EOC Remote Learning study quantifies COVID achievement slide for SC students, calls on education leaders to provide more instructional time and to consider inclusion of catch-up growth in addition to annual growth
On April 12, 2021, the EOC received Part 3 of the Remote Learning study examining SC student Fall-to-Winter 2021 NWEA MAP formative assessment data. Based on the analysis, less than 3 out of 10 SC students in grades 3-8 are projected to meet grade level proficiency in mathematics and ELA/reading. Additionally, fall-to-winter growth is far below what is expected by normed growth projections in all grades for reading and in all grades except 5 and 8 in mathematics.
While the overall COVID slide has been most dramatic in mathematics, cohort percentile declines (the same students from year to year) in fall-to-winter were most dramatic in reading. Achievement gaps do not appear to have widened during fall-to-winter 2021. However, vulnerable student populations are likely missing from the sample.
The EOC is recommending a focus on student catch up growth in addition to annual growth; increased academic offerings and the re-organization and addition of instructional time; and an emphasis on acceleration rather than remediation.
The full report, The South Carolina Education Oversight Committee’s “Review of Remote Learning’s Impact on South Carolina’s Students, Part 3,” presented on April 12, can be accessed here.