This episode of Sandlapper's Corner develops an awareness of the role of economics and industry in South Carolina as it was in 1974. More industries were coming to the state each year because of the state's sources of energy, vast natural resources, transportation system, and colleges and technical schools.
The tour starts with the most basic of early industry, the making of baskets using natural resources and the creativity of a basket weaver. When the makers made more than they needed for themselves, it was natural that they would sell their products to those who had a need and willingness to buy them. From basic manpower, mule power was used to help extract syrup from sugar cane. It wasn't long until corn grist mills were powered by waterpower.
Rivers and lakes now provide energy needed for wider use of electricity. Increases in technology and improved transportation also spurred greater growth. Coburg Dairy, Westvaco Corporation,and Laurens Glass are highlighted in this ETV production.
Sandlapper’s Corner was a children's educational program that began airing on SCETV in the 1970s. Produced by Dr. Sandra G. Thomas, the show was about South Carolina—its people and places, its present and past.