This week by the river we sit down with Tom Poland and Robert Clark to hear their story of how they worked together to write their book, Carolina Bays- Wild, Mysterious, and Majestic Landforms. Tom Poland is an established writer. He has written 14 books and over 2,000 magazine features and columns. Poland enjoys writing about the South- from the people, to the culture, to the history, and the beautiful scenery. Robert Clark is a photographer and has been capturing beautiful images for years. Together, they created a beautiful book about the beauty and wilderness of the Carolina bays while highlighting the beauty through crisp and clear photographs.
When we sat down with Tom Poland and Robert Clark, we were ecstatic to hear about how their friendship came to be and their work together transpired. Clark dives into his history with photography- starting his love and profession in the 70’s. He also explains how he started photographing nature while out on camping trips. They had spent over six years in the field for this book! Poland explains that the captions for the photos are more than just captions; They’re mini stories explaining the beauty of the land. They laugh that their biggest problems out in nature weren’t what you would expect of alligators or snakes, but instead insects! This is often typical down south in marshes and by water. Join us this week and learn more about Tom Poland and Robert Clark’s beautiful masterpiece, Carolina Bays- Wild, Mysterious, and Majestic Landforms.