New to teaching? Or maybe this is your umpteenth year in the classroom? Either way, a unit plan is in your near future.
If you are new to teaching maybe you need a few great ideas to get started. If you are a veteran of the classroom, perhaps you need a little inspiration to refresh ideas. KnowItAll.org has more than a few ideas, there are entire unit lessons!
A well-thought-out unit can take your students from watching the clock to having their eyes glued to the front of the room. It takes time to create an entire unit. Weeks, maybe even months. Search through KnowItAll.org using the lessons feature and find unit lessons that can cut your planning time down. Add some of your teaching magic, take out what you may not need for your classroom, and voila! You have fantastic, engaging lessons customized for your students.
“I am currently using KnowItAll to plan for this upcoming school year and have already shared these plans with my fellow social studies teachers. … The site has been very influential to me.” – Koren W., Hartsville Middle School, Summer 2021
Login to your free account to check out KIA's unit lesson plans including these below.
- Ecosystems
An entire 3-week Unit Covering Ecosystems - The Relationship Between Genes and Chromosomes
Students will complete learning activities, utilize multimedia resources from PBS LearningMedia, and create a presentation to communicate information about genes and chromosomes. - Bird Adaptations
Students will engage in a project-based learning lesson to discover how beak adaptations affect what birds eat.
Social Studies
- Government
A 12 day unit on government and the impact the American Revolution had on South Carolina - Expansion and Migration
A 15-day unit used to teach the new Social Studies standards for the Expansion and Migration Theme. There are two full lessons included, two mini-lessons, and every other day is described in detail. There is a project to complete at the end of the unit. Links are included for each activity!
ELA & Arts
- Ballet Goal Development
This unit focuses on the history and development of ballet technique. Throughout this unit, along with notes, students will focus solely on ballet technique. In order to fully value ballet and its codified technique, dancers must learn the background, the “why” of what we do.
- Making Music with the Pout, Pout Fish
This lesson will be the culminating lesson at the end of a unit on instruments, tone color, and how music can help tell a story.
- My Measurement Book
Students will spend a week exploring their environment and finding things to measure! - The Amazing Amusement Park
Students are given unique characteristics that each amusement park owner wants in their park. They will use their knowledge of area and perimeter to create an amusement park the owner will love. - Money Madness
Students will participate in a real-world buying experience. They will use their knowledge of money and multi-digit subtraction to buys goods and make sure they do not spend too much!