Clemson Extension's Terasa Lott talks with Bailey Slice Parker, Executive Director of the Gills Creek Watershed Association, about the steps they have taken to improve water quality and the environmental habitat at Crowson Road which was a site of major flooding in 2015.
A watershed is a "precipitation collector" --an area of land that drains all the rainfall and small streams into a common outlet such as the point where a river joins a bay, or a creek joins a river.
🌱 Making It Grow is an award-winning program produced by SCETV and Clemson University. Host Amanda McNulty from Clemson Extension along with Clemson Extension Master Gardener State Coordinator Agent Terasa Lott plus other Extension Agents and featured guests offer research-based information on a variety of gardening, agricultural, and environmental topics, while also highlighting interesting places and products from around South Carolina.