Greetings! My name is Amanda Beck and I am SCETV’s new Datacasting and Remote Learning Project Coordinator.
In this position, I will be working diligently to help South Carolina students, with little to no internet access at home, to obtain the ability to connect with educational content curated specifically for them (i.e., class work, homework, enrichment activities, and reinforcement activities) through technology called datacasting. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be a part of this innovative project and to be a part of the SCETV Family! Public Television and Radio have always held a special place in my heart, and now to be involved in its legacy is truly surreal to me.
A little about my professional background: I have a BS in Elementary Education from Grand Canyon University and a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of South Carolina. I have been an educator in South Carolina Public Schools for the past 14 years, and my passion as an educator has always been to impact all those who cross my path, from students to parents to colleagues to community partners, by building strong and trusting relationships that extend beyond my classroom walls. I am bringing that same drive and passion to the SCETV Family and our communities across the state by providing technology and resources that create equity for all learners, so that they too can share my love and excitement for learning.