PBS Space Time

Blast off into the cosmos with astrophysicist Matt O'Dowd.


  • Extraterrestrial Superstorms

    There are many unsolved mysteries surrounding epic extraterrestrial superstorms.
  • The One-Electron Universe

    Could it be that all the electrons are simply a single electron moving back and forth?
  • The Oh My God Particle

  • Time Crystals!

    What exactly are space crystals?
  • Are We Alone? Galactic Civilization Challenge

    Everything we’ve learned about our universe tells us that it is very unlikely we are alone
  • Dark Flow

    Why does the universe seem to be moving in one particular direction?
  • The Secrets of Feynman Diagrams

    Unlock the secrets of Feynman Diagrams. Part 5 in our Quantum Field Theory series.
  • The Real Star Wars

    Anti-Satellite weaponry, giant X-ray lasers and kinetic impact missiles nicknamed the “Rod


About PBS Space Time

PBS Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth. Host Matt O'Dowd breaks down the both the basic and incredibly complex sides of space and time.