September 06, 2023

It is back to school time! How are you supporting kindergarten readiness in your early childhood classroom?
If you are looking for resources to support kindergarten readiness within your classroom and with your families - we’re here to help!
- Annabelle & the CoGlo Amigos
Annabelle and her friends, the CoGlo Amigos, make learning fun for 4-year-olds. Each episode draws on South Carolina's Early Learning Standards. Storylines are developed with such competencies as approaches to learning and inquiry; physical development, self-help, and motor skills; emotional and social development; mathematical thinking; and language and literacy development. Use these episodes to spark interest in a topic or as a conversation starter in your classroom.
- The Teach Your Way calendar has been revamped and refreshed.
This year, the calendars will be thematic to dive deep into important concepts throughout the year. Check out the most recent Counting Teach Your Way calendar for some wonderful resources to supplement counting and cardinality in your classroom learning.
- Looking for ways to engage the families at your school?
- The Family Math program is a fantastic way to get families to extend their children’s learning at home and incorporate math into their daily lives. There are videos, workbooks, worksheets and even workshops ready to use with your families!
- Have you seen these resources from the Carolina Family Engagement Center? These are perfect for sending home to families to help support learning at home.
- Looking for something to use on the go? The Kinder-Cards from Austin PBS provide hands on and digital activities to help develop kindergarten readiness skills. They are perfect for quick bits of learning throughout the day.
We are always looking for ways to support the teachers and students of South Carolina. Stay in touch via our SCETV Education Facebook page where we share lessons and activities. Happy Learning!