Pursuant to Proviso 59-8-110 (E), the EOC must provide to the General Assembly a report of the annual parental satisfaction survey for parents whose students were a part of the South Carolina Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF).
EOC Director of Qualitative Research and Stakeholder Engagement Dr. Jenny May presented the findings of the ESTF parent survey during the January 13, 2025, EOC Academic Standards and Assessments subcommittee meeting.
Survey responses from 243 parents and caregivers of ESTF participants yielded several findings. When participants were unsatisfied, it was often the result of how the program was implemented or changes related to policy as a result of outside influences. Dissatisfied participants also expressed frustration that initially accepted students were not able to use funds. Satisfied survey respondents expressed the program supported their child and that access to the financial assistance was a huge benefit.
The full EOC's ESTF annual report can be read here.