Media Literacy Week is October 23-27, 2023; grow your students', and your own, media literacy knowledge with these free resources!
Hosted by the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), the event's mission is to highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education all across the country. This year, each day, the theme celebrates one of the five components of media literacy’s definition, "The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication". Explore each component and find events, lesson ideas, and more at NAMLE's Media Literacy Week website.
ETV Education supports students creating media and using media to express themselves on issues they find important. Tune in to our Carolina Classrooms program this November for an episode featuring segments created by South Carolina student journalists! Also, coming this spring, we’ll have an all-new episode featuring student-produced content. Contact us at carolinaclassrooms@scetv.org and let us know about the amazing work your students are creating!
On that note, we're happy to share that several students at Oakridge Middle School, Clover School District, recently participated in a KQED Youth Media Challenge. Submissions were received from students around the country, sharing reflections on issues and everyday matters affecting their lives; view submissions here. Even better, learn about the media challenge and get your students involved too! Visit youthmedia.kqed.org/overview to get started.
Another great way to get involved is through the NOVA Science Studio program which offers high school students the opportunity to learn science reporting and short-form video production skills. In the program, educators guide students through a Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards aligned curriculum with lessons and activities on science journalism, video production, and digital media literacy in a 6–8-month program. Registration is now open to participate in the program this fall.
Don't know where to begin? Try one of these free online webinars offered by SCETV partner station KQED:
- October 4, 7-9 p.m. (Gr 6-12 educators)
If You Really Knew Me: Identity, Belonging and Multimedia Storytelling (with Facing History)
- October 11, 7-9 p.m. (Gr 6-12 educators)
KQED x WeVideo: Inspire and Inform with Student-Created Mini-Documentary Projects
- October 18, 7-8 p.m. (Gr K-12 educators)
Your Award Awaits: How to Become a PBS Certified Media Literacy Educator
- October 25, 7-8 p.m. (Gr K-12 educators)
Intro to Audio Storytelling: Soundscape Building Blocks
- October 26, 7-8:30 p.m. (Gr K-12 educators)
Next Level Audio Storytelling: Engaging Student Voice
Finally, consider this Audio Storytelling Toolkit from PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs. Learn about working with them; who knows, your students' work might even be selected to be featured on national news outlets and social media!
However you choose to engage for Media Literacy Week, be sure to Access, Analyze, Evaluate, Create, and Act!