Ready to go back to school? As a learner? It can be daunting but ETV LEARN supports you all the way!
Educators, we get it, you mostly would prefer to teach a course than take one, so we do our best to make our ETV LEARN courses as convenient and supportive as possible - and still deliver the goods so you're empowered at the end. Whether you're ready to take a course this fall or your dance card is booked until at least spring, know that we're here for you year-round.
Fall 2022 Courses:
- Read to Succeed (R2S):
We will be offering one R2S course this fall: Content Area Reading & Writing. Our version of this course (named RDLA272: Vocabulary as a Foundation for Learning) is primarily intended for K-3 educators, however the SC Department of Education has approved the course as a R2S course for ALL educators.
The 6-week course will run from October 3 - November 13, 2022; it is NOT self-paced. Assignments must be completed weekly, however there are no set login or participation times. You can expect about 8-10 hours of coursework each week depending on your comfort level with the content and working online.
The course earns 60 Renewal Credits and costs $265. The course is listed on our Recertification Courses course search webpage; when enrollment opens on August 22, you'll be able to access the full syllabus.
In early 2023, we plan to offer our other R2S course, Instructional Practices (RDLA267: Teaching Phonics and Spelling for Beginning and Transitional Readers, Second Edition). Stay tuned for that news!
- Self-paced Renewal Courses:
Our fall session of self-paced, online courses will include a new course, Exploring Naturalists Impacting SC & Beyond! This new course with naturalist Rudy Mancke, host of SCETV’s NatureScene (shown on PBS for 25 years), examines key naturalists who made an impact in the Carolinas and beyond, exhibiting connections between humans and the natural world. The study of naturalists combines history, natural history, art, and science … all rolled into one, as an interdisciplinary approach. Look for more details about this course in the September edition of our Education RoundUp enewsletter (sign-up here if you're not already subscribed).
- Registration for all 30+ courses offered will be open from September 1 - October 24, 2022.
- Coursework period: October 4 - November 15, 2022
- All courses are approved by the SC Department of Education to earn 20 Renewal Credits and cost $75 each (NO graduate credit).
- These facilitated courses cover topics in ELA, science, social studies, the arts, career education, natural history, using media in the classroom, and general education.
- Review course options now and register starting September 1.
Also, don't miss our FREE Course Offer:
The first 20 educators to enroll in at least ONE 20 renewal credit course in our fall session may request ONE of the following courses FREE in the same session:
- Exploring Naturalists Impacting SC & Beyond (new)
- Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms, Series III
- Between the Waters, Series I
- Between the Waters, Series II (*Must take Series I first)
To receive the offer: Enroll in at least ONE course, then promptly email bjamison@scetv.org the title of the course you enrolled in AND the title of the free course you want from the list above. Be sure to also include your name, address, and school/district if applicable.
View all courses with descriptions via scetv.org/education/recertification-courses.
Questions/Help: sokonek@scetv.org 1-888-761-8132 (or local 803-737-9915 or 803-737-3245)