Be Smart

A show about science, but probably not science the way you're used to it.


  • What Do Raindrops Really Look Like?

    Raindrops are shaped like teardrops, right? Wrong! Let's discover rain's true shape.
  • Is Height All in Our Genes?

    Turns out the inheritance of height is a lot more complicated than we thought.
  • Will You Still Eat Raw Fish After Watching This Video?

    Ever wondered why restaurants warn you about raw or undercooked seafood on their menus?
  • How Habits are Formed

    Got a bad habit you can’t break? That’s because it’s literally wired into your brain.
  • How Some Words Get Forgetted

    English is confusing. Its irregular verbs can teach us a lot about how languages evolve.
  • Why Do Disney Princesses All Look Like Babies?

    Why do we find things cute? Let's take a scientific look.
  • 3 Incredible Examples of Evolution Hidden In Your Body

    Here are some stories of how evolution and natural selection made you the way you are.
  • The Only Animal That Weeps

    Why do we cry? Here’s the science of human tears!


About Be Smart

This is a show about science. But it's probably not about science the way you're used to it. Hosted by Joe Hanson, author of the science blog, It's Okay to be Smart. Part of the PBS Digital Studios network.