Sammy, a ventriloquist's puppet, is sitting in Sandlapper's Corner. He notices the maps, globe and all of the books about South Carolina and introduces the children's programming that will teach them about the state in which they live.
Since a "Sandlapper" is the nickname for a person who lives in South Carolina, then Sandlapper's Corner is a place to study about the state! With the help of magic Mr. Globe, Sammy introduces concepts of oceans and continents and shares where the state is, relative to the rest of the world. Sammy points out that knowing directions makes it easier to locate a place on the map and he helps the children locate South Carolina on the magic globe.
Sandlapper’s Corner was a children's educational program that began airing on SCETV in the 1970s. Produced by Dr. Sandra G. Thomas the show was about South Carolina—its people and places, its present and past.