Teachers, have you had, or do you currently have students who do not speak English as their primary language? Are they struggling with concepts you are teaching in class?
These students are receiving valuable support during the school day through dedicated ESOL teachers, but often these students and their families do not get the same support once the student is home and trying to complete assignments on their own. SCETV offers a free service called datacasting that is being used in schools to help support families who have limited or no internet access. Datacasting can be a valuable tool for schools in supporting our ESOL students and their families in our communities.
Our datacasting service can be used to:
- Provide students, at home, access to work their teacher(s) assigned during the school day.
- Allow teachers to send remediation and enrichment activities to students (academic vocabulary, translation dictionaries, etc.)
- Provide a secure, one-way transmission of content, easing the minds of parents and caregivers.
- Allow schools to send home communications to families.
If you would like to learn more about how SCETV’s Datacasting Service can support your school, students, and families, please contact Amanda Beck at 803.737.8859 or abeck@scetv.org.