Andrew Davis

Digital Content Specialist & Host of Curiosity Trek

Andrew Davis graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2012, with his bachelor’s degree in history. He started his career in a video editing internship at SCETV’s Columbia location, and now serves as the Digital Content Specialist for and Andrew has been at ETV since 2017, and is able combine his passion for history with video production skills to create digital content for the Digital team. The series he produces are Curiosity Trek!, History In A Nutshell, and History In A Nutshell Shorts

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  • The Hunley Civil War Submarine - Trivia Quiz

    February 17 is the anniversary of the attack and disappearance of the historic Civil War submarine C.S.S. Hunley. On February 17, 1864, the Hunley made history as the first combat submarine to sink a warship. How much do you know about this legendary submarine? Find out...
  • Walter Edgar's South Carolina Quiz Logo

    South Carolina Women in STEM - Trivia Quiz

    In honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on February 11, this quiz tests your knowledge on famous South Carolinian women who have devoted their lives to furthering scientific advancements! How well do you know your science history? Let's find out!
  • Famous African Americans from South Carolina! - Trivia Quiz

    The month of February is African American History Month! Many African Americans from South Carolina have earned their spots in world history. In honor of this monthly observance, this week’s Walter Edgar’s SC Quiz will spotlight a few famous African American South...
  • Walter Edgar's SC Quiz - Trivia Logo

    The Life of Astronaut Ron McNair - Trivia Quiz

    January 28 marks the anniversary of the Space Shuttle 'Challenger' disaster. This week's quiz is in honor of South Carolina astronaut Ron McNair. How well do you know Ron McNair's life and career? Find out below!
  • Baron Von Hotair (1974) | Sandlapper's Corner

    In this adventure, we find South Carolina's official Wind Direction checker, Baron Von Hotair, navigating across the state in a hot air balloon, describing what he sees. As he flies over the state checking the wind patterns, the Baron re-introduces concepts of maps, all the...
  • South Carolina and Civil Rights - Trivia Quiz

    This week's quiz, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, is all about South Carolina's role in the Civil Rights Movement: spotlighting significant achievements for progress, and the South Carolinians who helped make them happen! Think you know your civil rights history...