
Smart, original, thought-provoking stories that inspire people to make their lives better.


  • What mysteries do mushrooms hold?

    Steve Ness is a citizen scientist and expert mushroom forager.
  • What's up with Kimchi and Kombucha?

    You can find Kombucha at your local grocery and Kimchi in your friend's fridge.
  • Skip the Gym and Try Taking an Acrobatics Class

    Acrobatics can be used as an alternative to going to the gym.
  • The Super Bowl's Recycling Solution

    The Super Bowl is using this unique idea to reduce contamination in the recycling bin.
  • Why Do We Miss Vinyl Records?

    Why we miss listening to vinyl.
  • 5 Unique Job Interview Tips for Beginners

    Learn 5 uncommon strategies to help you crush your upcoming job interview.
  • Cohousing: Is it right for you?

    Cohousing is the term for an intentional community of unrelated folks who live together.
  • Duchess Harris Explains the Politics of Possibility

    Duchess Harris' grandmother was among the first Black women who started working NASA.

About Rewire

We’re here for people who are getting started in their adult lives—people who want to grow, thrive and build a better world. We cover issues that everyone faces: love and relationships, work and passion, living well, arts and inspiration, and our collective future—politics, technology and the environment. No matter what, you’ll find expert insights that you can use to make your life better.
