COLUMBIA, S.C. – INPUT, the International Public Television Conference, has selected six U.S. public television programs to be featured in Barcelona. These programs and their producers will represent the United States at the 2022 INPUT conference, which takes place May 9-13, and features public media from around the world.
A panel of PBS professionals selected the following U.S. programs from over 100 entries:
- Bring Her Home (Twin Cities PBS)
- One Child Nation (Independent Lens)
- Senior Prom (Independent Lens)
- The Great World of Gregory Blackstock (Independent Lens)
- Tutwiler (American Documentary)
- Vision Portraits (American Documentary)
Producer Fellowships are available to U.S. public media producers to support their travel to INPUT 2022 in Barcelona. Not a marketplace or strictly a festival, INPUT challenges media makers to think more critically and creatively, network with other content producers and open their minds to new kinds of storytelling. Fellows will be able to screen and discuss programs with their peers from around the globe.
Working collaboratively with the U.S. INPUT office at South Carolina ETV, the ETV Endowment will grant travel assistance for each Producer Fellow. To apply online for a fellowship, go to https://www.scetv.org/about/us-input.
The application deadline is April 1 at 5:00 PM ET.
INPUT, the International Public Television Conference, is an annual week-long public media showcase where the rules of broadcasting are challenged and redefined. This event is the only international conference that focuses specifically on the innovative programs produced by public media as opposed to commercial broadcasters. Held in a different country each year, this annual conference encourages the development of public media by screening and debating the most outstanding programs and multi-platform media from around the world. The organization is dedicated to the proposition that public broadcasting should be public service in the public interest; that access to the most honest, innovative, provocative, courageous and challenging broadcasting is a universal fundamental human right.
Since 1984, South Carolina ETV (SCETV) has served as the U.S. INPUT Secretariat. Because of this, the station manages submissions to INPUT from U.S. producers. For more information about INPUT, including details on this year’s conference and submission protocols, visit www.scetv.org/about/us-input.
About South Carolina ETV and Public Radio
South Carolina ETV (SCETV) is the state's public educational broadcasting network. Using television, radio and diverse digital properties, SCETV's mission is to enrich lives by educating children, informing and connecting citizens, celebrating our culture and environment and instilling the joy of learning. In addition to airing local programs, such as “Carolina Classrooms,” “Making it Grow,” “Palmetto Scene” and “This Week in South Carolina,” SCETV also presents multiple programs to regional and national audiences, including “Expeditions,” “Reconnecting Roots,” “Reel South,” “Somewhere South,” “Yoga in Practice” and “Live from Charleston Music Hall.” In addition, SC Public Radio produces the national radio production, “Chamber Music from Spoleto Festival USA.”
Media Contact:
Stephanie Frazier