PBS Space Time

Blast off into the cosmos with astrophysicist Matt O'Dowd.


  • The Nature of Nothing

    It turns out that "nothing" is one of the most interesting somethings in all of physics.
  • Absolute Cold

    Can we ever achieve absolute cold?
  • When Quasars When Quasars Collide STJC

    So what happens when two Super Massive Black Holes collide?
  • Are the Fundamental Constants Changing?

    Recent findings suggest that the fundamental constants may not be as stable as we assumed.
  • The Future of Space Telescopes

    Some incredible technologies help us peer deeper and more sharply into space time.
  • Neutron Stars Collide in New LIGO Signal?

    LIGO may have just detected gravitational waves from the collision of two Neutron Stars.
  • White Holes

    Black holes are very well known but... What is a White Hole?
  • First Detection of Life

    What does life look like from space?


About PBS Space Time

PBS Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth. Host Matt O'Dowd breaks down the both the basic and incredibly complex sides of space and time.