Jobman Caravan: Black History Month (1985) | ETV Classics

In 1985, this episode of Jobman Caravan explored the significance of Black History Month and what it meant to be African American. It featured conversations with South Carolinians reflecting on the achievements of Black individuals throughout history.  James Clyburn, Commissioner of the S.C. Human Affairs Commission, and Nelson Rivers, Executive Secretary of the S.C. NAACP, discussed their work in the area of Affirmative Action. 

Additionally, a segment was produced about Herbert Pringle, the chief page of the South Carolina Senate. Pringle shared insights on working in state government as an African American. He discussed his aspirations to become a politician, give back to the community, and represent the Black community in a leadership role.

Hosted by Bill Terrell, Jobman Caravan garnered SCETV its first Emmy Award in 1969, just one year after the show premiered. The show was groundbreaking and educated audiences about career opportunities and job interview techniques, traveled to a different town every week with a mobile TV unit, and featured popular musical acts. 

Terrell was often joined by a co-host. In this episode, Adrienne Hayes, served as the co-host.


Side Notes

How do you become a Legislative Page? Applications are available in the offices of the House and Senate Clerks at the South Carolina State House. Pages must be college students and all positions are part-time. All Pages have adult supervision and must adhere to a dress code and other rules. 

If you are interested in becoming a Page for the South Carolina Legislature, contact the House or Senate Clerk at the following addresses:

Clerk of the House
P.O. Box 11867
Columbia, South Carolina 29211

Clerk of the Senate
P.O. Box 142
Columbia, South Carolina 29202