SCETV Education is excited to share two new programs with you during the month of March. These programs reflect trending conversations in education. Keep reading for more information about each program and how you can access them. Keep Reading.
Education Productions Coming in March: Carolina Classrooms and SOLKit
SCETV Education is excited to share two new programs with you during the month of March. These programs reflect trending conversations in education. We’ve heard parent and student questions about colleges and career pathways and will address those questions via Carolina Classrooms. We will also air a special feature on girls’ education. This feature focuses specifically on Black girls and the creation of celebratory space. Keep reading for more information about each program and how you can access them.
Bits, Blowtorches, and Bank Accounts: Exploring Career Education in South Carolina
March 25 at 7:30 p.m.
The fast pace of technology greatly impacts workforce development and labor market trends. Today the fast pace of technology, in conjunction with the many workplace pivots precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaves parents and students with many questions about careers and how to prepare for them.
Hosted by Hannah Horne, Vice President of Public Policy and Programs at Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce, this episode will explore opportunities for students preparing to enter the workforce directly after high school. The episode will feature student guests who share their experiences identifying nontraditional career pathways and training opportunities. Viewers will learn about available funding for career education, preparatory training paths, nontraditional career options, and emerging career demands due to the pandemic.
Be sure to join us for this important program when it airs March 25 at 7:30 p.m. on SCETV or access the program online after the initial broadcast.
SOLKit: Guideposts for Black girlhood Celebration
March 28 at 5 p.m.
In February 2020, SCETV partnered with SOLHOT (Saving Our Lives Hear Our Truths) for Black Girl Genius Week 2020. Black Girl Genius Week is a public campaign that celebrates the creative potential of and cultivates affirmative space for Black girls to be and become. While at SCETV, SOLHOT homegirls created community with Black girls from Longleaf Middle and Dent Middle schools using dance circles, spoken word, music-making and art activities that center Black girl ways of knowing and being.
We had an opportunity to interview students and SOLHOT homegirls, including foundational Black Girlhood Studies scholar Ruth Nicole Brown and Nikky Finney. In this program, we present their guideposts for liberatory praxis.
Be sure to join us for this important program when it airs March 28 at 5 p.m. on SCETV or access the program online after the initial broadcast.
Be sure to follow SCETV Education and South Carolina ETV on Facebook for more information about the engagement events connected to these programs. Also, access the new March 2021 Carolina Classroom program after it airs on SCETV and all past complete programs at carolinaclassrooms.org. SOLKit will be available on KnowItAll.org.
If you would like to be a part of future programs, we invite you to contact us at carolinaclassrooms@scetv.org.