A Visit to the State House | Sandlapper's Corner


As a continuation of "The Governor", this edition of Sandlapper’s Corner follows newly elected 12-year-old "Governor Price" as she returns to the State House from an Industrial Commission luncheon and guides a group of visitors through the State House. 

Governor Price leads them through the main lobby and introduces them to the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and House respectively who relate facts about each of the chambers in turn. Did you know that when the Sword of State is in place, the Senate is in active session and when the mace is in place, the House of Representatives is in session? 

Well versed in state history, the Governor continues the tour until she is called away for another meeting. But wait! The thoughts of Governor Joanna Price are interrupted when her teacher asks her, “What are the duties of the state governor?”

Sandlapper’s Corner was a children's educational program that began airing on SCETV in the 1970s. Produced by Dr. Sandra G. Thomas, the show was about South Carolina—its people and places, its present and past.