Earn renewal credit around YOUR schedule with 24/7 access to ETV Teacher Recertification online courses for SC teachers. New Women Vision SC, Series II added to our lineup! All courses approved by the SC Department of Education for 20 renewal credits, facilitated online, self-paced, and cost $75 each. Spring I session just started and ends May 4. So … still time to register through April 5 to join us. Or plan to learn and earn with ETV in the upcoming Spring II session! All courses offered in both sessions.
Two sessions to earn renewal credit by the June 30th SDE renewal cycle deadline:
- SPRING I Register now through April 5 / Session open now for work / Complete by May 4
- SPRING II Register beginning May 1 / Session opens for work May 10 / Complete by June 15
NEW course … WVSC, Series II
- Women Vision SC: Changes, Careers & Leadership, Series I and II (20 renewal credits each)
The 19th Amendment granted women the long-awaited right to vote in 1919. These two courses relate the history and feature SC women who have made an impact on our state and nation, providing inspiring career and life-lesson advice for students. Educators in all subject areas (especially social studies, career education, guidance) and all grade levels found the first WVSC Series I eye opening, valuable and worth their time! The NEW Series II course continues our look at ETV’s Women Vision SC (2020 honorees), SC Hall of Fame, new Sisterhood: SC Suffragists programs + more. (It is NOT required that Series I be taken before Series II, but is recommended.)
NEW-er courses … great reviews!
- Project-Based Learning: Engaging the 21st Century Learner, Part I (20 renewal credits)
PBL is a teaching strategy wherein students learn by actively engaging in meaningful projects with real-world applicability. This course guides participants through the development and implementation of PBL lessons as we take an in-depth look at the four core benefits of PBL, including student-centered learning, a sense of relevancy for students, the role of teacher as facilitator and inspiring life-long learning for students. Participants gain understanding of the differences between project based learning and conventional teaching methods, and will design collaborative learning activities that support student learning in the project-based learning process.
- Natural History in North America & Beyond, Series I, II, III & IV (20 renewal credits each)
In these courses with renowned Naturalist Rudy Mancke, host of ETV/PBS NatureScene for 25 years, participants learn about the biodiversity of the area, looking at the distinctive geography and the great variety of plant and animal life forms along with their remarkable habitats to understand how they are connected. Award-winning NatureScene programs produced on location provide a rich, up-close experience with unprecedented access. Series I and Series II highlight regions in USA – the Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest. Series III
focuses on regions in SC only. Series IV features areas in USA + some in Canada, Russia, Costa Rica. (Take any of these courses in any order. Good for teachers of all grades/all subjects … it’s fun to learn with Rudy!)
- Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony, Series I and II* (20 renewal credits each)
These two innovative courses provide engaging ways to integrate history using SCETV’s immersive website Between the Waters. Series I walks through the site, guiding an exploration of Hobcaw Barony’s history from Native American life through Reconstruction and both World Wars by examining focus sites on topics including food, sports, architecture, art, and nature. Series II continues the exploration of history/natural history of this Georgetown treasure, examining other focus sites with a concentration on African-American life in the low country area of our state. MUST complete BTW, Series I course prior to taking Series II. You may sign up for BOTH courses in a session, but complete Series I first! (Recommended for teachers of grades 3-12, all subjects)
Other popular courses … see website for descriptions
- Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms, Series I & II (like SC Teachers on Teaching, recent TOTYs)
- Connecting with Literacy Through Storytelling (loved by media specialists & regular classroom teachers)
- Career Education for Student Success and The Arts and Career Connections (good info for all teachers)
- A Literary Tour of SC, Series I, II & III (useful tips on writing process from SC-connected authors)
- Making Connections with Natural History Featuring Rudy Mancke, Series I & II (learning thru nature)
- Take on the South with Dr. Walter Edgar (debates on key issues, incl. Southern lit, music & foods!)
- SC Chronicles, Series I - VII (also with Dr. Edgar, walks thru SC history, discussions on people & places)
Key information … what you need to know
- Approved by the SC Department of Education for 20 renewal credits (NO graduate credit)
- 30 courses - ELA, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Career Ed, PBL + general education
- Facilitated online/self-paced; work anytime 24/7; complete work by session end date
- Cost: $75 each (pay online by credit card or mail check)
REGISTER for Spring I session through April 5:
Descriptions/register/pay: http://www.scetv.org/teacher-recertification
(Reminder: Registration for Spring II session begins May 1)
Questions/Help: sokonek@scetv.org /1-888-761-8132 /(local) 803-737-9915 or 737-3245