
The brain has never been so animated.

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  • Do Dogs Really Miss Us?

    Do dogs experience FOMO?
  • The Perfect Christmas Gift (According to Science)

    Twas the night before Christmas, so here are some scientific gift giving tips.
  • Can You Follow This Beat?

    Does the beat always beat you? Why some people can't hear music.
  • How Many Friends Can You Have?

    Is there a limit to the number of relationships we can maintain?
  • Can You See These Optical Illusions?

    We all experience things subjectively, including how we perceive optical illusions.
  • Food Nostalgia

    Do you have food nostalgia? Why are our memories of food are so vivid (and delicious).
  • Why Do We Feel MIND-BLOWN?

    Is a MIND-BLOWING moment rewarding and addictive?
  • Does Smiling Make You Happy?

    Happiness makes us genuinely smile, but can forcing a smile make us genuinely happy?


About BrainCraft

Vanessa Hill talks about psychology, neuroscience, and why we act the way we do. Neuroscience has never been so animated.

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