Shuttle Challenger Accident (1986) | ETV Classics

On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart just 73 seconds after launch at the NASA Kennedy Space Center.  Executive Producer and Host of SCETV’s Carolina Journal, Tom Fowler grasped the immediacy of the moment and brought the breaking news about the Space Shuttle Challenger to South Carolina. The ETV team, with the help of the Sumter regional station were able to provide coverage of the tragic explosion. 

Pilot Michael Smith, fellow Carolinian born in Beaufort, North Carolina and mission specialist Ron E. McNair, 35 years old, physicist and graduate of Carver High School in Lake City, South Carolina were lost along with commander Francis R. Scobee, payload specialists Christa McAuliffe and Gregory B. Jarvis, and mission specialist Ellison S. Onizuka. 

This special program was dedicated to Ronald McNair and included extensive archival footage from the University of South Carolina and the SCETV interview of McNair on Job Man Caravan. Interviews revealed his love and passion for being an astronaut, with all the risks it entailed.

The programming concluded with on the street comments and reactions of South Carolinians.

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