Tune in this March as Carolina Classrooms explores accessibility in South Carolina schools.
This episode will examine the physical and digital tools used by educators to ensure learning opportunities are accessible to all students.
Show segments will include information on document accessibility and assistance dog training. Guests will be from the South Carolina Department of Education, PAALS, and the South Carolina State Library.
Tune in to watch the show as follows:
- March 21, 2024 7:30 p.m. | ETVHD (You can also stream it live at scetv.org/watch.)
- March 21, 2024: 9:00 p.m. | SC Channel
- March 25, 2024 10:00 a.m. | ETV World
Remember, missed episodes, specials, and additional segments are available at Carolina Classrooms.
Share your thoughts and let us know what you'd like to see on the program; you can reach us by email at CarolinaClassrooms@scetv.org or via our SCETV Education Facebook page.