I’ve always said that I have the best job in the world- to be curious!! Well, as I’m working to wrap up things in the office today, I’m contemplating what will unfold over the next week for INPUT 2023. INPUT - The International Public Television Conference - presents some of the most innovative and thought-provoking public media from around the world. This year, INPUT is happening in Taipei, Taiwan on May 14-18. I’m especially looking forward to meeting all the other delegates, presenting all the great work coming out of the United States for this international audience, as well as viewing and hearing international perspectives of public media created around the world. Now more than ever, it’s the content created within the public media system that sets us apart.
I can say unequivocally that INPUT is dedicated to the proposition that public media should be a public service in the public interest; that access to the most honest, innovative, provocative, courageous and challenging media is a universal, fundamental human right. I’m so very proud that the cornerstone of this initiative is the work that South Carolina ETV does with producers and filmmakers all over the United States in that mission to convene important conversations that serve our communities and our nation.
As part of the INPUT community, I will do my best to blog from the conference and give you the inside scoop all the way from Taipei. You can check out the conference schedule at www.input-tv.org and follow INPUT delegates on social media with the hashtag #Input2023.
Learn more about US Input and follow the Travels with the NC.
The U.S. INPUT Secretariat is managed by South Carolina ETV. Tabitha Safdi is the U.S. INPUT National Coordinator and ETV Lowcountry Director of Content and Operations, Holly Jackson, serves as the assistant manager. SCETV is based in Columbia, SC and have managed U.S. INPUT since 1984. The ETV Endowment of South Carolina and ITVS has provided generous support to the U.S. INPUT Secretariat to award INPUT producer fellowships to U.S. producers to participate in this international gathering of public media professionals.