Devyn Whitmire.

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About Go For It

From the mountains to the midlands to the coast, there's always something new to discover in South Carolina. Discover SC's Devyn Whitmire will experience some of the most unique and iconic experiences the Palmetto State has to offer.

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Palmetto Rose | Go For It

From frond to rose, Devyn visits Charleston’s City Market to learn how to fold a palmetto rose. From the mountains to the midlands to the coast, there's always something new to discover in South...

Tee-rific State Park | Go For It

Hop in the cart with Devyn as she visits one of South Carolina’s state park golf courses to see what it takes to keep it up to par. From the mountains to the midlands to the coast, there's always...

Let's Get Stranded | Go For It

Devyn enjoys a movie under the stars at one of the last drive-in theaters in South Carolina. From the mountains to the midlands to the coast, there's always something new to discover in South Carolina...

Pickleballin' | Go For It

Hit the courts with Devyn as she tries her hand at pickleball— America’s fastest-growing sport. From the mountains to the midlands to the coast, there's always something new to discover in South...

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