In conversations about safety, school officials discuss how to keep threats outside the building and how to plan for weather emergencies. There is also a focus on what's happening inside the building. School climate is a measure of how welcome students and staff feel in the building and how engaged they are with each other and the learning process.
On this episode of Carolina Classrooms, we'll talk about the physical and psychological health and wellness of students and staff, and how that contributes to an overall safe school.
Our guests include: Zee Brown, Executive Director of NAMI Mid-Carolina and physical and mental health professionals from schools in Charleston, Kershaw, Rock Hill, and Richland Counties. We’ll also talk with a school shooting survivor (this segment contains an emotional first-hand description of a school shooting and may be difficult for some viewers.)
Spread the word to families and fellow educators and plan to tune in for Carolina Classrooms: Health and Wellness as follows:
- Thursday, November 17, 7:30 pm on ETVHD
- Thursday, November 17, 10:00 pm on SC Channel
- Monday, November 21, 10:00 am on ETV World
You can also stream us live at https://www.scetv.org/watch. Missed episodes, specials, and additional segments are available at Carolina Classrooms.
Keep in touch on our SCETV Education Facebook page or by email, CarolinaClassrooms@scetv.org, and let us know what you'd like to see on Carolina Classrooms.