Sponsor: Charleston Gaillard Center
Lissa Frenkel: President & CEO
A Southeast leader in the performing arts, the Charleston Gaillard Center commissions, supports and presents ambitious, multidisciplinary cultural programming and provides access to local, national and global artists and companies on its stage. Deeply rooted in the community, the Gaillard Center uses its education programs, community engagement initiatives and performances to enhance access to the arts locally and across the state.
President and CEO Lissa Frenkel says, “My vision for the Gaillard Center is to push the boundaries of creativity, with beloved, time-tested programming that Charleston audiences look forward to, thereby further enriching the lives of our community through the transformational nature of the arts. The Center is committed to elevating local and regional voices that reflect the city’s diversity, both on stage and off, while providing a wide range of educational and cultural programming.”
Established in 2015, the campus houses the 1,818-seat Martha & John M. Rivers Performance Hall, a 16,000 square-foot exhibition hall and an adjacent park space— each designed to house artistic activations and presentations, events and celebrations, and employs a talented staff to bring the arts to the community.
Partnerships for the Gaillard Center include the soon-to-open International African American Museum, the Mother Emanuel AME Church and the Charleston Symphony Orchestra—with the Gaillard Center serving as the primary stage. “Programming on South Carolina ETV and Public Radio provides similar experiences and educational opportunities, so it’s a natural fit to share our artistic offerings with these audiences,” said Frenkel.
Frenkel includes All Things Considered, Marketplace, This American Life and Radiolab as personal favorites, but has “really enjoyed getting to know Sonatas and Soundscapes and Roots Musik Karamu.”
Contact information:
95 Calhoun St.
Charleston, SC 29401
For more information visit gaillardcenter.org
To become a sponsor contact Melanie Boyer, Corporate Sponsorship Manager, 803-737-3289 or via email at mboyer@scetv.org.