Did you know you can attend not one but TWO amazing conferences at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center in November by purchasing a combo registration?
SC EdTech is November 13-15, 2024, and offers content and activities that span all areas of educational technology, organized into eight pertinent tracks, including Instructional Technology, IT Security, Assistive Technology, Physical Safety, and Virtual Teaching. Over 120 high-quality, relevant concurrent sessions and workshops are available to you at SC EdTech 2024! The full schedule for SC EdTech 2024 is available online (edtech.scaet.org).
SC Student Data Conference is November 12-13, 2024, and offers workshops and sessions dedicated to South Carolina - specific PowerSchool reporting/data input at the school and district level and training in South Carolina state fields and requirements, as well as EdFi implementation. Over 65 sessions will be available on a wide variety of topics related to student data including EdFi, Podium, Truancy, Rally and more. The full schedule for the SC Student Data Conference (SCSDC) is also available online (scsdc.scaet.org/sessions).
In addition to an amazing schedule of sessions, both conferences offer special events such as workshops, Certification Central – free testing center, tracking for professional development credits, an Exhibit Hall featuring over 120 of the leading education technology companies, and an eSports Tournament, just to name a few! All of these events and activities are included with your registration. In addition, a $10 Spectator Pass is being offered for the eSports Tournament for anyone wanting to attend who isn’t a conference attendee.
For only $300, you can attend both conferences and expand your knowledge through an extensive array of diverse sessions, workshops, speakers, and exhibitors. You can also register for the conferences separately if you only want to attend SC EdTech 2024 or the SC Student Data Conference.
Click to register today: edtech.scaet.org/index.cfm/register.
Jami Boone is the Director of the SC EdTech Conference and the Business Manager for the SC Association for Educational Technology (SCAET), the organization that hosts EdTech. She became involved with EdTech nearly 20 years ago while employed at the SC Department of Education during college and loves working with an event that helps bring the latest in technology to South Carolina's educators and students.