Malcolm Graham, the brother of the late Cynthia Graham Hurd, is a member of the Charlotte City Council and previously served in the North Carolina State Senate, representing Mecklenburg County. After Cynthia’s death, he has traveled the country speaking to communities about overcoming hatred. Additionally, he is the author of “The Way Forward.” Through his work and writing, he honors his sister’s memory and contributes to fostering understanding and healing in communities.
What do you wish everyone knew about Cynthia?
I think everyone needs to know how personable, sharp, and candid Cynthia was. She loved Charleston and loved being a librarian. She was always as cool as the April breeze. Along with my siblings, we established the Cynthia Graham Hurd Foundation for Reading and Civic Engagement. Given her passion for reading and literacy, we’ve collected over 60,000 books donated to preschool programs and barber shops. We’ve also completed civic engagement projects, such as national townhalls, as Cynthia was a researcher and loved debate. We want to support projects that uplift her name.
While being confronted with evil and immense loss, you have accomplished great feats. Tell us about your personal journey of growth in the decade after June 17, 2015.
It took a toll, and it took me years to see it. Cynthia didn’t die; Cynthia was killed. When Cynthia was killed, I took it really hard. She was my confidante, best friend, political advisor, and big sister. I just wanted to be her voice in death. I made sure she was represented, that people knew who she was: a librarian, an AKA, and a person with many goals, dreams, and aspirations. After death, I made sure I was there every step of the way for her. I was there preparing for and speaking at her funeral, there when the Confederate flag came down, there when they renamed the library after her, and there during the trial. I’ve documented these experiences in a book “The Way Forward”, which will be released this year. While she’s no longer with us physically, her memory stayed alive.
What words of encouragement or advice would you give students who are faced with struggle and tough times?
Keep the faith and do the work. James 2:17 tells us “Faith without works is dead.” A strong belief in God is very important to me. Once you get up from your hands and knees and dry your eyes, it’s time to get to work. There’s an old saying “sweat and tears are both salty, but they render different results. Tears will get you sympathy, and sweat will get you change.” People need to work really, really hard for change.
What gives you hope for the future?
This new generation. I have to believe the future generations will come to the conclusion that racism, hatred, and discrimination has always been America’s Achilles heel and will continue to be if we don’t fight for change. My grandsons’ generation will finally get it right. They’re ages two and four now. They’re innocent, with no prejudice—they see people who they are. It doesn’t matter what you look like or what language you speak—our humanity binds us together.
Presented through a partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and South Carolina ETV.
View the series on KnowItAll.org here.
Download the SC African American History Calendar 2025 here.