Quick Facts:
--DHEC reports 93,604 cases in all 46 counties Map
-Total negative tests: 795,871
-1,774 deaths have been reported. Nearly all of the patients were elderly with underlying health conditions. Mortality demographic data
-All non-essential businesses are closed as of April 1.
-All South Carolina K-12 schools are closed through the school year.
-How South Carolinians Can Protect Themselves
Evidence is increasing about the high rates of infection in people who do not have symptoms and don’t know they are infectious. This places everyone at risk of getting the virus or unknowingly transmitting it to someone else. South Carolinians are encouraged to stay home and minimize contact with people outside their households to prevent the spread of the disease. Other steps the public should take include:
Practicing social distancing
Wearing a mask while out in public
Avoiding touching frequently touched items
Regularly washing your hands
Monitoring for symptoms
-One stop resource: http://accelerate.sc.gov
Find a mobile testing clinic event near you at www.scdhec.gov/covid19testing
The Latest:
Aug 4
-(DHEC) today announced 1,168 new confirmed cases and 7 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 52 additional confirmed deaths and 2 new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 93,604 probable cases to 586, confirmed deaths to 1,774, and 73 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 6,389 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 18.3%.
Aug 3
-(DHEC) today announced 1,105 new confirmed cases and 9 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 11 additional confirmed deaths and 7 new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 92,404 probable cases to 547, confirmed deaths to 1,721, and 72 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,257 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 15.2%.
July 31
-(DHEC) today announced 1,346 new confirmed cases and 15 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 45 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 88,523 probable cases to 493, confirmed deaths to 1,647, and 65 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,065 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 19.1%.
July 30
-(DHEC) today announced 1,636 new confirmed cases and 20 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 48 additional confirmed deaths and 8 new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 87,117 probable cases to 455, confirmed deaths to 1,600, and 67 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scetv.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scetv.gov.
Percent Positive
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,600 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.5%.
July 29
-(DHEC) today announced 1,666 new confirmed cases and 5 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 48 additional confirmed deaths and 4 new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 85,423 probable cases to 423, confirmed deaths to 1,551, and 64 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: Please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
Percent Positive
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,360 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 19.9%.
July 28
-(DHEC) today announced 1,573 new confirmed cases and 18 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 52 additional confirmed deaths and seven new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 83,720 probable cases to 389, confirmed deaths to 1,505, and 60 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
Percent Positive
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,689 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 18.1%
July 27
- (DHEC) today announced 1,226 new confirmed cases and three new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 17 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 82,071, probable cases to 346, confirmed deaths to 1,452, and 54 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
Percent Positive
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,395 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 14.6%.
July 26
-(DHEC) today announced 1,170 new confirmed cases and three new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 25 additional confirmed deaths and three new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 80,856, probable cases to 343, confirmed deaths to 1,436, and 55 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov .
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
Percent Positive
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,490 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 15.6%.
July 25
-(DHEC) today announced 1,368 new confirmed cases and twelve new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 74 additional confirmed deaths and eight new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 79,674, probable cases to 334, confirmed deaths to 1,412, and 53 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please visit scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov.
Percent Positive
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,202 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 19.0%.
July 24
-(DHEC) today announced 1,921 new confirmed cases and eight new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 46 additional confirmed deaths and seven new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 78,298, probable cases to 309, confirmed deaths to 1,339, and 46 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable cases: please vist scdhec.gov.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please scdhec.gov.
-Percent Positive Test Trends among Reported COVID-19 Cases
The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,877 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.6%.
July 23
-(DHEC) today announced 1,538 new confirmed cases and five new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 49 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 76,315, probable cases to 291, confirmed deaths to 1,294, and 40 probable deaths.
-Confirmed and probable deaths: please visit scdhec.gov
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,360 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 20.9%.
-Of the 7,998 total beds currently used, 1,723* are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19
-Of 1,458 ventilators, 532 are in use and 241 of those are COVID-19 patients
July 22
-(DHEC) today announced 1,654 new confirmed cases and one new probable case of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 39 additional confirmed deaths and 26 new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 74,761, probable cases to 281, confirmed deaths to 1,242, and 43 probable deaths.
-Confirmed: Abbeville (5), Aiken (35), Allendale (3), Anderson (32), Bamberg (6), Barnwell (5), Beaufort (84), Berkeley (71), Calhoun (6), Charleston (190), Cherokee (16), Chester (19), Chesterfield (15), Clarendon (14), Colleton (24), Darlington (32), Dillon (7), Dorchester (78), Edgefield (9), Fairfield (2), Florence (44), Georgetown (18), Greenville (103), Greenwood (8), Hampton (3), Horry (103), Jasper (17), Kershaw (17), Lancaster (28), Laurens (38), Lee (6), Lexington (89), Marion (7), Marlboro (4), Newberry (41), Oconee (8), Orangeburg (48), Pickens (14), Richland (173), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (86), Sumter (68), Union (14), Williamsburg (6), York (55)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,574 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 19.3%.
- Based on information from BART, which is estimated to be accurate within 10%, as of yesterday, 9,961 hospital beds are in use(86.7% occupancy) and 1,522 are available. Of those hospitalized, 1,607 are COVID-19 patients.
July 21
-(DHEC) today announced 1,870 new confirmed cases and one new probable case of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 56 additional confirmed deaths and one new probable death.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 73,101, probable cases to 236, confirmed deaths to 1,203 and 18 probable deaths.
-Confirmed cases: Abbeville (5), Aiken (10), Allendale (5), Anderson (64), Bamberg (10), Barnwell (8), Beaufort (61), Berkeley (61), Calhoun (5), Charleston (163), Cherokee (14), Chester (11), Chesterfield (16), Clarendon (14), Colleton (20), Darlington (38), Dillon (14), Dorchester (53), Edgefield (5), Fairfield (18), Florence (67), Georgetown (37), Greenville (147), Greenwood (31), Hampton (25), Horry (181), Jasper (22), Kershaw (33), Lancaster (22), Laurens (21), Lee (6), Lexington (110), Marion (13), Marlboro (7), McCormick (4), Newberry (13), Oconee (7), Orangeburg (40), Pickens (39), Richland (193), Saluda (10), Spartanburg (55), Sumter (93), Union (19), Williamsburg (6), York (74)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,490 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 22%.
July 20
-DHEC today announced 1,445 new confirmed cases and two new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 9 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 71,213, probable cases to 232, confirmed deaths to 1,147 and 17 probable deaths.
-Confirmed: Abbeville (52), Aiken (18), Allendale (3), Anderson (43), Bamberg (8), Barnwell (7), Beaufort (33), Berkeley (35), Calhoun (8), Charleston (188), Cherokee (17), Chester (10), Chesterfield (11), Clarendon (5), Colleton (5), Darlington (20), Dillon (5), Dorchester (73), Edgefield (3), Fairfield (9), Florence (74), Georgetown (20), Greenville (174), Greenwood (24), Hampton (3), Horry (61), Jasper (4), Kershaw (15), Lancaster (13), Laurens (19), Lee (3), Lexington (45), Marion (12), Marlboro (2), McCormick (1), Newberry (13), Oconee (10), Orangeburg (30), Pickens (28), Richland (177), Saluda (7), Spartanburg (73), Sumter (10), Union (5), Williamsburg (21), York (48)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,186 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 17.7%
July 17
-DHEC today announced 1,964 new confirmed cases and five new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 25 additional confirmed deaths and one new probable death. There are currently 1,593 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19, and 214 of those patients are currently on ventilators.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 65,857, probable cases to 212, confirmed deaths to 1,078 and 18 probable deaths.
-Confirmed cases: Abbeville (6), Aiken (20), Allendale (12), Anderson (50), Bamberg (7), Barnwell (7), Beaufort (55), Berkeley (117), Calhoun (13), Charleston (305), Cherokee (12), Chester (12), Chesterfield (5), Clarendon (8), Colleton (18), Darlington (21), Dillon (11), Dorchester (105), Edgefield (4), Fairfield (5), Florence (61), Georgetown (21), Greenville (171), Greenwood (56), Hampton (7), Horry (114), Jasper (8), Kershaw (17), Lancaster (19), Laurens (45), Lee (10), Lexington (89), Marion (10), Marlboro (4), McCormick (4), Newberry (8), Oconee (19), Orangeburg (54), Pickens (46), Richland (207), Saluda (15), Spartanburg (84), Sumter (26), Union (3), Williamsburg (7), York (66)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 11,257 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 17.4%.
July 16
-(DHEC) today announced 1,842 new confirmed cases and four new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 69 additional confirmed deaths and three new probable deaths. There are currently 1,578 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19, and 214 of those patients are currently on ventilators.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 63,880, probable cases to 204, confirmed deaths to 1,053 and 17 probable deaths.
-Confirmed cases by county: Abbeville (5), Aiken (32), Allendale (9), Anderson (66), Bamberg (16), Barnwell (13), Beaufort (108), Berkeley (67), Calhoun (18), Charleston (230), Cherokee (4), Chester (16), Chesterfield (11), Clarendon (9), Colleton (13), Darlington (16), Dillon (9), Dorchester (64), Edgefield (3), Fairfield (23), Florence (58), Georgetown (23), Greenville (230), Greenwood (17), Hampton (10), Horry (142), Jasper (16), Kershaw (14), Lancaster (25), Laurens (18), Lee (7), Lexington (58), Marion (6), McCormick (7), Newberry (18), Oconee (16), Orangeburg (80), Pickens (27), Richland (125), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (90), Sumter (30), Union (4), Williamsburg (13), York (75)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,643 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.3%.
July 15
-(DHEC) today announced 1,850 new confirmed cases and five new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, no additional confirmed deaths and five new probable deaths. There are currently 1,560 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19, and 206 of those patients are currently on ventilators.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 62,071, probable cases to 174, confirmed deaths to 984 and 14 probable deaths.
-Confirmed cases: Abbeville (3), Aiken (73), Anderson (42), Bamberg (17), Barnwell (3), Beaufort (78), Berkeley (62), Calhoun (6), Charleston (214), Cherokee (14), Chester (6), Chesterfield (8), Clarendon (21), Colleton (12), Darlington (20), Dillon (5), Dorchester (45), Edgefield (6), Fairfield (3), Florence (28), Georgetown (84), Greenville (168), Greenwood (22), Hampton (2), Horry (188), Jasper (14), Kershaw (14), Lancaster (11), Laurens (31), Lee (6), Lexington (71), Marion (5), Marlboro (4), McCormick (5), Newberry (16), Oconee (14), Orangeburg (30), Pickens (27), Richland (184), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (97), Sumter (93), Union (7), Williamsburg (15), York (73)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 8,575 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.6%.
July 14
-(DHEC) today announced 2,205 new confirmed cases and two new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 23 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths. There are currently 1,550 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19, and 203 of those patients are currently on ventilators.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 60,220, probable cases to 169, confirmed deaths to 984 and 9 probable deaths.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
-Abbeville (6), Aiken (67), Allendale (3), Anderson (69), Bamberg (7), Barnwell (18), Beaufort (81), Berkeley (117), Calhoun (4), Charleston (412), Cherokee (11), Chester (8), Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (12), Colleton (32), Darlington (18), Dillon (5), Dorchester (91), Edgefield (6), Fairfield (5), Florence (69), Georgetown (26), Greenville (210), Greenwood (21), Hampton (10), Horry (148), Jasper (6), Kershaw (24), Lancaster (16), Laurens (26), Lee (2), Lexington (113), Marion (14), Marlboro (6), Newberry (22), Oconee (10), Orangeburg (44), Pickens (34), Richland (232), Saluda (8), Spartanburg (89), Sumter (38), Union (1), Williamsburg (12), York (43)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 10,262 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.5%.
July 13
- (DHEC) today announced 1,532 new confirmed cases and no new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 13 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths. There are currently 1,488 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19, and 205 of those patients are currently on ventilators.
- This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 58,003, probable cases to 165, confirmed deaths to 961 and 11 probable deaths.
- The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (4), Aiken (36), Allendale (3), Anderson (46), Bamberg (15), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (34), Berkeley (85), Calhoun (10), Charleston (279), Cherokee (10), Chester (8), Chesterfield (10), Clarendon (2), Colleton (2), Darlington (9), Dillon (13), Dorchester (82), Edgefield (5), Fairfield (7), Florence (38), Georgetown (12), Greenville (118), Greenwood (24), Hampton (3), Horry (121), Jasper (5), Kershaw (8), Lancaster (2), Laurens (9), Lee (3), Lexington (92), Marion (6), Marlboro (1), McCormick (2), Newberry (6), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (52), Pickens (15), Richland (124), Saluda (10), Spartanburg (101), Sumter (29), Union (8), Williamsburg (13), York (64)
- The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 7,230 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.2%.
July 10
-(DHEC) today announced 1,725 new confirmed cases and no new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 26 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths. There are currently 1,438 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19, and 177 of those patients are on ventilators.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 52,273, probable cases to 146, confirmed deaths to 922 and 7 probable deaths.
-Abbeville (3), Aiken (22), Allendale (2), Anderson (31), Bamberg (2), Barnwell (8), Beaufort (93), Berkeley (98), Calhoun (22), Charleston (265), Cherokee (9), Chester (14), Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (2), Colleton (9), Darlington (11), Dillon (7), Dorchester (66), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (4), Florence (35), Georgetown (6), Greenville (217), Greenwood (28), Horry (175), Jasper (25), Kershaw (10), Lancaster (20), Laurens (25), Lee (8), Lexington (72), Marion (4), McCormick (4), Newberry (22), Oconee (37), Orangeburg (37), Pickens (42), Richland (101), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (79), Sumter (8), Union (6), Williamsburg (4), York (76)
-The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 9,686 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive of those tests was 17.8%.
July 9
-(DHEC) today announced 1,723 new confirmed cases and one new probable case of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 22 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths. There are currently 1,433 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 50,548, probable cases to 143, confirmed deaths to 898 and 7 probable deaths.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
-Abbeville (2), Aiken (30), Allendale (9), Anderson (23), Bamberg (4), Barnwell (5), Beaufort (40), Berkeley (98), Calhoun (3), Charleston (325), Cherokee (11), Chester (6), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (8), Colleton (11), Darlington (5), Dillon (7), Dorchester (63), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (6), Florence (34), Georgetown (34), Greenville (208), Greenwood (20), Hampton (5), Horry (194), Jasper (6), Kershaw (15), Lancaster (13), Laurens (23), Lee (3), Lexington (66), Marion (9), Marlboro (2), McCormick (4), Newberry (10), Oconee (14), Orangeburg (46), Pickens (30), Richland (125), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (73), Sumter (48), Union (5), Williamsburg (6), York (66)
-Trends among Reported COVID-19 Cases The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 8,350 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 20.6%.
July 8
-(DHEC) today announced 1,537 new confirmed cases and no new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 38 additional confirmed deaths* and no new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 48,770, probable cases to 139, confirmed deaths to 876, and 8 probable deaths.
-Thirty-two of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Charleston (5), Dillon (1), Dorchester (1), Georgetown (2), Greenville (6), Horry (6), Kershaw (1), Laurens (2), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (1), Richland (2), Saluda (1), and Spartanburg (2) counties; five of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Charleston (1), Horry (1), and Spartanburg (3) counties; and one death occurred in a young adult from Laurens County (1).
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (3), Aiken (13), Anderson (61), Bamberg (3), Beaufort (64), Berkeley (79), Calhoun (5), Charleston (260), Cherokee (11), Chester (5), Chesterfield (10), Colleton (8), Darlington (12), Dillon (6), Dorchester (76), Edgefield (5), Fairfield (4), Florence (30), Georgetown (48), Greenville (167), Greenwood (50), Hampton (1), Horry (170), Jasper (7), Kershaw (9), Lancaster (5), Laurens (21), Lee (1), Lexington (86), Marion (4), Marlboro (6), McCormick (2), Newberry (9), Oconee (8), Orangeburg (30), Pickens (35), Richland (66), Saluda (8), Spartanburg (77), Sumter (8), Union (7), Williamsburg (12), York (45)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 7,323 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 21.0%.
-Of the 7,991 inpatient beds currently used, 1,404 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
July 7
-(DHEC) today announced 934 new confirmed cases and no new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 19 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths. There are currently 1,324 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 47,214, probable cases to 138, confirmed deaths to 838, and 8 probable deaths.
-Seventeen of the confirmed deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Abbeville (1), Aiken (1), Anderson (3), Charleston (5), Cherokee (1), Greenville (3), Marion (1), and Richland (2) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Charleston (1) and Richland (1) counties.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (15), Anderson (21), Bamberg (3), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (105), Berkeley (34), Calhoun (2), Charleston (82), Cherokee (15), Chester (3), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (5), Colleton (16), Darlington (6), Dillon (6), Dorchester (32), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (4), Florence (11), Georgetown (22), Greenville (55), Greenwood (4), Hampton (1), Horry (109), Jasper (20), Kershaw (11), Lancaster (2), Laurens (17), Lee (1), Lexington (53), Marion (2), Marlboro (1), Newberry (25), Oconee (15), Orangeburg (18), Pickens (5), Richland (80), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (51), Sumter (35), Union (4), Williamsburg (3), York (30)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 4,521 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 20.7%.
July 6
-(DHEC) today announced 1,505 new confirmed cases and no new probable casesof the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 6 additional confirmed deaths and 1 new probable death. There are currently 1,260 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
- This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 46,247, probable cases to 133, confirmed deaths to 819, and 8 probable deaths.
-Five of the confirmed deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Beaufort (1), Chesterfield (1), Darlington (1), and Dillon (2) counties, and one of the deaths occurred in a middle-aged individual from Horry County (1).
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
-Abbeville (11), Aiken (9), Allendale (3), Anderson (21), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (4), Beaufort (53), Berkeley (82), Calhoun (1), Charleston (326), Cherokee (4), Chester (5), Chesterfield (7), Clarendon (3), Colleton (8), Darlington (5), Dillon (8), Dorchester (85), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (5), Florence (32), Georgetown (15), Greenville (155), Greenwood (34), Hampton (1), Horry (189), Jasper (10), Kershaw (22), Lancaster (16), Laurens (18), Lee (2), Lexington (61), Marion (5), Marlboro (3), McCormick (5), Newberry (13), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (19), Pickens (20), Richland (84), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (60), Sumter (14), Union (14), Williamsburg (5), York (58)
- The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 7,990 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 18.8%.
July 3
-(DHEC) today announced 1,558 new confirmed cases and 10 new confirmed deaths. No probable cases or deaths are reported today. There are currently 1,148 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 41,413, probable cases to 119, confirmed deaths to 787, and 6 probable deaths.
-Six of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Anderson (1), Beaufort (1), Georgetown (1), Greenville (1), Laurens (1), and Marion (1) counties, two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Greenville (1) and Kershaw (1) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in young adults from Greenville (1) and Kershaw (1) counties.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (17), Anderson (65), Bamberg (6), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (54), Berkeley (77), Calhoun (3), Charleston (267), Cherokee (4), Chester (14), Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (11), Colleton (7), Darlington (3), Dillon (5), Dorchester (69), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (1), Florence (23), Georgetown (43), Greenville (128), Greenwood (1), Hampton (4), Horry (237), Jasper (27), Kershaw (15), Lancaster (13), Laurens (23), Lee (5), Lexington (44), Marion (18), Marlboro (1), Newberry (16), Oconee (15), Orangeburg (19), Pickens (25), Richland (95), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (30), Sumter (43), Union (3), Williamsburg (7), York (104)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 7,514 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 20.7%.
July 2
-(DHEC) today announced 1,629 new confirmed cases and 3 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 19 additional confirmed deaths and no new probable deaths.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 39,587, probable cases to 114, confirmed deaths to 777, and 7 probable deaths.
-Fifteen of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Beaufort (1), Charleston (1), Colleton (1), Florence (3), Horry (2), Lexington (3), Richland (2), Spartanburg (1), and Sumter (1) counties, and four deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Beaufort (1), Clarendon (1), Darlington (1), Sumter (1) counties.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (5), Aiken (29), Allendale (7), Anderson (41), Bamberg (13), Barnwell (4), Beaufort (43), Berkeley (77), Calhoun (3), Charleston (244), Cherokee (12), Chester (11), Chesterfield (5), Clarendon (7), Colleton (5), Darlington (9), Dillon (8), Dorchester (69), Edgefield (3), Fairfield (3), Florence (34), Georgetown (20), Greenville (246), Greenwood (20), Hampton (2), Horry (179), Jasper (5), Kershaw (8), Lancaster (11), Laurens (31), Lee (2), Lexington (64), Marion (3), Marlboro (4), Newberry (6), Oconee (16), Orangeburg (34), Pickens (44), Richland (114), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (99), Sumter (36), Union (4), Williamsburg (2), York (42)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 9,634 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 16.9%.
-Of the 7,830 inpatient beds currently used, 1,125 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
July 1
-(DHEC) today announced 1,497 new confirmed cases and 6 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 24 additional confirmed deaths and 4 new probable deaths. There are currently 1,160 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 37,809, probable cases to 110, confirmed deaths to 759, and 7 probable deaths.
-Eighteen of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Charleston (5), Dillon (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (2), Greenville (1), Horry (1), Lancaster (1), Laurens (1), Lexington (1), Orangeburg (3), and Spartanburg (1) counties, and five of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Richland (1), Laurens (1), Berkeley (1), Horry (1), and Charleston (1) counties, and one death occurred in a young adult from Charleston County (1).
-The probable deaths occurred in individuals whose age categories are still being determined from Calhoun (1), Cherokee (1), Greenville (1), and Horry (1) counties.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (20), Allendale (2), Anderson (27), Bamberg (5), Barnwell (4), Beaufort (61), Berkeley (87), Calhoun (11), Charleston (266), Cherokee (4), Chester (4), Chesterfield (8), Clarendon (5), Colleton (4), Darlington (7), Dillon (3), Dorchester (71), Edgefield (5), Fairfield (4), Florence (31), Georgetown (32), Greenville (107), Greenwood (12), Horry (228), Jasper (6), Kershaw (26), Lancaster (19), Laurens (17), Lee (4), Lexington (83), Marion (5), Marlboro (5), Newberry (12), Oconee (11), Orangeburg (28), Pickens (20), Richland (104), Saluda (6), Spartanburg (54), Sumter (22), Union (1), Williamsburg (12), York (52)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 7,834 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 19.1%.
-Of the 7,815 inpatient beds currently used, 1,160 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
June 30
-(DHEC) today announced 1,741 new confirmed cases and 2 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 17 additional confirmed deaths and 2 new probable deaths. There are currently 1,021 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 36,297, probable cases to 102, confirmed deaths to 735, and 4 probable deaths.
-Seventeen of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Aiken (1), Berkeley (1), Charleston (3), Dillon (1), Edgefield (1), Florence (1), Greenville (1), Horry (1), Lexington (1), McCormick (1), Orangeburg (1), Pickens (1), and Spartanburg (1), and two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Florence (1) and Richland (1) counties.
-The probable deaths occurred in individuals from Spartanburg County (2).
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (7), Aiken (28), Anderson (28), Bamberg (10), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (70), Berkeley (60), Calhoun (4), Charleston (375), Cherokee (9), Chester (12), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (4), Colleton (6), Darlington (12), Dillon (6), Dorchester (87), Fairfield (8), Florence (40), Georgetown (16), Greenville (125), Greenwood (26), Hampton (3), Horry (170), Jasper (10), Kershaw (26), Lancaster (29), Laurens (49), Lee (3), Lexington (100), Marion (16), Marlboro (1), McCormick (2), Newberry (9), Oconee (7), Orangeburg (51), Pickens (31), Richland (137), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (55), Sumter (38), Union (6), Williamsburg (12), York (47)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 9,174 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 19%.
-Of the 7,620 inpatient beds currently used, 1,021 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
June 29
-(DHEC) today announced 1,320 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 4 additional confirmed deaths. There are currently 1,032 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 34,546 probable cases to 98, confirmed deaths to 717, and 3 probable deaths.
-The four deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Richland (1), Anderson (1), and Beaufort (1) counties.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (3), Aiken (12), Anderson (15), Bamberg (12), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (28), Berkeley (41), Calhoun (1), Charleston (278), Cherokee (3), Chester (2), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (2), Colleton (17), Darlington (6), Dillon (9), Dorchester (49), Edgefield (3), Fairfield (8), Florence (24), Georgetown (5), Greenville (153), Greenwood (9), Hampton (3), Horry (165), Jasper (1), Kershaw (12), Lancaster (26), Laurens (15), Lee (2), Lexington (73), Marion (2), Marlboro (2), McCormick (3), Newberry (22), Oconee (14), Orangeburg (24), Pickens (25), Richland (80), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (70), Sumter (16), Union (11), Williamsburg (6), York (59)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 8,191 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 15.5%.
-As of this morning, 3,169 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,336 are in use, which is a 69.83% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
-Of the 7,336 inpatient beds currently used, 1,032 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
June 26
-(DHEC) today announced 1,273 new confirmed cases and 2 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 1 additional confirmed death. There are currently 906 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of people confirmed cases to 30,263, probable cases to 72, confirmed deaths to 694, and probable deaths to 2.
-The confirmed death occurred in an elderly individual from Greenville (1).
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
-Abbeville (1), Aiken (11), Anderson (16), Bamberg (2), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (30), Berkeley (40), Charleston (216), Cherokee (5), Chester (2), Chesterfield (6), Clarendon (17), Colleton (11), Darlington (10), Dillon (7), Dorchester (20), Florence (19), Georgetown (65), Greenville (187), Greenwood (3), Horry (82), Jasper (8), Kershaw (21), Lancaster (9), Laurens (28), Lee (8), Lexington (109), Marion (1), Marlboro (6), Newberry (7), Oconee (19), Orangeburg (29), Pickens (28), Richland (98), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (57), Sumter (42), Union (2), Williamsburg (6), York (40)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 6,969 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 18.3%.
-Of the 7,885 inpatient beds currently used, 906 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
June 25
- (DHEC) today announced 1,106 new confirmed cases and 3 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 8 additional confirmed deaths and 2 probable deaths. There are currently 881 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
- This brings the total number of people confirmed cases to 28,962, probable cases to 60, confirmed deaths to 691, and probable deaths to 2.
- The confirmed deaths occurred in four elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Dillon (1), Lexington (1), and York (1) counties, and four middle-aged individuals from Berkeley (1), Charleston (1), Colleton (1), and Lee (1) counties. The probable deaths occurred in an elderly individual from Lancaster County (1), and an individual whose age category is still being determined from Sumter County (1).
- The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (9), Aiken (11), Allendale (1), Anderson (4), Bamberg (3), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (33), Berkeley (58), Calhoun (8), Charleston (208), Cherokee (4), Chester (3), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (9), Colleton (15), Darlington (3), Dillon (11), Dorchester (33), Fairfield (2), Florence (23), Georgetown (33), Greenville (126), Greenwood (10), Hampton (3), Horry (126), Jasper (3), Kershaw (5), Lancaster (27), Laurens (36), Lee (1), Lexington (47), Marion (6), Marlboro (3), Newberry (5), Oconee (13), Orangeburg (25), Pickens (13), Richland (69), Spartanburg (32), Sumter (35), Union (2), Williamsburg (8), York (36)
- The number of new probable cases are listed below.
Lancaster (2), Sumter (1)
- The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 6,536 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 16.9%.
- As of this morning, 2,559 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,842 are in use, which is a 75.4% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
- Of the 7,842 inpatient beds currently used, 881 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
June 24
- (DHEC) today announced 1,291 new confirmed cases and 12 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 10 additional confirmed deaths. There are currently 832 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
- This brings the total number of people confirmed cases to 27,842, probable cases to 55, confirmed deaths to 683, and zero probable deaths.
- Eight of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Beaufort (1), Charleston (1), Dillon (1), Greenville (1), Lexington (1), Orangeburg (1), and Spartanburg (2) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Greenville (1) and Newberry (1) counties.
- The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (5), Aiken (21), Anderson (22), Bamberg (8), Barnwell (4), Beaufort (38), Berkeley (38), Calhoun (1), Charleston (175), Cherokee (8), Chester (2), Chesterfield (7), Clarendon (5), Colleton (5), Darlington (7), Dillon (6), Dorchester (32), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (3), Florence (19), Georgetown (18), Greenville (241), Greenwood (10), Horry (183), Jasper (4), Kershaw (12), Lancaster (3), Laurens (8), Lee (2), Lexington (54), Marion (6), Marlboro (7), Newberry (32), Oconee (19), Orangeburg (29), Pickens (66), Richland (86), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (38), Sumter (20), Union (4), Williamsburg (8), York (28)
- The number of new probable cases are listed below.
Beaufort (3), Greenville (1), Lancaster (4), Lexington (2), Pickens (1), Richland (1)
- The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 8,191 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 15.8%.
June 23
- (DHEC) today announced 890 new confirmed cases and 3 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 14 additional confirmed deaths. There are currently 824 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
- This brings the total number of people confirmed cases to 26,572, probable cases to 41, confirmed deaths to 673, and zero probable deaths.
- Eleven of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Charleston (1), Chesterfield (1), Fairfield (1), Greenville (1), Greenwood (1), Horry (1), Lexington (1), Marlboro (1), and Spartanburg (3) counties, and three of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Beaufort (1), Chesterfield (1), and Horry (1) counties.
- The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (3), Allendale (1), Anderson (24), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (29), Berkeley (47), Calhoun (1), Charleston (211), Cherokee (1), Chester (5), Chesterfield (5), Clarendon (9), Colleton (10), Dillon (1), Dorchester (30), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (7), Florence (16), Georgetown (17), Greenville (53), Greenwood (8), Hampton (1), Horry (133), Jasper (3), Kershaw (19), Lancaster (7), Laurens (14), Lee (4), Lexington (41), Marion (5), Marlboro (3), Newberry (7), Oconee (5), Orangeburg (12), Pickens (25), Richland (73), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (10), Sumter (14), Williamsburg (3), York (27)
- The number of new probable cases are listed below.
Richland (3)
- The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 5,122 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 17.4%.
- As of this morning, 2,903 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,575 are in use, which is a 72.29% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
June 22
-(DHEC) today announced 1,002 new confirmed cases and 2 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 6 additional confirmed deaths. There are currently 731 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
-This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 25,666, probable cases to 35, confirmed deaths to 659, and zero probable deaths.
-Four of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Clarendon (1), Greenville (1), Marion (1), and Richland (1) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Darlington (1) and Lancaster (1) counties
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (5), Allendale (1), Anderson (21), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (28), Berkeley (30), Calhoun (4), Charleston (209), Cherokee (6), Chester (7), Chesterfield (11), Clarendon (6), Colleton (1), Darlington (8), Dillon (4), Dorchester (16), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (2), Florence (56), Georgetown (12), Greenville (90), Greenwood (2), Hampton (1), Horry (125), Jasper (6), Kershaw (26), Lancaster (13), Laurens (17), Lee (2), Lexington (22), Marion (10), Marlboro (8), Newberry (5), Oconee (21), Orangeburg (18), Pickens (27), Richland (41), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (47), Sumter (34), Union (4), Williamsburg (6), York (46)
-The number of new probable case is listed below.
Beaufort (1), Richland (1)
-The total number of individuals tested yesterday statewide was 7,971 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 12.6%.
-As of this morning, 3,364 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,119 are in use, which is a 67.91% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
June 19
(DHEC) today announced 1,081 new confirmed cases and five new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 18 additional confirmed deaths.
There are currently 660 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 22,608, probable cases to 23, confirmed deaths to 639, and zero probable deaths. Nine of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Colleton (1), Greenville (1), Horry (3), Lancaster (1), Orangeburg (1), and Spartanburg (1) counties. Eight occurred in middle-aged individuals from Charleston (2), Greenville (2), Horry (1), Newberry (1), Orangeburg (1), and Sumter (1) counties, and one death was a young adult from Spartanburg County.
The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (5), Allendale (4), Anderson (22), Bamberg (2), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (38), Berkeley (52), Calhoun (9), Charleston (153), Cherokee (3), Chester (4), Chesterfield (6), Clarendon (3), Colleton (2), Darlington (5), Dillon (3), Dorchester (21), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (8), Florence (7), Georgetown (17), Greenville (115), Greenwood (23), Hampton (3), Horry (115), Jasper (2), Kershaw (15), Lancaster (21), Laurens (13), Lee (1), Lexington (79), Marion (4), Marlboro (6), Newberry (2), Oconee (5), Orangeburg (28), Pickens (59), Richland (86), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (59), Sumter (46), Union (1), Williamsburg (13), York (13), Unknown (1)
The number of new probable cases are listed below.
Greenville (1), Lexington (2), Richland (2)
June 18
- (DHEC) today announced 987 new confirmed cases and nine new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and four additional confirmed deaths.
- This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 21,533, probable cases to 15, confirmed deaths to 621, and zero probable deaths. Three of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Florence (1), Kershaw (1), and Lancaster (1) counties, and one (1) death occurred in an middle-aged individual from Lancaster County. There are currently no probable deaths.
- The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (10), Anderson (14), Bamberg (3), Beaufort (48), Berkeley (24), Calhoun (1), Charleston (139), Chester (1), Chesterfield (4), Cherokee (1), Colleton (3), Clarendon (2), Darlington (4), Dillon (10), Dorchester (20), Fairfield (5), Florence (16), Georgetown (42), Greenville (169), Greenwood (1), Horry (128), Jasper (9), Kershaw (16), Lancaster (7), Laurens (10), Lee (7), Lexington (45), Marion (5), Marlboro (4), Newberry (6), Oconee (5), Orangeburg (13), Pickens (19), Richland (79), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (42), Sumter (34), Union (2), Williamsburg (7), York (29)
- The number of new probable cases are listed below. Greenville (2), Kershaw (2), Laurens (1), Lexington (1), Pickens (1), Richland (2)
- As of this morning, 3,583 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,021 are in use, which is a 70.59% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
June 17
- (DHEC) today announced 577 new confirmed cases and two new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 10 additional confirmed deaths.
-This brings the total number of people confirmed cases to 20,551, probable cases to 5, confirmed deaths to 617, and zero probable deaths.
-Nine of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Beaufort (1), Berkeley (1), Colleton (1), Greenville (1), Horry (1), Lancaster (1), Lexington (2), and York (1) counties, and one (1) death occurred in an middle-aged individual from Charleston County. There are currently no probable deaths.
-The number of new confirmed cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (6), Anderson (7), Beaufort (29), Berkeley (5), Calhoun (1), Charleston (35), Chester (2), Chesterfield (2), Cherokee (2), Colleton (2), Clarendon (6), Darlington (6), Dillon (4), Dorchester (8), Fairfield (2), Florence (22), Georgetown (22), Greenville (77), Greenwood (5), Horry (120), Jasper (1), Kershaw (10), Lancaster (11), Laurens (5), Lexington (35), Marion (5), Marlboro (4), Newberry (2), Oconee (3), Orangeburg (6), Pickens (20), Richland (57), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (22), Sumter (5), Williamsburg (7), York (19)
-The number of new probable cases are listed below.
Richland (2)
June 16
- (DHEC) today announced 595 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 5 additional deaths.
-This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 19,990 and those who have died to 607.
-Three of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Colleton (1), and Richland (1) counties, and two of the deaths occurred middle-aged individuals from Dillon (1) and Richland (1) counties.
-The number of new cases by county are listed below.
-Abbeville (3), Aiken (6), Allendale (1), Anderson (6), Bamberg (2), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (33), Berkeley (14), Calhoun (3), Charleston (63), Chester (3), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (1), Colleton (6), Darlington (6), Dorchester (10), Fairfield (2), Florence (8), Georgetown (11), Greenville (70), Greenwood (3), Horry (86) Jasper (1), Kershaw (13), Lancaster (11), Lee (2), Lexington (33), Marion (3), Marlboro (1), Newberry (1), Oconee (6), Orangeburg (19), Pickens (23), Richland (56), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (25), Sumter (15), Union (2), Williamsburg (7), York (33)
-As of this morning, 3,320 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,175 are in use, which is a 68.37% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
June 15
- (DHEC) today announced 582 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 2 additional deaths.
- This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 19,378 and those who have died to 602.
- The deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Charleston (1) and Lexington (1) counties.
- The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (3), Aiken (2), Anderson (6), Bamberg (3), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (24), Berkeley (19), Calhoun (4), Charleston (76), Cherokee (1), Chester (3), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (7), Colleton (3), Darlington (3), Dillon (1) Dorchester (11), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (3), Florence (13), Georgetown (17), Greenville (91), Greenwood (8), Horry (62), Jasper (1), Kershaw (4), Lancaster (2), Laurens (23), Lexington (30), Marion (2), Marlboro (1), Newberry (5), Oconee (6), Orangeburg (35), Pickens (7), Richland (42), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (32), Sumter (7), Union (1), Williamsburg (3), York (16)
- As of this morning, 3,536 inpatient hospital beds are available and 6,947 are in use, which is a 66.27% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
June 12
-(DHEC) today announced 770 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 5 additional deaths.
-This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 17,170 and those who have died to 593.
-All five deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Aiken (1), Charleston (1), Lexington (1), Orangeburg (1), and Richland (1) counties
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
-Aiken (5), Anderson (11), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (33), Berkeley (9), Calhoun (3), Charleston (54), Cherokee (8), Chester (1) Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (6), Colleton (12), Darlington (4), Dillon (5), Dorchester (9), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (20), Georgetown (15), Greenville (142), Greenwood (24), Horry (88), Jasper (2), Kershaw (16), Lancaster (2), Laurens (11), Lee (1), Lexington (61), Marion (3), Marlboro (6), Newberry (3), Oconee (3), Orangeburg (11), Pickens (20), Richland (73), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (44), Sumter (23), Union (1), Williamsburg (5), York (22)
-As of yesterday, a total of 272,128 tests, have been conducted in the state.
-As of this morning, 2,839 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,614 are in use, which is a 72.84% statewide hospital bed utilization rate.
June 11
-(DHEC) today announced 687 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 13 additional deaths.
-This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 16,441 and those who have died to 588.
-Ten of the 13 deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Greenville (2), Florence (1), Spartanburg (3), Fairfield (1), Colleton (2), and Greenwood (1) counties, and three in middle-aged individuals from Lexington (1), and Spartanburg (2) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
-Aiken (6), Abbeville (3), Anderson (7), Bamberg (3), Beaufort (24), Berkeley (20), Calhoun (1), Charleston (45), Chester (3), Chesterfield (7), Cherokee (1), Clarendon (9), Colleton (6), Darlington (8), Dillon (2), Dorchester (10), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (3), Florence (22), Georgetown (15), Greenville (125), Greenwood (36), Hampton (5), Horry (47), Jasper (2), Kershaw (8), Lancaster (10), Laurens (9), Lexington (52), Marion (4), Marlboro (5), Newberry (1), Oconee (6), Orangeburg (13), Pickens (14), Richland (69), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (9), Sumter (45), Williamsburg (8), York (21)
-As of yesterday, a total of 265,351 tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs).
June 10
DHEC today announced 528 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 7 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 15,759 and those who have died to 575.
Five of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Florence (1), Greenville (2), and Spartanburg (1) counties, and 2 middle-aged individuals from Greenville (1) and Newberry (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Anderson (1), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (19), Berkeley (11), Charleston (37), Cherokee (2), Chesterfield (7), Clarendon (2), Colleton (9), Darlington (3), Dillon (1), Dorchester (7), Fairfield (3), Florence (3), Georgetown (8), Greenville (145), Greenwood (1), Horry (79), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (6), Laurens (4), Lee (2), Lexington (27), Marlboro (4), Newberry (1), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (14), Richland (66), Spartanburg (11), Sumter (15), Williamsburg (1), York (22)
Testing in South Carolina
-As of yesterday, a total of 261,377 tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs).
-As of this morning, 2,809 inpatient hospital beds are available and 7,608 are in use, which is a 73.03% statewide hospital bed utilization rate. Of the 7,608 inpatient beds currently used, 513 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 31
DHEC today announced 312 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 7 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 11,861 and those who have died to 494.
All seven deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Anderson (1), Chester (1), Colleton (1), Darlington (1), Hampton (1), Marlboro (1), and York (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (2), Anderson (4), Beaufort (9), Berkeley (2), Calhoun (1), Charleston (12), Cherokee (3), Chesterfield (15), Colleton (4), Darlington (11), Dillon (3), Dorchester (2), Fairfield (2), Florence (11), Georgetown (1), Greenville (89), Greenwood (7), Hampton (1), Horry (15), Jasper (1), Kershaw (3), Lancaster (3), Lee (2), Lexington (11), Marion (1), Marlboro (10), Newberry (1), Orangeburg (9), Pickens (8), Richland (28), Spartanburg (23), Sumter (6), Williamsburg (3), York (7)
As of May 30, a total of 206,247 tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs).
Of the 6, 566 inpatient beds currently used, 402 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 30
(DHEC) today announced 420 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 4 additional deaths.
Three of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Clarendon (1) and Williamsburg (2) counties, and one of the deaths occurred in a middle-aged individual from Florence county.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (4), Anderson (1), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (2) Beaufort (16), Berkeley (3), Calhoun (3), Charleston (22), Cherokee (2), Chester (18), Chesterfield (13), Clarendon (6), Colleton (8), Darlington (8), Dillon (6), Dorchester (3), Fairfield (9), Florence (7), Georgetown (2), Greenville (69), Greenwood (7), Horry (7), Jasper (2), Kershaw (5), Lancaster (3), Laurens (2), Lee (5), Lexington (38), Marlboro (12), McCormick (1), Newberry (7), Orangeburg (14), Pickens (12), Richland (30), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (36), Sumter (13), Union (1), Williamsburg (4), York (14)
Of the 6,964 inpatient beds currently used, 387 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 29
DHEC today announced 331 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 13 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 11,131 and those who have died to 483.
Eight of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Berkeley (1), Darlington (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (2), Greenville (1), Horry (1) and Spartanburg (1) counties, and five of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Florence (1), Laurens (1), Lee (1), Saluda (1), and Williamsburg (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (2), Anderson (8), Beaufort (10), Berkeley (4), Calhoun (1), Charleston (8), Cherokee (1), Chester (3), Chesterfield (11), Clarendon (1), Colleton (6), Darlington (14), Dillon (1), Dorchester (11), Fairfield (5), Florence (16), Georgetown (3), Greenville (75), Greenwood (7), Horry (14), Kershaw (7), Lancaster (3), Laurens (2), Lee (3), Lexington (7), Marion (1), Marlboro (12), Newberry (4), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (7), Pickens (8), Richland (26), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (22), Sumter (6), Williamsburg (2), York (14)
As of May 28, a total of 194,047 total tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs). Of the 7,171 inpatient beds currently used, 399 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 28
DHEC today announced 156 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 4 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 10,788 and those who have died to 470.
The deaths occurred in 4 elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Fairfield (1), Greenville (1), and York (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (4), Anderson (3), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (3), Charleston (4), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (1), Darlington (2), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (2), Florence (10), Greenville (20), Greenwood (17), Hampton (2), Horry (3), Kershaw (4), Laurens (3), Lee (2), Lancaster (2), Lexington (8), Marlboro (4), Newberry (2), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (1), Pickens (2), Richland (26), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (6), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (1), Union (1), York (7)
As of May 27, a total of 187,788 total tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs).
May 27
DHEC today announced 207 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 20 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 10,623 and those who have died to 466.
The deaths occurred in 17 elderly individuals from Beaufort (1), Charleston (1), Colleton (2), Darlington (1), Fairfield (3), Florence (1), Horry (2), Lee (1), Orangeburg (1), Richland (3), and Spartanburg (1) counties, and three middle-aged individuals from Beaufort (1), Colleton (1), and Lee (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (3), Anderson (1), Beaufort (5), Charleston (11), Chester (4), Chesterfield (8), Clarendon (3), Darlington (4), Dillon (3), Dorchester (8), Fairfield (3), Florence (9), Greenville (21), Greenwood (12), Horry (10), Kershaw (7), Lee (1), Lancaster (2), Lexington (9), Marion (1), Marlboro (11), Newberry (1), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (9), Pickens (1), Richland (17), Spartanburg (16), Sumter (11), Williamsburg (4), Union (1), York (10)
As of May 26, a total of 181,154 total tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs). Yesterday, the monthly goal of testing 110,000 South Carolinians by May 31 was exceeded. Of the 7,081 inpatient beds currently used, 398 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 26
DHEC announced 253 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 6 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 10,416 and those who have died to 446.
Four deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Fairfield (1), Florence (1), Greenville (1), and Spartanburg (1) counties, and two deaths occurred in young adults in Greenville (1) and Lexington (1) counties. Both young adults had underlying health conditions.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (3), Anderson (3), Beaufort (9), Berkeley (1), Calhoun (1), Charleston (8), Cherokee (3), Chester (3), Chesterfield (9), Clarendon (2), Colleton (2), Darlington (8), Dillon (4), Dorchester (1), Florence (7), Georgetown (2), Greenville (46), Greenwood (10), Horry (5), Jasper (1), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (1), Laurens (1), Lee (9), Lexington (14), Marion (1), Marlboro (5), Newberry (2), Orangeburg (10), Pickens (3), Richland (21), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (36), Sumter (1), Union (3), Williamsburg (5), York (6).
May 25
DHEC today announced 90 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and five additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 10,178 and those who have died to 440.
Four deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Darlington (1), Florence (1), and Lexington (1) counties, and one death occurred in a middle-aged individual from Horry County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (5), Bamberg (1), Charleston (5), Chester (1), Chesterfield (1), Darlington (1), Dillon (1), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (4), Georgetown (9), Greenville (19), Hampton (1), Horry (1), Lee (6), Lexington (5), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (3), Richland (7), Spartanburg (5), Sumter (1), Williamsburg (5), York (4)
DHEC is working with community partners to set up mobile testing clinics that bring testing to these communities. Currently, there are 58 mobile testing events scheduled through June 26 with new testing events added regularly. Find a mobile testing clinic event near you at scdhec.gov/covid19mobileclinics.
May 24
DHEC today announced 209 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 10 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 10,096 and those who have died to 435.
Nine deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Clarendon (1), Greenville (2), Kershaw (1), Lexington (2), Spartanburg (1), Sumter (1), and Williamsburg (1) counties, and one death occurred in a middle-aged individual from Greenville County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (5), Anderson (1), Beaufort (5), Charleston (9), Cherokee (2), Chester (5), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (4), Colleton (5), Darlington (2), Dorchester (5), Florence (16), Georgetown (4), Greenville (54), Hampton (2), Horry (6), Jasper (1), Kershaw (1), Laurens (1), Lee (4), Lexington (6), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Newberry (2), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (6), Richland (14), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (21), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (5), York (6)
Of the 6,560 inpatient beds currently used, 461 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 23
DHEC today announced 248 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 6 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 9,895 and those who have died to 425.
Five deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Florence (1), Marion (1), Richland (1), and York (1) counties, and one death occurred in a middle-aged individual from Clarendon County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (22), Berkeley (3), Charleston (10), Cherokee (1), Chester (2), Chesterfield (11), Clarendon (1), Colleton (3), Darlington (2), Dillon (2), Dorchester (11), Fairfield (3), Florence (15), Georgetown (2), Greenville (30), Greenwood (3), Horry (11), Jasper (2), Kershaw (10), Lancaster (1), Lee (4), Lexington (14), Marion (3), Marlboro (18), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (12), Pickens (4), Richland (14), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (10), Sumter (4), Williamsburg (9), York (5)
May 22
DHEC today announced 245 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 3 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 9,638 and those who have died to 419.
The three deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Spartanburg (2) and Jasper (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (5), Anderson (4), Beaufort (8), Berkeley (2), Charleston (16), Cherokee (1), Chester (3), Chesterfield (10), Clarendon (1), Colleton (2), Darlington (2), Dillon (8), Dorchester (6), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (3), Florence (11), Georgetown (1), Greenville (17), Greenwood (3), Hampton (1), Horry (26), Jasper (2), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (4), Lee (4), Lexington (10), Marion (3), Marlboro (2), McCormick (1), Newberry (8), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (3), Pickens (6), Richland (28), Spartanburg (16), Sumter (8), Williamsburg (9), York (3)
May 21
(DHEC) today announced 199 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 9 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 9,379 and those who have died to 416.
Six of the nine deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Clarendon (1), Darlington (1), Horry (1), Kershaw (1), Lee (1) and Spartanburg (1) counties. Three of the nine deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Dillon (1), Florence (1), and Lee (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (1), Allendale (1), Anderson (5), Bamberg (2), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (4), Charleston (7), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (4), Colleton (2), Darlington (8), Dillon (3), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (13), Florence (13), Greenville (27), Greenwood (4), Horry (13), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (8), Lee (3), Lexington (5), Marion (1), Marlboro (8), Newberry (2), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (5), Richland (13), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (6), Sumter (7), Williamsburg (6), York (7)
Find a mobile testing clinic event near you at www.scdhec.gov/covid19testing
As of May 20, a total of 148,901 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
Of the 7,199 inpatient beds currently used, 438 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 20
Governor Henry McMaster today announced that attraction facilities will be permitted to open throughout South Carolina beginning Friday, May 22nd. The governor’s announcement comes after AccelerateSC has been meeting for nearly a month to determine the safest ways to reinvigorate the state’s economy.
The “Response” component of AccelerateSC has established exhaustive safety guidelines for businesses that have been allowed to reopen.Guidelines for attraction facilities can be found here and on the AccelerateSC website, along with guidelines for all recently re-opened businesses.
Examples of attraction facilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Zoos
- Museums
- Aquariums
- Planetariums
- Historic buildings and sites
- Waterparks
- Amusement park rides
- Go-Kart tracks
- Bingo facilities (specific guidelines can be found here)
- Miniature golf facilities
Governor McMaster also announced that youth and adult sports leagues will be allowed to begin practicing on May 30th, with competitive play resuming on June 15th. Specific guidelines, created by the “Response” component of AccelerateSC, can be found here.
While Governor McMaster never took any action prohibiting day camps, which are popular for children during the summer months, the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health and Environmental Control have established guidelines for those planning to hold camps this summer. Those guidelines can be found here.
-DHEC today announced 125 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 8 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 9,175 and those who have died to 407.
All of the eight deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Clarendon (1), Colleton (4), Fairfield (1), Lexington (1), and Richland (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (4), Anderson (3), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (2), Charleston (1), Chester (1), Chesterfield (4), Colleton (2), Darlington (5), Dillon (3), Dorchester (4), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (5), Florence (3), Georgetown (1), Greenville (14), Horry (8), Jasper (1), Kershaw (3), Lee (1), Lexington (6), Marion (2), Marlboro (3), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (3), Richland (17), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (3), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (2), York (10)
May 19
(DHEC) today announced 137 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 8 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 9,056 and those who have died to 399.
Six of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Dillon (1), Greenville (4), and Lexington (1) counties, and two of these deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Cherokee (1) and Horry (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (1), Anderson (6), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (1), Charleston (8), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (3), Darlington (8), Dillon (1), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (6), Florence (6), Greenville (31), Greenwood (1), Horry (7), Kershaw (1), Lee (4), Lexington (7), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Newberry (1), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (1), Richland (12), Spartanburg (4), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (3), York (5)
Testing sites area also listed under the map for easy viewing. View the updated map at scdhec.gov/covid19testing.
Of the 7,046 inpatient beds currently used, 444 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 135,063 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
May 18
(DHEC) today announced 126 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 6 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 8,942 and those who have died to 391.
Four of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Charleston (1), Clarendon (1), Lexington (1), and Williamsburg (1) counties, and two of these deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Clarendon (1) and Florence (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (1), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (2), Charleston (3), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (4), Colleton (4), Darlington (4), Dillon (2), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (6), Florence (16), Greenville (20), Greenwood (2), Hampton (1), Horry (1), Jasper (1), Kershaw (5), Lee (6), Lexington (2), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Newberry (2), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (1), Richland (12), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (7), Sumter (1), York (12)
For additional mobile testing clinics around the state, visit DHEC’s mobile testing clinic webpage at www.scdhec.gov/covid19mobileclinics.
May 17
(DHEC) today announced 163 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 5 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 8,816 and those who have died to 385.
Four of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Dillon (1), Horry (1), Richland (1) and Sumter (1) counties, and one death occurred in a middle-aged individual in Florence County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (4), Allendale (2), Anderson (1), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (1), Charleston (4), Chester (1), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (12), Colleton (1), Darlington (6), Dillon (5), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (2), Florence (5), Greenville (38), Horry (5), Kershaw (1), Lancaster (2), Lee (5), Lexington (9), Pickens (2), Richland (15), Saluda (8), Spartanburg (15), Sumter (8), Williamsburg (1), York (3)
DHEC’s goal is to test two percent of the population or 110,000 South Carolinians per month. We are currently on track to meet this target by the end of the month. As of today, more than 60,000 tests have been conducted for the month of May. Also, below are the mobile test sites that have reported tests performed back to us. A total of 127,802 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week.
Of the 6,583 inpatient beds currently used, 392 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 16
(DHEC) today announced 276 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and no additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 8,661 and those who have died remains 380.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (13), Allendale (1), Anderson (4), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (3), Berkeley (2), Charleston (4), Chester (1), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (3), Colleton (2), Darlington (18), Dillon (9), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (12), Florence (14), Georgetown (1), Greenville (38), Horry (10), Jasper (1), Kershaw (4), Lancaster (1), Lee (32), Lexington (10), Marion (3), Marlboro (2), Newberry (1), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (2), Richland (18), Saluda (17), Spartanburg (8), Sumter (10), Williamsburg (12), York (10).
Of the 6,799 inpatient beds currently used, 434 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 120,331 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week.
May 15
(DHEC) today announced 232 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and nine additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 8,407 and those who have died to 380.
Eight of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Cherokee (1), Clarendon (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (1), Pickens (1) and Sumter (3), counties, and one of the deaths occurred in a middle-aged individual in Clarendon County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Allendale (1), Anderson (1) Barnwell (2), Beaufort (4), Berkeley (2), Charleston (11), Chester (1), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (8), Colleton (7), Darlington (13), Dillon (2), Fairfield (12), Florence (18), Greenville (31), Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Horry (6), Kershaw (4), Lancaster (2), Laurens (7), Lee (4), Lexington (13), Marion (1), Marlboro (5), Oconee (1), Pickens (2), Richland (18), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (17), Sumter (13), Williamsburg (6), York (8)
Of the 6,970 inpatient beds currently used, 423 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 109,616 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week.
May 14
DHEC today announced 172 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and nine additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 8,189 and those who have died to 371.
Five of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Fairfield (2), Greenwood (1), Laurens (1), and Lexington (1) counties, and four of the deaths occurred in a middle-aged individual in Clarendon (2), Pickens (1) and Richland (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (4), Anderson (10), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (1), Charleston (2), Chesterfield (5), Colleton (9), Darlington (4), Dillon (9), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (12), Florence (19), Greenville (16), Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Horry (7), Lancaster (3), Laurens (3), Lee (1), Lexington (9), Marlboro (7), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (1), Richland (14), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (4), Sumter (5), Williamsburg (8), York (8)
Of the 7,077 inpatient beds currently used, 443 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 102,535 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
May 13
DHEC today announced 133 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 7 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 8,030 and those who have died to 362.
Five of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Clarendon (2), Florence (1), Lexington (1), and Richland (1) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in a middle-aged individual in Greenville (1) and Marion (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Allendale (4), Aiken (9), Anderson (2), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (1), Charleston (3), Chesterfield (4), Colleton (1), Darlington (1), Dillon (3), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (1), Florence (8), Greenville (16), Greenwood (4), Horry (4), Kershaw (3), Lancaster (1), Laurens (1), Lee (3), Lexington (15), Marlboro (2), Orangeburg (1), Pickens (3), Richland (21), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (3), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (3), York (8)
May 12
DHEC today announced 147 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 9 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 7,927 and those who have died to 355.
Eight of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Darlington (2), Florence (1), Richland (2), Spartanburg (1), and Williamsburg (2) counties, and one of the deaths occurred in a middle-aged individual in Aiken County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below. Aiken (4), Allendale (1), Anderson (3), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (2), Charleston (8), Clarendon (2), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (11), Georgetown (2), Greenville (33), Horry (2), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (4), Lee (3), Lexington (2), Marion (2), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (3), Pickens (3), Richland (23), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (5), Sumter (4), Williamsburg (4), York (15) DHEC’s COVID-19 webpage is updated daily with a map of positive cases as well as the most current recommendations for protecting against COVID-19.
May 11
DHEC today announced 140 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 15 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 7,792 and those who have died to 346.
Eleven of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Charleston (1), Clarendon (1), Florence (1), Hampton (1), Lancaster (1), Lexington (3), and Richland (3) counties, and four of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals in Fairfield (1), Florence (2), and Sumter (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (1), Allendale (1), Anderson (1), Beaufort (1), Berkeley (3), Charleston (10), Chester (3), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (2), Darlington (5), Dillon (7), Dorchester (2), Fairfield (1), Florence (21), Georgetown (1), Greenville (13), Greenwood (1), Horry (5), Kershaw (4), Lancaster (1), Laurens (1), Lee (9), Lexington (6), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Richland (19), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (3), Sumter (3), Union (1), Williamsburg (5), York (3)
May 10
DHEC today announced 113 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and one additional death.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 7,653 and those who have died to 331.
The death occurred in an elderly individual in Marion County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Allendale (1), Anderson (2), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (6), Charleston (1), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (1), Darlington (1), Dillon (7), Dorchester (1), Florence (12), Greenville (13), Hampton (1), Horry (6), Jasper (2), Lancaster (5), Laurens (1), Lee (7), Lexington (4), Marion (1), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (5), Richland (15), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (7), Sumter (1), Williamsburg (2), York (1)
A total of 84,457 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. Of the 6,354 inpatient beds currently used, 446 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 9
DHEC today announced 168 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 10 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 7,531 and those who have died to 330.
Eight deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Charleston (1), Clarendon (1), Greenville (1), Lexington (2), Richland (2), and Williamsburg (1) counties, and two deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals in Berkeley (1) and Fairfield (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (4), Anderson (4), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (1), Berkeley (1), Calhoun (1), Charleston (3), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (4), Darlington (2), Dillon (3), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (4), Florence (13), Georgetown (1), Greenville (43), Horry (5), Jasper (2), Kershaw (3), Lancaster (2), Lee (7), Lexington (9), Marion (3), Oconee (1), Pickens (4), Richland (28), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (4), Sumter (5), York (3)
A total of 80,963 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
Of the 6,514 inpatient beds currently used, 461 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 8
Gov. Henry McMaster announced in a press conference that dining rooms in restaurants will reopen on Monday, May 11. There will be guidelines for restaurants including limiting capacity to 50 percent.
DHEC) today announced 238 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 4 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 7,367 and those who have died to 320.
The four deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Clarendon (1), Florence (1), and Greenville (2) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (3), Allendale (3), Anderson (3), Barnwell (3), Beaufort (4), Berkeley (1), Charleston (16), Chester (4), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (5), Darlington (14), Dillon (6), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (2), Florence (30), Greenville (31), Greenwood (2), Horry (9), Lancaster (3), Laurens (2), Lee (12), Lexington (12), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Oconee (4), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (1), Richland (19), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (9), Sumter (4), Union (2), Williamsburg (15), York (8)
DHECestimates that as of May 4, 81 percent of individuals have recovered from the illness and 19 percent remain ill. This estimate is updated on our website every Tuesday and Friday.
Of the 6,674 inpatient beds currently used, 460 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 78,290 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
May 7
(DHEC) today announced 214 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 11 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 7,142 and those who have died to 316.
Seven of the 11 deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Darlington (1), Kershaw (2), Lexington (1), Richland (2), and Williamsburg (1) counties. Four of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Allendale (1), Fairfield (1), Richland (1) and Williamsburg (1) counties.
Of the 6,674 inpatient beds currently used, 484 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 73,442* total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. *Due to a calculating error in negative tests reported, the total number of tests has decreased from yesterday.
May 6
(DHEC) today announced 97 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 9 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,936 and those who have died to 305.
All of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Allendale (1), Charleston (1), Florence (2), Lexington (1), Richland (2), Williamsburg (1), and York (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Anderson (4), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (1), Berkeley (1), Charleston (1), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (11), Darlington (3), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (3), Fairfield (4), Florence (5), Georgetown (2), Greenville (5), Greenwood (4), Horry (2), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (3), Lee (1), Lexington (8), Orangeburg (1), Richland (14), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (2), Sumter (1), Williamsburg (6), York (2)
Of the 6,601 inpatient beds currently used, 485 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
A total of 77,482 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week.
May 5
DHEC today announced 93 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 13 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,841 and those who have died to 296.
Twelve of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Beaufort (1), Berkeley (3), Charleston (1), Richland (5), Williamsburg (1), and York (1) counties, and one death occurred in a middle-aged individual in Florence County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Allendale (3), Anderson (1), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (1), Charleston (2), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (5), Darlington (5), Fairfield (3), Florence (6), Greenville (3), Greenwood (2), Horry (6), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (1), Laurens (1), Lee (1), Lexington (11), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (3), Pickens (2), Richland (12), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (3), Sumter (7), Williamsburg (2), York (2)
Of the 6,415 beds currently used, 447 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
Today’s higher percentage of statewide hospital bed utilization is due to the inclusion of data reporting from 11 non-acute care facilities who are treating COVID-19 patients. Previously, only 67 acute hospitals reported this information.
A total of 68,766 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
May 4
DHEC today announced 135 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 8 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,757 and those who have died to 283.
Six of those deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Clarendon (1), Greenville (2), Horry (1), and Richland (2) counties, and two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Clarendon (1) and Marlboro (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Allendale (2), Bamberg (1), Berkeley (3), Charleston (8), Chesterfield (1), Cherokee (1), Clarendon (3), Darlington (4), Dillon (2), Florence (12), Georgetown (1), Greenville (30), Horry (4), Kershaw (1), Laurens (1), Lexington (12), Marion (3), Marlboro (2), McCormick (1), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (5), Pickens (1), Richland (13), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (7), Sumter (13), Williamsburg (1), York (1)
The projections currently indicate that South Carolina may see almost 1,000 new cases per week by mid-May. The total number of cases is estimated to grow to 9,652 confirmed cases on May 23.
May 3
DHEC today announced 141 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 8 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,626 and those who have died to 275.
The eight deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Berkeley (1), Clarendon (1), Greenville (1), Horry (1), Lexington (1), Richland (2), and Spartanburg (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (3), Allendale (1), Anderson (2), Barnwell (1), Berkeley (1), Charleston (2), Chester (2), Clarendon (11), Darlington (5), Dillon (5), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (26), Florence (7), Georgetown (1), Greenville (9), Greenwood (2), Horry (3), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (1), Lexington (9), Marlboro (1), Newberry (2), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (6), Richland (18), Saluda (3), Spartanburg (6), Sumter (3), Williamsburg (2), York (2)
A total of 64,188 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
Of the 6,389 beds currently used, 310 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
May 2
DHEC today announced 226 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 11 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,489 and those who have died to 267.
Nine of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Edgefield (1), Florence (1), Greenville (1), Laurens (1), Lee (1), Lexington (1), and Richland (3) counties. Two of the deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Richland (1) and Sumter (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (4), Anderson (5), Bamberg (2), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (1), Charleston (3), Chester (2), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (4), Darlington (5), Dillon (13), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (2), Fairfield (5), Florence (4), Georgetown (1), Greenville (20), Greenwood (4), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (1), Lee (2), Lexington (43), Marion (1), Marlboro (3), Newberry (1), Orangeburg (4), Richland (33), Saluda (11), Spartanburg (8), Sumter (18), Williamsburg (12), York (5)
A total of 61,616 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state. DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week. The Public Health Laboratory’s current timeframe for providing results to health care providers is 24-48 hours.
Of the 6,573 beds currently used, 370 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
Based on the available symptom onset data we have for 4,873 of the individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, DHEC estimates that as of April 30, 78 percent of individuals have recovered from the illness and 22 percent remain ill. This estimate is updated on our website every Tuesday and Friday.
May 1
DHEC today announced 160 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 12 additional deaths were reported to DHEC. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,258 and those who have died to 256.
Eleven of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Greenville (1), Clarendon (3), Florence (1), Horry (1), Orangeburg (1), Richland (1), Spartanburg (1), and Williamsburg (2) counties. One occurred in a middle-aged individual from Spartanburg (1) county.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Allendale (1), Anderson (3), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (6), Berkeley (2), Charleston (6), Chesterfield (7), Clarendon (4), Colleton (6), Darlington (4), Dillon (2), Dorchester (3), Florence (21), Greenville (11), Hampton (3), Horry (8), Jasper (2), Lancaster (3), Lee (2), Lexington (9), Marion (2), Marlboro (1), Newberry (1), Orangeburg (5), Pickens (3), Richland (16), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (6), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (9), York (5)
Gov. Henry McMaster ordered the removal of his work or home order starting Monday. McMaster also lifted a bans on outside dining, quarantines for visitors from CDC hotspots and removal of the short term rental ban for visitors from CDC hotspots.
April 30
4:12 p.m.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced 220 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 12 additional deaths were reported to DHEC. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 6,095 and those who have died to 244.
Nine of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Anderson (1), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (1), Florence (1), Greenville (2), Lexington (2), and Richland (1) counties. Three occurred in middle-aged individuals from Anderson (1), Greenville (1), and Richland (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (2), Anderson (3), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (3), Beaufort (1), Berkeley (6), Calhoun (1), Charleston (3), Cherokee (2), Chester (3), Chesterfield (3), Clarendon (9), Colleton (1), Darlington (13), Dillon (5), Dorchester (3), Fairfield (2), Florence (16), Georgetown (3), Greenville (36), Greenwood (3), Horry (4), Kershaw (3), Lancaster (3), Lee (5), Lexington (7), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Newberry (2), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (1), Richland (16), Saluda (6), Spartanburg (25), Sumter (5), Union (1), Williamsburg (2), York (13)
Of the 6,894 beds currently used, 307 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
April 29
6:25 p.m.
DHEC provided the results of a cross analysis of the deaths reported directly to the agency by medical professionals and the deaths reported to the agency on death certificates. Through this data comparison, DHEC has identified 29 additional deaths associated with COVID-19 that had not been previously reported. This brings the statewide total, today, to 232.
“As our state continues to respond to this unprecedented event, DHEC remains committed to ensuring that every South Carolinian who has died from COVID-19 is counted,” said Dr. Brannon Traxler, DHEC Physician. “This action aligns with efforts currently underway by other states and will assist us in more fully understanding the burden of this disease across the state and those populations who are most severely affected.”
The deaths of these individuals occurred over the timespan of March 25 through April 21. As such, this does not significantly affect the state’s public health actions, projections or the recommendations of DHEC.
3:37 p.m.
DHEC announced 130 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 11 additional deaths were reported to DHEC. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 5,881 and those who have died to 203.
Six of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Beaufort (1), Berkeley (1), Clarendon (2), and Greenville (2) counties. Five deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals in Clarendon (1), Florence (2), Greenville (1), and Richland (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (3), Anderson (6), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (2), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (9), Darlington (3), Dillon (3), Edgefield (3), Fairfield (1), Florence (9), Greenville (26), Greenwood (2), Kershaw (4), Lancaster (3), Lexington (9), Marlboro (1), Orangeburg (3), Richland (20), Spartanburg (5), Sumter (3), Williamsburg (4), York (9)
Of the 6,932 beds currently used, 311 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.
April 28
5:35 p.m.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced 123 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 15 additional deaths were reported to DHEC. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 5,735 and those who have died to 192.
14 of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals in Berkeley (1), Charleston (1), Clarendon (1), Darlington (1), Greenville (2), Horry (3), Lancaster (1), Lee (1), Richland (2), and Sumter (1) counties. One death occurred in a middle-aged individual in Clarendon County
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Allendale (2), Anderson (2), Barnwell (2), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (1), Charleston 4, Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (9), Darlington (3), Edgefield (1), Florence (5), Georgetown (1), Greenville (11), Greenwood (2), Horry (5), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (2), Laurens (2), Lee (3), Lexington (12), Marlboro (1), Orangeburg (4), Richland (24), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (2), Sumter (5), Williamsburg (1), York (2)
DHEC today provided an updated summary regarding cases confirmed to date as well as projections through May 16. On March 6, the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in South Carolina. The projections currently indicate that South Carolina may see almost 1,208 new cases per week by mid-May. The total number of cases is estimated to grow to 9,064 confirmed cases on May 16.
Based on the available symptom onset data we have for 4,454 individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, DHEC estimates that as of April 27, 76 percent of individuals have recovered from the illness and 24 percent remain ill. This estimate is updated on our website every Tuesday and Friday.
April 27
4:34 p.m.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced 142 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and three additional deaths were reported to DHEC. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 5,613 and those who have died to 177.
The deaths occurred in three elderly individuals from Clarendon (1), Florence (1), and Greenville (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (3), Anderson (4), Beaufort (1), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (4), Darlington (3), Dillon ( 3), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (7), Greenville (44)*, Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Horry (7), Kershaw (5), Lancaster (1), Laurens (6), Lee (4), Lexington (5), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Oconee (2), Pickens (4), Richland (5), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (6), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (4), York (5)
*A private laboratory submitted a month's history of positive test results for Greenville County residents to DHEC this weekend, causing a spike in new cases in the county. This will potentially continue to be reflected as elevated case counts for the next couple of days as DHECverifies and confirms these cases for public reporting. DHEC has contacted this lab to explain that cases of COVID-19 are urgently reportable within 24 hours to DHEC to prevent this from recurring.
April 26
DHEC today announced 237 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 8 additional deaths as reported to DHEC. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 5,490 and those who have died to 174.
The deaths occurred in six elderly individuals from Clarendon (2), Darlington (1), Greenville (2), and Richland (1) counties, and two middle-aged individuals from Colleton (1) and Greenville (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (3), Anderson (7), Bamberg (1), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (1), Charleston (10), Clarendon (8), Darlington (1), Dillon (6), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (4), Florence (24), Greenville (43), Greenwood (1), Horry (2), Jasper (2), Kershaw (3), Lancaster (3), Laurens (7), Lexington (12), Marion (3), Marlboro (2), Newberry (1), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (1), Pickens (5), Richland (50), Saluda (7), Spartanburg (7), Sumter (1), Williamsburg (11), York (4).
A total of 50,761 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
April 25
DHEC today announced 180 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 9 additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 5,253 and those who have died to 166. One previously reported death of an individual from Florence County has been confirmed and added back into the state’s total number of deaths. The deaths occurred in eight elderly individuals from Berkeley (2), Colleton (1), Florence (2*), Greenville (1), Orangeburg (1), Richland (1), and one middle-aged individual from Lee county (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (2), Barnwell (3), Beaufort (9), Berkeley (19), Charleston (8), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (9), Colleton (2), Darlington (4), Dillon (1), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (16), Georgetown (2), Greenville (6), Greenwood (2), Horry (3), Kershaw (4), Lancaster (5), Lee (3), Lexington (18), Marion (5), Marlboro (3), Orangeburg (3), Richland (20), Saluda (5), Spartanburg (5), Sumter (3), Williamsburg (7), York (4).
April 24
DHEC today announced 168 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 8 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 5,070 and those who have died to 157. One previously reported death of an individual from Florence County has been removed from the state’s total number of deaths at it’s being reviewed to confirm whether the individual’s death was related to COVID-19.
The deaths occurred in six elderly individuals from Aiken (1), Beaufort (1), Charleston (1), Dorchester (1), Greenville (1), and Kershaw (1) counties, and two middle-aged individuals from Greenville (1) and Lexington (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below. Aiken (1), Abbeville (1), Allendale (1), Anderson (3), Beaufort (3), Berkeley (10), Charleston (5), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (12), Colleton (1), Darlington (8), Dillon (6), Dorchester (1), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (34), Georgetown (1), Greenville (8), Greenwood (1), Horry (2), Jasper (2), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (1), Lee (3), Lexington (8), Marion (2), Marlboro (2), Newberry (1) Orangeburg (1), Richland (29), Saluda (4), Spartanburg (3), Sumter (2), Williamsburg (5), York (2)
April 23
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced 161 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 10 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,917 and those who have died to 150.
The deaths occurred in seven elderly individuals from Allendale (1), Fairfield (2), Lexington (2), Richland (1) and Spartanburg (1) counties, and three middle-aged individuals from Aiken (1), Anderson (1), and Richland (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (2), Allendale (1), Anderson (3), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (10), Charleston (7), Chester (1), Chesterfield (2), Clarendon (12), Darlington (8), Dillon (5), Fairfield (1), Florence (19), Georgetown (1), Greenville (22), Horry (6), Kershaw (2), Lee (3), Lexington (8), Marlboro (1), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (3), Richland (11), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (8), Sumter (1), Williamsburg (6), York (6)
April 22
5:00 p.m.
DHEC today announced 160 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and five additional deaths.This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,761 and those who have died to 140.
Three deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Berkeley (1), Clarendon (1), and Richland (1) counties. Two deaths occurred in middle-aged individuals from Greenville (1) and Spartanburg (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (4), Aiken (12), Anderson (3), Barnwell (2), Beaufort (3), Berkeley (1), Charleston (3), Clarendon (11), Darlington (7), Edgefield (4), Florence (15), Georgetown (2), Greenville (19), Greenwood (1), Horry (3), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (1), Lexington (5), Marion (3), Marlboro (2), Orangeburg (2), Richland (34), Saluda (6), Spartanburg (2), Sumter (8), Williamsburg (1), York (4)
11:15 a.m.
-Gov. Henry McMaster announces with State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman that schools will remain closed through the school year.
April 21
4:41 p.m.
DHEC today announced 172 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 11 additional deaths.This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,608 and those who have died to 135.
The deaths occurred in elderly individuals from the following Counties: Beaufort (3), Berkeley (2), Charleston (2), Clarendon (1), Colleton (1), Greenville (1), and Spartanburg (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (1), Anderson (2), Beaufort (8), Berkeley (4), Charleston (12), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (6), Darlington (8), Dillon (1), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (5), Fairfield (1), Florence (15), Greenville (17), Greenwood (3), Horry (3), Kershaw (2), Lexington (12), Marion (4), Newberry (2), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (5), Pickens (3), Richland (30), Spartanburg (5), Sumter (14), York (3).
April 20
4:35 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 64 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 4 additional deaths.This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,439 and those who have died to 124.
Of those four deaths, one was an elderly individual with underlying health conditions from Lancaster County (1); one was an elderly individual, with no known underlying conditions, from Kershaw County (1); one was a middle-aged individual with underlying health conditions from Edgefield County (1); and one was a middle-aged individual, with no known underlying health conditions, from Clarendon County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (1), Anderson (2), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (1), Charleston (2), Cherokee (1), Clarendon (8),
Darlington (5), Dillon (2), Florence (4), Greenville (5), Horry (1), Kershaw (3), Lexington (4), Marlboro (1), Orangeburg (1), Richland (4), Spartanburg (7), Sumter (3), Williamsburg (4), York (4)
-Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order that allows local governments to determine whether they'll reopen public beach access. He also announced accelerateSC, the coordinated COVID-19 advisory team to consider and recommend economic revitalization plans for South Carolina.
April 19
3:37 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 136 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and one additional death.This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,377 and those who have died to 120.
The death occurred in a middle-aged individual with no known underlying health conditions who was from Jasper County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below. Abbeville (2), Aiken (2), Anderson (2), Beaufort (6), Berkeley (8), Charleston (5), Chester (1), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (3), Darlington (6), Dillion (3), Dorchester (4), Edgefield (1), Florence (22), Georgetown (1), Greenville (5), Greenwood (2), Horry (9), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (6), Laurens (1), Lee (2), Lexington (3), Marion (2), Marlboro (3), Orangeburg (2),Pickens (1), Richland (25), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (2), Williamsburg (1), York (1)
-Total negative tests: 36,103
April 18
3:30 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 165 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 3 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,246 and those who have died to 119.
Of those 3 deaths, two were elderly individuals with underlying health conditions from Horry County (2). One was a middle-aged individual with no known underlying health conditions who was from Aiken County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (5), Aiken (1), Anderson (7), Beaufort (6), Berkeley (2), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (3), Colleton (2), Darlington (7), Dillion (6), Dorchester (2), Edgefield (1), Florence (7), Greenville (38), Greenwood (2), Hampton (2), Horry (8), Jasper (1), Kershaw (5), Lexington (17), McCormick (1), Oconee (2), Pickens (2), Richland (15), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (7), Sumter (5), Williamsburg (1), York (5)
April 17
4:50 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 163 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 7 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 4,086 and those who have died to 116.
Of those 7 deaths, three were elderly individuals with underlying health conditions from Florence (1), Richland (1), and Lexington (1) counties. Three were elderly individuals with no reported underlying conditions from Berkeley (1), Lee (1), and Horry (1) counties. One was a middle-aged individual with no reported underlying health conditions from Sumter County (1).
12:00 p.m.
Public boat ramps are reopened, per Gov. McMaster's executive order.
April 16
5 p.m.
-Gov. Henry McMaster ordered public boat ramps to reopen as a small step toward returning to normalcy. S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources said only two people are allowed per boat unless they are immediate family. More information here.
-DHEC announced 276 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 2 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,931 and those who have died to 109. Both deaths occurred in elderly individuals with no known underlying health conditions who were from Lee County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below. Aiken (3), Anderson (7), Beaufort (3), Berkeley (16), Charleston (23), Cherokee (3), Chesterfield (1) Clarendon (6), Darlington (5), Dillon (3), Dorchester (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (16),Georgetown (1), Greenville (33), Greenwood (12), Hampton (3), Horry (5), Kershaw (4), Laurens (4), Lee (1), Lancaster (2), Lexington (52), Marlboro (4), McCormick (1), Newberry (6), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (2), Richland (29), Spartanburg (8), Sumter (7), York (12).
-Total negative tests: 32,353
April 15
3:03 p.m.
DHEC today announced 105 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 10 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,656 and those who have died to 107.
Of those 10 deaths, seven were elderly individuals with underlying health conditions from Colleton (1), Georgetown (1), Greenville (1), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (1), and Spartanburg (1) counties; one was an elderly individual from McCormick County (1) whose health conditions are still under investigation; and two were middle-aged individuals with underlying health conditions from Richland (1) and Sumter (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Anderson (3), Beaufort (7), Berkeley (3), Charleston (7), Chester (2), Chesterfield (1) Clarendon (1), Colleton (3), Dillon (2), Dorchester (5), Edgefield (1), Florence (5), Greenville (27), Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Lee (1), Lancaster (1), Lexington (10), Newberry (1), Richland (13), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (1), Sumter (5), Williamsburg (2)
Total negative tests: 31,077
April 14
-DHEC today announced 115 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and 10 additional deaths.This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,553 and those who have died to 97.
Of those 10 deaths, eight were elderly individuals with underlying health conditions from Aiken (1), Berkeley (2), Clarendon (2), Lancaster (1), Lexington (2) counties; one was an elderly individual, with the presence of underlying conditions still under investigation, from Richland County (1); and one was a middle-aged individual with underlying health conditions from Horry County (1).
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (9), Anderson (2), Beaufort (4), Berkeley (8), Charleston (2), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (3), Colleton (1), Darlington (1), Fairfield (1), Florence (3), Georgetown (2), Greenville (27), Hampton (2), Horry (4), Jasper (2), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (1), Lee (2), Lexington (2), Marion (2), McCormick (1), Newberry (2), Orangeburg (1), Pickens (3), Richland (11), Spartanburg (2), Sumter (4), Williamsburg (1), York (2).
April 13
5:29 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 127 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and five additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,439, and those who have died to 87.
All five additional deaths occurred in elderly individuals with underlying health conditions and were residents of Aiken (1), Beaufort (1), Greenville (2), and Kershaw (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (1), Anderson (3), Berkeley (7), Charleston (12), Chester (1), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (1), Colleton (1), Darlington (4), Dorchester (2), Fairfield (2), Florence (7), Greenville (7), Greenwood (1), Hampton (2), Horry (13), Jasper (1), Kershaw (2), Lancaster (1), Lee (2), Marlboro (1), Pickens (3), Richland (30), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (14), Sumter (4), Union (1), York (2).
Total negative tests: 29,325
April 12
3:32 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 113 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including two additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,319, and those who have died to 82.
One death occurred in an elderly individual with underlying health conditions who was a resident of Charleston County. There was a death that occurred in a middle-aged individual with underlying health conditions who was a resident of Greenville County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Allendale (1), Anderson (4), Beaufort (3), Berkeley (16), Charleston (8), Chester (1), Colleton (1), Darlington (2), Dillion (2), Dorchester (4), Florence (6), Greenville (14), Hampton (1), Horry (2), Kershaw (1), Lancaster (3), Laurens (1), Lee (2), Lexington (10), Marion (1), Marlboro (1), Oconee (1), Richland (15), Spartanburg (4), Sumter (2), York (7).
A total of 31,426 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
April 11
3:33 p.m.
-DHEC today announced 144 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including eight additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,207, and those who have died to 80.
The additional deaths occurred in five elderly individuals with underlying health conditions who were residents of Beaufort, Clarendon, Florence, Kershaw, and York counties. There were two deaths that occurred in middle-aged individuals with underlying health conditions who were residents of Greenville and Sumter counties. There was one death of an elderly individual that is still under investigation for any underlying conditions who was a resident of Dorchester county.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (2), Aiken (2), Anderson (2), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (5), Charleston (3), Chester (1), Clarendon (5), Darlington (4), Dorchester (2), Fairfield (3), Florence (2), Georgetown (4), Greenville (17), Greenwood (1), Horry (8), Kershaw (1), Lancaster (1), Laurens (2), Lexington (18), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Oconee (1), Pickens (1), Richland (27), Spartanburg (20), Sumter (4), Union (2), York (2).
A total of 28,183 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state.
April 10
4:00 p.m.
-DHEC announced 274 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including five additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 3,065, and those who have died to 72.
The additional deaths occurred in three middle-aged individuals with underlying health conditions who were residents of Berkley, Florence, and Greenville counties. There were two deaths that occurred in elderly patients with underlying health conditions who were residents of Greenville County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Aiken (6), Allendale (2), Anderson (4), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (2), Berkeley (6), Charleston (15), Cherokee (3), Chester (1), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (5), Darlington (2), Dillion (2), Dorchester (7), Edgefield (4) Fairfield (1), Florence (11), Georgetown (3), Greenville (54), Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Horry (18), Kershaw (7), Lancaster (10), Laurens (2), Lee (3), Lexington (23), Marlboro (1), Newberry (2), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (5), Richland (35), Spartanburg (11), Sumter (16), Union (1), Williamsburg (1), York (5).
A total of 28,183 total tests by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs have been conducted in the state
April 9
4:18 p.m.
DHEC announced 241 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including four additional deaths.
This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 2,792, and those who have died to 67.
The additional deaths occurred in four elderly patients with underlying health conditions. The elderly individuals were residents from Anderson (1), Beaufort (1), Lexington (1), and Lee (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (10), Anderson (11), Barnwell (1), Beaufort (10), Berkeley (5), Calhoun (1), Charleston (5), Cherokee (1), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (3), Colleton (3), Darlington (3), Dillion (2), Dorchester (4), Fairfield (1), Florence (6), Georgetown (1), Greenville (31), Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Horry (8), Kershaw (5), Lancaster (3), Laurens (1), Lee (2), Lexington (33), McCormick (1), Newberry (2), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (4), Pickens (1), Richland (45), Saluda (2), Spartanburg (13), Sumter (9), Union (3), Williamsburg (1), York (5).
-Total negative tests: 23,504
April 8
3:31 p.m.
DHEC today announced 139 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including 12 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 2,552, and those who have died to 63.
The additional deaths occurred in 10 elderly and two middle-aged patients with underlying health conditions. The elderly individuals were residents from Horry (1), Kershaw (1), Laurens (1), McCormick (1), Newberry (1), Richland (2), and Spartanburg (3) counties. The middle-aged individuals were residents from Clarendon (1) and Richland (1) counties.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (1), Aiken (4), Anderson (10), Beaufort (5), Berkeley (1), Charleston (3), Chester (1), Chesterfield (4), Clarendon (4), Colleton (2), Dorchester (3), Florence (2), Georgetown (2), Greenville (9), Greenwood (2), Horry (7), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (2), Laurens (2), Lee (3), Marlboro (2), Newberry (2), Oconee (2), Orangeburg (1), Richland (32), Spartanburg (6), Sumter (12), Union (1), Williamsburg (1), York (7).
8:30 a.m.
South Carolina Dept. of Employment and Workforce announces 85,000 South Carolinians applied for unemployment insurance benefits for the week ending April 4. A new state record.
April 7
4:11 p.m.
DHEC announced 187 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including three additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 2,417, and those who have died to 51. The additional deaths occurred in patients who were elderly with underlying health conditions. The individuals were residents from Greenville (1) and Lexington (2) counties. The number of new cases by county are listed below: Aiken (1), Anderson (3), Bamberg (1), Beaufort (6), Berkeley (3), Charleston (5), Chester (1), Chesterfield (1), Clarendon (10), Darlington (2), Fairfield (1), Florence (6), Georgetown (1), Greenville (10), Greenwood (1), Hampton (1), Horry (15), Jasper (1), Kershaw (7), Lancaster (3), Lee (1), Lexington (6), Marion (1), Marlboro (2), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (2), Pickens (1), Richland (29), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (32), Sumter (15), Union (3), Williamsburg (1), York (13).
-Total negative tests: 21,263
April 6
4:30 p.m.
-Gov. Henry McMaster issues a work or home order that permits travel for commuting to work, visiting family, and obtaining essential goods or services. The order will not impact any individual’s ability to exercise outdoors or go for a walk as a family. The order also implements social distancing guidelines for essential businesses that remain open. All retail business still operating must limit customer activity by only allowing five customers per 1000 square feet or 20% of their posted capacity in a store, whichever is less. The order takes effect Tuesday at 5 p.m.
DHEC today announced 183 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including four additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 2,232, and those who have died to 48. The additional deaths occurred in patients who were elderly with underlying health conditions. The individuals were residents from Anderson, Horry, Richland, and Spartanburg counties.
Positive cases by county: Richland 311, Charleston 300, Greenville 204, Beaufort 163, Kershaw 152, Lexington 124, York 95, Sumter 90, Spartanburg 88, Horry 76, Anderson 72, Clarendon 58, Berkeley 52, Dorchester 52, Lancaster 43, Florence 39, Orangeburg 28, Aiken 27, Darlington 27, Georgetown 21, Pickens 20, Lee 18, Fairfield 16, Chesterfield 15, Chester 14, Union 12, Greenwood 11, Williamsburg 11, Jasper 11, Colleton 10, Oconee 8, Newberry 7, Abbeville 6, Edgefield 6, Laurens 6, Marlboro 6, Bamberg 5, Calhoun 5, Cherokee 4, Marion 4, Saluda 4, Barnwell 3, Hampton 3, Allendale 2, McCormick 2, Dillon 1,
Total negative tests: 19,152
April 5
3:33 p.m.
-DHEC announced 132 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including four additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 2,049, and those who have died to 44. Two of the three elderly patients were known to have underlying health conditions, and one is under investigation. One patient was a middle-aged individual who had underlying health conditions. The residents were from Clarendon, Horry, Beaufort and Lee counties.
Positive cases by county: Abbeville 6, Aiken 27, Allendale 2, Anderson 69, Bamberg 5, Barnwell 3, Beaufort 156, Berkeley 46, Calhoun 5, Charleston 274, Cherokee 2, Chester 12, Chesterfield 13, Clarendon 54, Colleton 8, Darlington 19, Dillon 1, Dorchester 44, Edgefield 6, Fairfield 14, Florence 36, Georgetown 18, Greenville 186, Greenwood 10, Hampton 2, Horry 64, Jasper 9, Kershaw 148, Lancaster 41, Laurens 6, Lee 17, Lexington 117, Marion 2, Marlboro 3, McCormick 1, Newberry 7, Oconee 8, Orangeburg 27, Pickens 18, Richland 298, Saluda 4, Spartanburg 75, Sumter 80, Union 11, Williamsburg 10, York 85.
April 4
4:04 p.m.
-DHEC announced 217 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, including six additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 1,917, and those who have died to 40. These additional deaths occurred in six individuals who were elderly and also had underlying health conditions. Two were residents of Lexington County, and the other individuals were residents of Beaufort, Georgetown, Richland, and York counties.
April 3
5:03 p.m.
DHEC is reporting 147 additional cases of COVID-19. As of today, the total number statewide is 1,700 cases in all 46 counties*. DHEC announced three additional deaths related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the state’s total number of deaths to 34. The three patients were elderly individuals who also had underlying health conditions. Two were residents of Richland County and one of Greenville County.
4:45 p.m.
Gov. McMaster announced the closure of additional non-essential businesses during a press conference. These businesses are to close by Monday, April 6 at 5 p.m. Another order prohibited short-term rentals and hotel rooms to people from CDC-designated hotspots such as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and New Orleans.
8:30 a.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster ordered DHEC to release zip code based COVID-19 case counts. He announced the move on Twitter, "Starting today, I have directed @scdhec to publicly disclose the up-to-date numbers of confirmed #covid19 cases by local zip code. In addition they will provide the estimated number of residents who are likely infected and untested within that same zip code. Providing this non-identifying information violates no state or federal privacy laws and is in the public’s interest. It is my hope this disclosure will reinforce to South Carolinians the seriousness and dire necessity of staying home to prevent the spread of #covid19"
April 2
4:06 p.m.
DHEC announced 261 new cases and COVID-19 in every county. Abbeville 2 • Aiken 4 • Anderson 10 • Bamberg 1 • Beaufort 29 • Berkeley 15 • Charleston 41 • Cherokee 1 • Chester 3 • Chesterfield 1 • Clarendon 3 • Colleton 1 • Darlington 4 • Dorchester 8 • Fairfield 1 • Florence 5 • Georgetown 1 • Greenville 25 • Greenwood 2 • Hampton 1 • Horry 8 • Jasper 3 • Kershaw 13 • Lancaster 9 • Lee 3 • Lexington 9 • Marlboro 1 • McCormick 1 • Newberry 2 • Pickens 1 • Richland 24 • Saluda 1 • Spartanburg 5 • Sumter 18 • Union 2 • Williamsburg 3
The agency also announced five additional deaths related to COVID-19. The deaths occurred in elderly individuals who all had underlying health conditions. Two were residents of Florence County, one of Anderson County, one Horry County, and one of Sumter County. This brings the total number of deaths in the state to 31.
8:30 a.m.
-S.C. Dept. of Employment and Workforce announces. 64,856 South Carolinians filed for unemployment insurance benefits between March 22-28, per @SCDEWinfo. This is in addition to the 31,054 who filed the week before.
-The U.S. Dept. of Labor announced that for the week ending March 28, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 6,648,000, an increase of 3,341,000 from the previous week's revised level. This marks the highest level of seasonally adjusted initial claims in the history of the seasonally adjusted series.
April 1
4:00 p.m.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control announced four additional deaths related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the state’s total number of deaths to 26. The four patients were elderly individuals who also had underlying health conditions. They were residents of Anderson, Beaufort, Lee, and Richland counties.
DHEC also is reporting 210 additional cases of COVID-19. As of today, the total number statewide is 1,293 cases in 43 counties. Aiken 5 Allendale 1 Anderson 8 Bamberg 2 Barnwell 1 Beaufort 10 Berkeley 3 Charleston 48 Chester 1 Chesterfield 3 Clarendon 3 Dorchester 10 Edgefield 2 Fairfield 1 Florence 2 Georgetown 1 Greenville 23 Greenwood 1 Horry 5 Jasper 1 Kershaw 11 Lancaster 2 Laurens 1 Lexington 7 Orangeburg 2 Richland 28 Spartanburg 8 Sumter 9 Williamsburg 1 York 10.
-Case Breakdown, (n=1,293):
Age: Under 10, 1%; 11-20, 4%; 21-30, 17%; 31-40, 14%; 41-50, 14%; 51-60, 17%; 61-70, 18%; 71-80, 10%; 81+, 6%. Average age: 50; median age: 51; range: less than 1 month-100 years old.
50% female, 47% male, 3% unknown.
Race (n=1,002): 56% white, 36% black, 3% other, 3% unknown, 1% Asian, American Indian.
Hospitalizations at time of illnes (n=896): 73% no, 27% yes.
March 31
4:30 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order that closes non-essential businesses in the state beginning April 1.
DHEC reports 158 new COVID-19 cases in South Carolina in the following counties: Abbeville 1 Aiken 4 Anderson 8 Bamberg 2 Beaufort 17 Berkeley 1 Calhoun 1 Charleston 19 Clarendon 7 Dorchester 5 Fairfield 1 Florence 4 Georgetown 2 Greenville 18 Greenwood 2 Horry 5 Kershaw 6 Lancaster 1 Lexington 13 Oconee 1 Orangeburg 1 Pickens 1 Richland 13 Spartanburg 7 Sumter 5 York 13.
March 30
4:30 p.m.
Additionally, DHEC is reporting 151 additional cases of COVID-19 today. As of today, the total number statewide is 925 cases in 41 counties. The number of new cases by county are as follows: • Anderson 2 • Barnwell 1 • Beaufort 24 • Charleston 6 • Chesterfield 2 • Clarendon 2 • Colleton 1 • Darlington 1 • Dorchester 2 • Fairfield 1 • Florence 1 • Georgetown 1 • Greenville 17 • Horry 1 • Kershaw 16 • Lancaster 1 • Lexington 6 • Marion 1 • Orangeburg 5 • Pickens 2 • Richland 40 • Spartanburg 5 • Sumter 4 • Union 2 • York 7.
DHEC announced two additional deaths related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the state’s total number of deaths to 18. One patient was an elderly individual from Beaufort County who had underlying health conditions. The other patient was an elderly individual from Anderson County with underlying health conditions.
March 29
3:30 p.m.
DHEC announces one additional death related to COVID-19 and 113 new cases: Aiken 2, Anderson 5, Beaufort 11, Calhoun 1, Charleston 8 , Clarendon 9, Darlington 2, Edgefield 1, Florence 1, Georgetown 4, Greenville 14, Horry 3, Kershaw 5, Lancaster 4, Laurens 1, Lexington 5, Marlboro 1, Oconee 1, Orangeburg 2, Pickens 1, Richland 17, Spartanburg 4, Sumter 6, York 5.
March 28
4:11 p.m.
DHEC reports 121 new cases and two deaths. Both patients were elderly individuals who had underlying health conditions. One patient was a resident of Richland County and one of Horry County. New cases by county: Aiken 1, Anderson 4, Beaufort 4, Berkeley 3, Charleston 16, Chester 1, Clarendon 1, Colleton 2, Dorchester 1, Florence 1, Georgetown 3, Greenville 6, Greenwood 1, Horry 4, Kershaw 7, Lancaster 1, Laurens 2, Lee 3, Lexington 5, Newberry 1, Orangeburg 2, Pickens 3, Richland 16, Spartanburg 5, Sumter 14, Williamsburg 1, York 13.
Gov. Henry McMaster extends his state of emergency order.
March 27
4:30 p.m.
-DHEC announces 86 new COVID-19 cases and four deaths in South Carolina. Charleston 92, Kershaw 70, Richland 65, Greenville 51, Beaufort 35, Lexington 25, Horry 24, Anderson 20, York 18, Orangeburg 12, Florence 11, Sumter 10, Spartanburg 16, Berkeley 10, Darlington 8, Lancaster 8, Pickens 7, Clarendon 6, Abbeville 4, Aiken 4, Dorchester 4, Fairfield 4, Chesterfield 3, Georgetown 3, Jasper 3, Greenwood 2, Lee 2, Oconee 2, Calhoun 1, Chester 1, Colleton 1, Dillon 1, Edgefield 1, Marion 1, Marlboro 1, Newberry 1, Saluda 1, Union 1, Williamsburg 1.
In his press conference, Gov. Henry McMaster announced a new executive order that would require visitors from "hot spots" Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and the City of New Orleans to quarantine for 14 days upon arriving in South Carolina.
March 26
4:30 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster says there is no shelter in place order for South Carolina at this time. So far only the City of Charleston and the City of Columbia have passed such ordinances.
DHEC is investigating 32 additional cases of COVID-19. This brings the total number statewide to 456 cases in 39 counties. Kershaw 64, Charleston 60, Richland 60, Greenville 51, Beaufort 29, Anderson 21, Horry 21, Lexington 20, York 19, Orangeburg 11, Sumter 10, Spartanburg 9, Berkeley 8, Darlington 8, Lancaster 7, Pickens 6, Clarendon 5, Florence 5, Abbeville 4, Aiken 4, Dorchester 4, Fairfield 4, Chesterfield 3, Georgetown 3, Jasper 3, Greenwood 2, Lee 2, Oconee 2, Calhoun 1, Chester 1, Colleton 1, Dillon 1, Edgefield 1, Marion 1, Marlboro 1, Newberry 1, Saluda 1, Union 1, Williamsburg 1.
DHEC says they have a backlog of 1,600 tests.
8:54 a.m.
Dept. of Employment and Workforce announced that South Carolina unemployment insurance claims for the week ending March 21 were 31,054--a 1600% increase from the week before.
8:30 a.m.
The U.S. Dept. of Labor announced unemployment claims surged to 3.3 million, a record. DOL said, "States continued to cite services industries broadly, particularly accommodation and food services. Additional industries heavily cited for the increases included the health care and social assistance, arts, entertainment and recreation, transportation and warehousing, and manufacturing industries."
March 25
3:52 p.m.
DHEC is investigating 82 additional cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the total number statewide to 424 cases in 39 counties: Kershaw 63, Richland 59, Charleston 52, Greenville 50, Beaufort 26, Horry 20, Anderson 19, Lexington 18, York 18, Sumter 10, Orangeburg 9, Spartanburg 9, Darlington 8, Lancaster 6, Pickens 6, Berkeley 5, Clarendon 5, Florence 5 , Dorchester 4, Abbeville 3, Chesterfield 3, Fairfield 3, Aiken 2 , Georgetown 2, Greenwood 2, Jasper 2, Lee 2, Oconee 2, Calhoun 1, Chester 1, Colleton 1, Dillon 1, Edgefield 1, Marion 1, Marlboro 1, Newberry 1, Saluda 1, Union 1, Williamsburg 1.
DHEC also released projections that find there could be 2,657 cumulative cases by April 2 and 8,053 cases by May 2, however, projected data is estimated and may change significantly due to various factors. More information on those projections and a breakdown of people who have been affected by the virus can be found here.
1:52 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster tweeted, "Today I am requesting all out of state visitors to South Carolina planning a stay of two or more nights self quarantine for two weeks immediately upon arrival."
March 24
7:33 p.m.
-DHEC announces two COVID-19 related deaths. One patient was an elderly person from Florence County who had underlying health conditions. The second patient was an elderly person from Horry County with no underlying health conditions. After further investigation, an individual who passed away and was reported as residing in Kershaw County has been determined to have a Sumter County residence.
4:13 p.m.
-DHEC is investigating 44 additional cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the total number statewide to 342 cases in 36 counties.
The latest cases as of Monday: Kershaw 58, Richland 45, Greenville 39, Charleston 36, Beaufort 22, Horry 19, Lexington 19, Anderson 16, York 11, Darlington 8, Orangeburg 8, Sumter 8, Lancaster 7, Clarendon 5, Florence 5, Berkeley 4, Spartanburg 4, Dorchester 3, Aiken 2, Fairfield 2, Georgetown 2, Greenwood 2, Jasper 2, Lee 2, Oconee 2, Abbeville 1, Calhoun 1, Chester 1, Chesterfield 1, Colleton 1, Dillon 1, Edgefield 1, Marlboro 1, Newberry 1, Pickens 1, Saluda 1.
3:01 p.m.
-Gov. Henry McMaster and State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman announce schools will remain closed through April. “At this time, students, parents, and families should plan for South Carolina’s schools to remain closed through the month of April. Our dedicated teachers and school administrators have done a tremendous job in making it possible for our students to learn at home. We understand that the prospect of schools remaining closed for an extended period of time places stress and strain on parents and children. Rest assured, if there is any way to safely open our schools earlier, we will do that, but schools must remain closed to protect the health and safety of South Carolinians.”
March 23
4:30 p.m.
DHEC reports 298 cases of COVID-19 in 34 South Carolina counties. The latest cases as of Monday from Sunday: Kershaw 54 (+10), Richland 33 (+14), Greenville 31 (+12), Charleston 30 (+17), Beaufort 21 (+7), Lexington 17 (+5), Horry 16 (+5), Anderson 15 (+5), Orangeburg 8 (+5), Darlington 7 (+2), Lancaster 7 (+2), York 7 (+3), Berkeley 4 (+2), Clarendon 4 (+3), Sumter 4 (+1), Florence 3 (+2), Greenwood 3, Spartanburg 3 (+1), Dorchester 2 (+1), Fairfield 2 (+1), Georgetown 2 (New), Lee 2 (+1), Abbeville 1, Aiken 1, Calhoun 1, Chester 1 (New), Edgefield 1, Marlboro 1, Newberry 1, Oconee 1 (New), Saluda 1.
Gov. Henry McMaster said he has issued an executive order that gives law enforcement officials around the state to break up gatherings of more than three people. This measure is at the discretion of law enforcement and is not meant to apply to families going for a walk, lawful business operation or inside of people's homes. It is a tool law enforcement can use to break up crowds in places like the beach or parks in an effort to limit the potential spread of COVID-19.
There is no shelter in place order.
3:22 p.m.
DHEC reports two additional deaths. One patient was an elderly person from Clarendon County, who had underlying health conditions. The second patient was an elderly person from Kershaw County who also had underlying health conditions. Daily prevention measures include disease prevention measures and following recommendations for social distancing to protect the health and safety of all South Carolinians. This includes: social distancing when all possible, staying home if you’re sick and contacting your health care provider, washing your hands often, covering your cough, regularly and effective cleaning commonly touched surfaces.
March 22
3:33 p.m.
-DHEC reports 195 cases of COVID-19 in 33 South Carolina counties. The latest cases as of Sunday from Saturday: Kershaw 44 (+8), Richland 29 (+7), Greenville 19 (+7), Beaufort 14 (+6), Charleston 13 (+8), Lexington 12 (+4), Horry 11 (+3), Anderson 10 (+4), Darlington 5 (+4), Lancaster 5 (+2), York 4 (+3), Greenwood 3, Orangeburg 3 (+1), Sumter 3 (+2), Berkeley 2 (New), Spartanburg 2 (+1), Abbeville 1, Aiken 1, Calhoun 1, Clarendon 1 , Dorchester 1, Edgefield 1 (New), Fairfield 1, Florence 1, Lee 1, Marlboro 1 (New), Newberry 1 (New), Saluda 1. Map
March 21
4:36 p.m.
DHEC reports 173 cases in 30 counties: (Increase from Friday) Kershaw 43 (+7), Richland 27 (+5), Greenville 17 (+5), Beaufort 13 (+5), Lexington 12 (+4), Anderson 10 (+4), Charleston 9 (+5), Horry 9 (+1), Greenwood 3 (New) Lancaster 3, Orangeburg 3 (+1), Sumter 3 (+2), Darlington 2 (+1), Spartanburg 2 (+1), York 2 (+1), Abbeville 1, Aiken 1, Berkeley 1, Calhoun 1, Clarendon 1, Colleton 1 (New), Dillon 1 (New), Dorchester 1, Edgefield 1, Fairfield 1, Florence 1, Saluda 1.
1,466 tests have been conducted at the state lab.
3:32 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster issues an Executive Order that "directs the Department of Revenue to waive additional regulations in order to allow restaurants to include sealed containers of beer and wine for curbside pickup or “to-go” orders only.”
No shelter in place order is expected according to McMaster.
March 20
7:02 p.m.
DHEC has reported the state’s second and third deaths related to COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the state’s total number of deaths to three.
One patient was an elderly person with an underlying health condition from Florence County. The other patient was an elderly person with an underlying health condition from Charleston County and was a resident of Harmony Assisted Living Facility. DHEC is working with the facility to identify all contacts and is providing guidance about infection control measures to prevent spread.
"Sadly, our state has suffered the loss of two of our own,” said Dr. Linda Bell, State Epidemiologist. “In the case of both deaths, the patients had recently been reported to have been diagnosed with COVID-19. On behalf of all South Carolinians, we want to express our deepest sympathy for the families and loved ones of these two individuals.”
4:04 p.m.
DHEC announces 45 new cases totaling 124 in 25 counties. The latest cases as of Friday from Thursday: Kershaw 36 (+7), Richland 22 (+14), Greenville 12 (+5), Beaufort 8 (+3), Horry 8 (+2), Lexington 8 (+3), Anderson 6 (+3), Charleston 5, Lancaster 3 (+1), Orangeburg 2 (New), Abbeville 1, Aiken 1 (New), Calhoun 1, Clarendon 1 (New), Darlington 1 (New), Dorchester 1, Fairfield 1, Florence 1 (New), Lee 1, Pickens 1 (New), Saluda 1, Spartanburg 1, Sumter 1 (New), York 1.
2:16 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster tweeted, "A state of emergency exists in South Carolina to prevent the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. To save lives, I have directed SLED and local law enforcement to disperse crowds gathered on our state’s beaches. Coastal residents can responsibly maintain social distance while enjoying our state’s beaches."
11:33 a.m.
Watch/read White House coronavirus taskforce press conference.
8:40 a.m.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved Governor Henry McMaster’s request for the agency to offer South Carolina’s small businesses with disaster assistance. Governor McMaster requested the disaster declaration in a March 17 letter to SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza.
The disaster declaration means that South Carolina’s small businesses that have suffered substantial economic injury as a result of the COVID-19 virus may qualify for low-interest federal disaster loans. All 46 counties are included in the disaster declaration.
March 19
4:50 p.m.
Current cases by county on Thursday from Wednesday: Kershaw 29 (+4), Richland 8 (+4), Beaufort 7 (+1), Greenville 7 (+4), Horry 6 (+1), Charleston 5 (+1), Lexington 5 (+1), Anderson 3 (+1), Lancaster 3 (+1), Abbeville 1 (New), Calhoun 1, Dorchester 1 (New), Fairfield 1, Lee 1, Saluda 1 (New), Spartanburg 1, York 1.
Gov. Henry McMaster issues an executive order that orders: Each public university, college, and technical college president will, at their discretion, determine essential employees & allow non-essential employees to work from home, and in all cases, to allow students to continue coursework online for the semester, Department of Employment and Workforce to waive regulations to allow unemployment claims to be expedited by at least one week, unemployment insurance payments are suspended for employers until June 1, procurement regulations are temporarily suspended to allow state agencies to rapidly acquire resources to combat the COVID-19 virus, DHEC will temporarily suspend enforcement of Certificate of Need regulations necessary to expedite treatment for the virus
3:30 p.m.
The U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service issue guidance on delaying tax payments until July 15 2020. You still need to file a return or request a filing extension by April 15. No additional filing is necessary for the payment extension. More info here.
8:53 a.m.
S.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Donald Beatty extends previous order on evictions by pushing date to May 1, at the earliest and restricts other eviction matters. He also issued a statewide moratorium on foreclosure hearings and foreclosure sales.
March 18
4:12 p.m.
DHEC is investigating 13 additional cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the total number statewide to 60 cases in 14 counties.
DHEC reports that there were 3 new cases from Kershaw County, 3 new cases from Richland County, 2 new cases from Beaufort County, 1 new case from Charleston County, 1 new case from Greenville County, 1 new case from Horry County, 1 new case from Lee County (its first), 1 new case from Lexington County. To date there have been 583 tests by the DHEC lab and 60 positive cases. Other labs are also testing in the state.
Individuals with signs of illness are asked to stay at home and not attend public gatherings. DHEC encourages the public to follow recommendations for social distancing to protect the health and safety of all South Carolinians. This includes:
washing your hands frequently,
covering your cough,
staying home when you’re sick and not attend public gatherings, and
appropriately disposing tissues and other items that you've sneezed or coughed into.
12:15 p.m.
Watch President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force briefing
March 17
4:30 p.m.
During a press conference, Gov. Henry McMaster announced an executive order that closes all bars and restaurants (dine-in only) beginning Wednesday, March 18. His order also prohibits organized events of 50 or more people to be held in any state, county, city or publicly owned facility. The South Carolina National Guard is planning with hospitals to build additional capacity should hospitals need it during a surge. DHEC is waiving regulations so hospitals can use medical and nursing school students.
South Carolina Dept. of Revenue is pushing back the tax deadline to June 1.
After outlining what his executive order does McMaster then made several requests calling for the halting of elective and non-threatening procedures for 72 hours, asking insurance companies to cover all the costs associated with coronavirus doctor’s visits, which usually include a battery of tests before testing for COVID-19 which is covered, McMaster asked folks to limit purchases of paper products and suggested a designated time for older shoppers to go to stores to limit exposure to the virus from others and also pushed private employers to let employees to work from home.
12:17 p.m.
South Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Donald Beatty orders that "all evictions currently ordered and scheduled statewide from March 17, 2020, through March 31, 2020, shall be rescheduled for a date not earlier than May 1, 2020. However, case-by-case exceptions for evictions may be made for matters that involve essential services and/or harm to person or property."
11:40 a.m.
Watch: White House Coronavirus Task Force
March 16
5:20 p.m.
South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office says General Fund Revenues through February are $191.3m above expectations, but most of that excess is attributable to differences in the timing of receipts. However, an excess above the forecast is still anticipated.
4:00 p.m.
The Associated Press reports that the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 2,997 points, or 12.9%, and the S&P 500 had its worst loss since the Black Monday crash of 1987. The Dow drop surpasses Thursday's drop of 10%.
3:31 p.m.
SCHE reports five new COVID-19 cases in South Carolina.
DHEC reports that one new case is from Lexington County and is an elderly person who was a close contact to a previously reported case. This person remains in isolation at a healthcare facility.
Four new cases are from Kershaw County. Three of the cases are middle-aged individuals who are known contacts to a previously reported case and are currently isolated at home. One case is an elderly person. Investigation is underway and further details are not currently available.
People with symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath should call their healthcare provider. If an individual doesn’t have a primary care physician, several healthcare systems are providing telehealth services so residents may be evaluated by a healthcare provider without having to leave their homes. If it’s determined an individual should be tested, they will be instructed where to go to be tested. Individuals with minor illness are advised not to go to emergency departments.
“We know that many South Carolinians are concerned about what impact this virus may have on themselves, their loved ones, and our state,” Brannon Traxler, DHEC physician consultant, said. “This is a rapidly evolving public health event, and DHEC takes every new infectious disease seriously. The state’s first reported death is an example of the importance of taking precautions to protect those at higher risk, like the elderly and people with serious underlying health conditions.”
3:20 p.m.
Watch: White House coronavirus task force holds press conference.
2:48 p.m.
South Carolina Supreme Court Justice Donald Beatty has postponed all jury trials in South Carolina.
Beatty's order also states that non-jury trials and other hearings may continue at the trial judge’s discretion, but only attorneys, their clients, and necessary witnesses will be allowed to appear. However, the Family Courts shall restrict their proceedings to emergency matters referenced in the Order dated March 16, 2020. All roll calls and any other large gatherings are cancelled until further notice.
If you deem it necessary to curtail operations beyond the scope of this memorandum, courthouses should remain available for the following critical functions:
Acceptance of filings and payments
Emergency hearings
Transmission of necessary information to SLED and/or NCIC, as well as the County Statistics Portal information.
Court dates may be rescheduled as is necessary and prudent. Coordinate necessary changes in schedules with your Chief Judges for Administrative Purposes.
To the extent possible and circumstances warrant, hearings that can be held by video may be held remotely. Telephonic hearings may be held remotely as a last resort.
To the extent possible and circumstances warrant, litigants should be excused from attending routine hearings (e.g. represented defendants at status conferences).
Bench warrants for failure to appear shall not be issued at this time.
If a courthouse temporarily closes, there should be adequate signs posted directing persons to the nearest other alternate location within the county where filings and payments may be made. The court should include this information on its voicemail and its website/social media if possible.
2:30 p.m.
South Carolina Ports Authority CEO Jim Newsome says in a video that "as long as ships are calling we'll be working."
11:39 a.m.
DHEC reports the first COVID-19 death. The patient was from Lexington County and resident of Lexington Medical Center Extended Care Skilled Nursing Facility.
March 15
9:21 p.m.
Sen. Lindsey Graham tweets, "I was just informed by Dr. Moynihan, the head of the House Physicians Office, that my coronavirus test was NEGATIVE. I’m very grateful and like everyone else will follow the best practices to stay negative."
6:05 p.m.
All 13 Richland Library locations will be closed temporarily starting Monday, March 16.
5:00 p.m.
U.S. coronavirus task force press conference
USA Today: U.S. Federal reserve cuts interest rates to zero.
4:21 p.m.
In a press conference, Gov. Henry McMaster announces all schools will close for the month of March.
Details on school closures from S.C. Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman:
-The S.C. Dept. of Education obtained a waiver from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to let summer feeding options be used during the closure, including grab and go options. Two meals can be picked up at schools or from buses; it is in talks to equip some 3,000 school buses to deliver wifi to remote areas. SCDE is encouraging school districts to use 6,000 buses to drop off instructional materials along bus routes if they can't pick them up from schools; it is seeking additional licensers so more students can use Virtual SC; it is seeking a waiver from @usedgov to suspend federally required student assessments; and it's working with South Carolina ETV to reschedule ETV programming that is delivered to schools so it can be available at home.
DHEC announces nine new #COVID19 cases:
Three new cases in Kershaw County
One is a middle-aged daycare worker who has no identified source of exposure. This individual’s onset of illness occurred after their last day worked. The case is currently isolated at home.
Two cases are household contacts to a previously reported case. One case is an elderly individual who is hospitalized in isolation. The other case is a middle-aged individual and is currently isolated at home.
Three new cases in Horry County
Two cases are elderly individuals who had known exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19 from another state. The cases are currently isolated at home.
Another case is an elderly individual. Investigation is underway and further details are not currently available.
Two new cases in Anderson County
Two middle-aged individuals who have no identified source of exposure. Both cases are currently hospitalized in isolation.
One new case in Greenville County
The case is a young adult who recently traveled to Spain. The case is currently isolated at home.
“We emphasize the importance of practicing disease prevention measures and following recommendations for social distancing to protect our community as a whole,” said Dr. Linda Bell, State Epidemiologist.
Gov. McMaster is encouraging people not to gather in crowds of 100 people or larger. McMaster is not calling for any closures of bars or restaurants.
"There is no shortage of testing capabilities in the labs in South Carolina," McMaster said. "Currently there are more than adequate supplies to conduct all the tests we need."
The state lab will be resupplied. The Medical University of South Carolina has been approved for testing.
Dozens of local elections have been postponed. A full listing of those can be found here.
2:06 p.m.
The U.S. now has more than 3,000 reported cases of coronavirus, according to NBC News tallies.
1:53 p.m.
The Post and Courier reports that Gov. Henry McMaster will announce at his 4 p.m. that all schools in South Carolina will be closed until March 31 due to COVID-19.
11:01 a.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster will hold a 4 p.m. press conference to provide a COVID-19 update. Watch this press conference live on SCETV channels, South Carolina Public Radio stations and on SCETV's YouTube page.
March 14
7:26 p.m.
President Donald Trump tests negative for COVID-19.
6:38 p.m.
Beginning Monday, March 16 until further notice, Kershaw Family Court will only hear emergency matters to include DSS Emergency Protective Custody, Juvenile Detentions, Bench Warrants and Emergency Petitions for Orders of Protection from Domestic Abuse.
6:01 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster asks the Office of Regulatory Staff , "that all regulated utilities and cooperatives serving the State of South Carolina—including those not currently under the jurisdiction of ORS— do not suspend or disconnect essential services for nonpayment during the current State of Emergency."
5:18 p.m.
McMaster directs state agencies and higher education institutions to maximize telecommuting flexibilities to eligible workers within populations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified as being at higher risk for serious complications from COVID-19 and CDC-identified special populations including older adults; people who have serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease; people with compromised immune systems; and pregnant women.
McMaster has also directed agencies to postpone all non-essential travel.
4:11 p.m.
SCDHEC announces six new COVID-19 cases in South Carolina bringing the state total up to 19.
According to the agency, three new cases are from Beaufort County. Two of those cases are close contacts of each other and had known exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19 from another state. The other case has no know connection to any other case and recently traveled internationally. All three cases are currently isolated at home.
Two new cases are from Kershaw County who have no identified source of exposure. Both are currently hospitalized and isolated.
One new case is from Lexington County who is currently hospitalized and isolated. This individual has no known exposure to another case and no recent travel history to an impacted area. The Lexington County case was a resident of Lexington Medical Center Extended Care Skilled Nursing Facility. The source of this patient’s exposure is being investigated.
“Our top priorities remain preventing the spread of the disease and protecting the public health,” Bell said. “This includes working to control spread and measures that best protect all individuals. We encourage the public to maintain their daily routines of protecting against illness by practicing good hygiene and handwashing, and individuals with signs of illness are asked to take seriously the recommendation to stay home from school and work and not attend public gatherings.”
12:00 p.m.
Horry County declares a state of emergency and moves to OPCON 2 out of "an abundance of caution." The move allows the county to activate its Emergency Operations Plan as necessary. The Emergency Operations Center is not open. County offices remain operational on a normal schedule.
10:14 a.m.
The SC Board of Medical Examiners and the SC Board of Nursing have procedures in place to temporarily license individuals in times of an emergency. The Medical Board can expedite temporary licensure for out-of-state physicians, physician assistants, and respiratory care practitioners within 24 hours. There is no fee for these 90-day temporary licenses.
12:53 a.m.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.6201 - Families First Coronavirus Response Act by a vote of 363-40. The emergency legislation expands access to free testing, creates $1 billion in food aid and extends sick leave, among other things.
State Reps. Jim Clyburn (D-SC06), Joe Cunningham (D-SC01) and Tom Rice (R-SC07) voted for the measure and Reps. Jeff Duncan (R-SC03), Ralph Norman (R-SC05), William Timmons (R-SC04) and Joe Wilson (R-SC02) voted against the measure. President Donald Trump supports the measure. It needs one additional vote on a technical change on Monday before it heads to the U.S. Senate.
March 13
7:09 p.m.
Trump says top cruise ship companies stopping trips from U.S.
6:00 p.m.
The South Carolina Emergency Management Division upgraded its operating condition from three to OPCON TWO following the activation of the State Emergency Management Plan as authorized by Gov. Henry McMaster. The Emergency Operations Center is partially staffed.
5:30 p.m.
Gov. Henry McMaster declares a state of emergency due to COVID-19
During the same press conference SCDHEC announced one new case in Kershaw County, a female from Camden who had contact with a known case. She was evaluated at a healthcare facility and is currently isolated at home. DHEC received her positive result from a private lab.
“Although we are not currently seeing widespread transmission in South Carolina, we expect to see more cases and we will continue to monitor CDC guidance and recommendations,” said Dr. Linda Bell, State Epidemiologist. “As part of this effort, we are preparing for transition from containment to mitigation."
Other developments included:
-Schools in Kershaw and Lancaster counties (the only two counties that have seen community spread) will close for 14 days. Going forward SCDHEC will consult with the state's Superintendent of Education and local school district leadership to provide guidance on if and when remaining school districts should decide to close schools and for what period of time.
-Visitation at state and local correctional facilities in all 46 counties shall be suspended immediately
-DHEC shall immediately restrict visitation to nursing homes and assisted living facilities with the exception of end of life situations
-State price gouging laws shall go into effect immediately
-The State Emergency Management Plan shall be activated
5:00 p.m.
Kershaw County initiates its COVID-19 operations plan which reduces several services in the county which has been the hardest hit by the virus.
The plan includes:
-Kershaw County Court of General Sessions has postponed First Appearances scheduled for March 17 at 9:00 a.m. to April 9 at 9:00 a.m.. Second Appearances scheduled for March 17 at 2:00 p.m. have also been postponed until April 9 at 2:00 p.m.
-All jury trials scheduled at The Kershaw County Courthouse (1121 Broad Street, Camden) for the week of March 30th has been canceled.
Kershaw County Grand Jury will meet March 18 at 9:00 a.m. with an abbreviated docket. Grand jurors are asked to use discretion when considering to attend and recommends jurors stay home if they are sick, at increased risk of severe illnesses from other infectious diseases, or of older age.
-All county offices, landfill, and convenience centers will operate at normal schedule, but with reduced staff.
-All county meetings and events have been cancelled until further notice.
3:47 p.m.
The State Department of Education tweeted that, "SCDE's Office of Health and Nutrition has been granted a waiver from the @USDA that allows summer feeding options to be used during unanticipated school closures. We have also received a waiver for flexibility from the congregate feeding requirement. These waivers will allow communities to provide nutritious meals to students who may not have access to them outside of the school day."
3:36 p.m.
Watch/read: President Donald Trump declares a national emergency for COVID-19
March 12
World Health Organization declares coronavirus a pandemic
6:00 p.m.
PBS NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff opens the newscast by saying, "It has been a day like few others in modern American life."
5:48 p.m.
The Supreme Court of South Carolina orders that until subsequent order by the Chief Justice, all jury trials at the Richland County Courthouse, located at 1701 Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201, are postponed. Non-jury trials and other hearings may continue to be held, but only attorneys, their clients and necessary witnesses will be allowed to appear. Provisions for emergency hearings shall be made by the respective Chief Judge for Administrative Purposes.
4:56 p.m.
S.C. Dept. of Insurance announces that health insurance costs for COVID-19 testing will be waived. “I am pleased to announce that South Carolina’s health insurance companies are waiving the cost sharing for diagnostic testing to help identify our citizens that have been exposed to the Coronavirus,” said Director of the SCDOI, Ray Farmer.
More information about health insurance and COVID-19 can be found here.
4:08 p.m.
Sen. Lindsey Graham announces he will self-quarantine out of an abundance of caution after a possible exposure to someone with COVID-19.
4:00 p.m.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 2,352.60 points. Its worst day since 1987.
3:58 p.m
SCDHEC is investigating two new possible cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus from Kershaw and Lancaster Counties.
The case from Lancaster County is a household contact (family member or close friend) of a previous case. He was evaluated at a healthcare facility and is currently isolated at home.
The case from Kershaw County is a Camden man who is currently hospitalized and in isolation.
This brings the total number of presumptive positive cases to six, along with six confirmed cases.
2:55 p.m.
Gov. McMaster requests the General Assembly pass a joint resolution making $45 million from the 2019-20 Contingency Reserve Fund immediately available to SCDHEC for its coordination of the state’s public health response to the COVID-19 virus.
2:31 p.m.
SCDHEC tweets "The status of #COVID19 in #SouthCarolina does not indicate that cancellation of events or schools is needed at this time. DHEC is constantly monitoring our epidemiological data and consulting with the CDC to stay on top of the situation. If our medical experts and epidemiologists feel a change to this recommendation is needed based on our surveillance and disease investigation activities, DHEC will immediately notify the public."
March 11
9:00 p.m.
President Donald Trump addresses the nation from the Oval Office. He announces a travel ban from several European countries, dropping insurance co-pays for testing, small business loan availability and defering tax payments.
4:57 p.m.
SCDHEC is investigating one new possible case of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. The new case is a woman from Lancaster County. At this time there is no known travel outside the state or known contact with another case. The patient is currently hospitalized and isolated. This brings the total number of presumptive positive cases to eight, along with two confirmed cases.
11:13 a.m.
University of South Carolina announces that classes will be canceled the week after spring break March 16-22, all campus events next week cancelled and it will move to virtual instruction March 23 - APril 3. The university to remain open (residence halls, food services, limited transit). More information.
March 10
4:57 p.m.
DHEC announces two new possible cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in Camden in Kershaw County. The new cases are household contacts who tested presumptive positive for COVID-19 and are currently hospitalized.
March 9
5:50 p.m.
DHEC announces it is investigating a seventh possible case of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus, the agency announced today. A Camden man tested presumptive positive for COVID-19. He was evaluated at a healthcare facility, was not hospitalized and is currently isolated at home. He is a direct contact, meaning he had close face-to-face exposure, with a previously announced presumptive positive case.
1:21 p.m.
DHEC tweets, "UPDATE: Individual in Spartanburg County recently traveled to Italy and returned through CLT airport. He had no symptoms until the day after he returned and had not traveled to any other US airport, therefore, we don't have reason to believe there was any risk to airport patrons."
March 8
4:58 p.m.
New indication of community spread in Camden, SC
DHEC announces four presumptive positive cases were identified after testing for COVID-19 was completed at DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory. These are in addition to the two presumptive positive cases the agency announced on March 6. That brings the total number of presumptive positive cases to six.
Two of these four new cases are direct contacts (meaning close face-to-face contact) with the Camden elderly woman who was announced as a presumptive positive on March 6. One of these two individuals is a woman who has hospitalized for reasons unrelated to COVID-19 and is isolated at this time.
The other individual, an elderly man, was temporarily admitted to a healthcare facility, was discharged, and is currently isolated at home.
The third new case is a man from Camden with no known connection, at this time, to the other presumptive positive cases from Camden. He was evaluated at a healthcare facility, was not hospitalized and is currently isolated at home.
The fourth new case is a man from Spartanburg County with no known connection, at this time, to any of the other presumptive positive cases. He is not hospitalized and is currently isolated at home. He had recently traveled to Italy, and returned to the U.S. through the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. He had no symptoms until the day after he returned and he had not traveled to any other U.S. airport, therefore, we don't have reason to believe there was any risk to airport patrons.
Updated Information
The elderly female from Camden was transferred to a health care facility in the Midlands on March 6 to receive a higher level of care. She remains isolated.
The woman from Charleston County is symptom-free and continuing to self-monitor.
March 6
7:19 p.m.
DHEC announces two possible cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. The presumptive positive cases are not linked. One case is located in Kershaw County and one case is located in Charleston County.
One patient is an elderly adult female from Kershaw County who has been hospitalized and is in isolation.
A second patient is an adult female from Charleston County who recently traveled to France and Italy. The patient did not require hospitalization and is self-isolated at home.