Math is everywhere! We see math in our everyday moments: the grocery store, making a sandwich, sorting the laundry. Empower parents to find math in their daily routines to facilitate math positivity and learning at home!
Research shows that early math skills can unlock powerful opportunities for children, including greater success in school and career readiness.
Family Math is based on the following principles:
- Math is everywhere! Cooking, unloading groceries, even reading! Children can develop early math skills by picking up their toys and setting the table. Families can make a huge difference in their children’s early math learning by noticing these early math moments.
- Families are already experts in many math skills. Some parents can feel overwhelmed with how to encourage learning at home, particularly if they did not have great school experiences themselves. Family Math empowers and encourages families to use “math talk” to help with math positivity and learning in the home.
- Math is fun and engaging! Let’s change the narrative! Children at this age learn math through play and exploration. There is no need for workbooks or fancy toy sets. When they are building a block tower, dividing up toys during playtime, or counting things, they are engaging in mathematical thinking!
As educators, we are familiar with the importance of math and understand the early math concepts and the progression of skills. Parents may not be as confident in their skills and vocabulary. Family Math is the perfect resource to share with them! There are videos, articles, and glossaries that help make math approachable and accessible. A great place to start is on the “Tips and Resources” page. It is a treasure trove of FREE resources that are easy to share with families.
I also LOVE the new music videos. Check out the Family Math YouTube channel. These videos are available in English and Spanish.
If you want to dive more deeply into the resources, check out the Family Math Toolkit. You can sort by learning goal, type of resource, and more. You must provide an e-mail for access, but it is free!
If you start looking into these resources and get overwhelmed, don’t worry. We’re here to help! We’re happy to do a professional development session for your school, center, or team to train you on how to use these resources best and walk you through the family engagement models also included with Family Math. The opportunities are endless! All you need to do is visit our Group Trainings page online and submit a training request for Family Math!
I hope this resource is valuable and helpful for you in your practice and engagement with parents. Happy Learning!