We are excited to share four new series this month on KnowItAll.org!
Asynchronous Studio Lessons
Asynchronous Studio Lessons have been produced by South Carolina ETV in partnership with SC Department of Education to enhance the At-Home Learning schedule.
Shirley Mack Bell (Busbee Creative Arts Academy) leads a lesson on shadow puppetry. Shadow puppetry has origins dating back to China's Song Dynasty.
Janice Baines (Whitaker Elementary School) and Saudah Collins (Jackson Creek Elementary School) talk about their trip to Ghana, and lead a lesson about describing things using adjectives!
Kayla Hostetler (Aiken High School) teaches a lesson on deconstructing and analyzing the themes of poems.
Maggie Hagerty (Cowpens Elementary School) shows viewers the many different sounds and music one can make... With just a simple cup! Can you make your own cup song?
Allison Pitre (Meadowfield Elementary School) leads an art lesson on creating poetry in a portrait, which is half of a portrait, containing a poem in the background.
Allison Pitre (Meadowfield Elementary School) leads an art lesson on creating textured seascapes.
Melanie Trimble (Richland School District 1) leads a lesson on using scenery for pretending, and telling stories.
Kathleen Pennyway (Dreher High School) and Martha Hearn (Hand Middle School) lead viewers through a series of acting and theater exercises.
Christy Nexsen (Manning Primary School) leads a lesson on friendship, and analyzing characters, settings, and events.
Kimberly Simms Gibbs (Director of Art Education and a teaching artist/certified SC teacher for the Metropolitan Arts Council) leads viewers through a lesson on what life was like for those living in South Carolina during the early years of the textile mill era. The experiences of these South Carolinians are reflected in poems and photographs.
Carlon Steller (Beck Academy) leads an art lesson on making mask portraits.
Meredith Trobaugh of Bradley Elementary leads viewers through music and singing exercises for primary grades.
Meredith Trobaugh of Bradley Elementary leads viewers through music and singing exercises for secondary grades.
Sharri Duncan (John W. Moore Middle School) teaches an art lesson about observational drawing and water coloring.
Christy Nexsen (Manning Primary School) teaches a lesson about writing, and the functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Agnes Knox (Lexington Learning and Empowerment) leads a lesson on translating quadratics.
First Choice Fit®
Marcus Lattimore from First Choice Community Center in Columbia demonstrates fun and easy exercises that can be done at home.
A safe, effective exercise that is also very simple is called the forward lunge.
High knees offers a high-intensity anaerobic exercise that you can do in the comfort of your home. This exercise is an effective way to lose weight.
A plank, we call it a plank because we want your back as flat as possible, just like a diving board.
An RDL is an easy, safe, effective exercise for strengthening your hamstrings and strengthening your glute muscles.
A great core exercise that you can do while also working on shoulder stability and ankle stability, is shoulder tap.
Learn how to do a proper, efficient squat in a safe way.
A classic exercise that we all know of is the push-up, but we call this one the perfect push-up because the cues are so important if you want to strengthen every part of your body.
In sports, your body is put in so many awkward situations. Your leg may be under you, your arm may be over you, so we train using a movement that's called the Turkish Get Up. The Turkish Get Up is basically proper movement using your whole body.
Growing Up with Smart Cat
South Carolina ETV has launched Growing Up with Smart Cat – an education initiative featuring a new workbook and short video series. Both generated to align with specific curriculum standards, the workbook is available for download now, and episodes of the short video series will be published each Wednesday at 1 p.m. on the @SouthCarolinaETV Facebook page. The video segments will also appear on air during SCETV’s kids programming blocks.
Achieved with support from both EdVenture Children’s Museum and SC First Steps, Growing Up with Smart Cat content targets students Pre-K – 2nd grade and covers all subject areas and multiple developmental skills. The short video series features 11, 45-second episodes, each focused on a different topic, such as roadway safety, money, choosing friends, germs, manners and diversity.
In addition to this initiative, SCETV’s Education team recently launched a new SCETV Kids Club. Designed for children 12 and under who love SCETV and PBS KIDS, SCETV Kids Club members receive an official membership certificate, access to special SCETV PBS KIDS activities and events, a birthday message from Smart Cat and a surprise gift in the mail each quarter. Printed copies of the Growing Up with Smart Cat workbook will also be available for club members. There is no membership fee to join the club.
Learn more about this initiative here.
To stay safe from cars and trucks, always pay attention and make sure they can see you. Look left and right to be aware of your surroundings. When you’re in the car, always use your seat belt. When riding a bike, make sure to protect your head by wearing a helmet.
Getting a good night's sleep can make you healthier and stronger. Sleeping can even help you learn better. Sleeping also helps you to be more energized.
We may not be able to see them with our eyes but germs are everywhere. And when we don't wash our hands, the germs we pick up could spread to other things we touch, causing us or someone else to get sick. Germs can also be spread around when we cough or sneeze. That's why it's always important to cover your mouth any time you feel a sneeze or cough coming on.
There are five important things that help us observe and understand the world around us. What are our five senses and how do we use them? Well, we see with our eyes, smell with our noses, touch with our hands, taste with our mouths, and hear with our ears. Did you know you can even use all five senses at the same time?
Did you know that being a good friend is a super power? In fact, it may be one of the most important super powers. Just like super heroes, good friends help others and treat others with kindness and respect. A good friend is also responsible. If you're responsible you take good care of your belongings others' belongings when you borrow them. You also complete homework and other tasks on time.
Gullah Roots | Carolina Stories
Gullah Roots dives deep into South Carolina’s ties with West Africa, educating viewers about Gullah heritage, including spiritual, musical and artistic traditions.
Rice is a staple food of Sierra Leone. Rice is not only a favorite dish of Sierra Leoneans and the Gullah-Geechee, but it is also a part of their history. A dike system for cultivating rice worked well in Africa, and made its way to the southeastern Lowcountry, which enabled colonists to prosper in wealth.
From 1617 to the abolishment of the English slave trade in 1807, Bunce Island was the last glimpse of home for tens of thousands of enslaved Africans. Today, only ruins remain, as a testament to the horrors of the slave trade.
With the ending of the civil war in Sierra Leone, the next generation looks to the future with hopes of rebuilding their country, and getting educations. These inspiring young Sierra Leoneans are also eager to learn more about their Gullah connections.
Freetown was founded by formerly enslaved people, many of them from South Carolina and Georgia. Their first attempt to establish an African colony in 1787 failed, but in 1792, more than a thousand Black "loyalists" left Nova Scotia for Sierra Leone, seeking a better life in Africa.
In the city of Kabala, in Sierra Leone, residents speak their native tongue, as well as a Creole language called "Krio," which is similar in many ways to the Gullah language spoken by the Gullah-Geechee.
Nakia Wigfall is a seventh generation Gullah basket maker from Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Wigfall travels to Sierra Leone with a mission to make sweetgrass baskets with the other local residents, and reflects on her experiences.
Scholars have located a song linking a family from Georgia to the village of Senehun Ngola in Sierra Leone. Linguist Lorenzo Dow Turner traveled to Georgia in 1931 to hear people speaking and singing in Gullah. During his visit, he noticed a Gullah-Geechee woman singing a song in "Mende", an African language spoken primarily in Sierra Leone.
Joseph Opala, joined by two colleagues, successfully found this song in Sierra Leone, and in the process, helped people find their cultural roots.
A circular dance called the "Ring Shout" was a part of Gullah-Geechee Christian worship services for many years.
The Penn Center, formerly the Penn School, was founded on Saint Helena Island, South Carolina, by Northern abolitionist missionaries. The school was created to educate freed people, and was one of the first schools for African Americans in the U.S. Today, the Penn Center is a community center, and a museum of Gullah Culture.