On January 11, the Education Oversight Committee (EOC) issued a review of remote learning’s impact on students in South Carolina.
Using data from approximately 222,000 South Carolina students in grades 3-8 who took MAP Growth assessments in 2019 and 2020, it is projected that nearly 70 percent of those students will not meet grade level proficiency standards in English Language Arts and math in spring 2021.
The “COVID Slide”, as it is widely referred to, is expected to be more dramatic in mathematics, among elementary students and for students who are often identified as vulnerable, such as those living in high-poverty households or who do not have access to reliable internet access.
The full report can be accessed here. A brief is also posted as well as Powerpoint slides from the EOC meeting on January 11, 2021.
For information, contact Dana Yow, SC Education Oversight Committee (EOC), at 803-734-6148.