After each thought-provoking episode of the childhood cartoon, G.I. Joe, a public service announcement was offered supporting societal issues. That announcement was followed by a famous moniker that made the show legendary: “Now you know. And knowing is half the battle." This epithet resounds loudly in my spirit as America grapples with her truth being revealed.
Did you know Black people were not allowed access to vanilla ice cream, even though the specific sweetness and taste was developed and perfected by a Black man by the name of Edmund Albuis? Black people were only allowed vanilla ice cream during July 4th celebrations. It was said vanilla ice cream was representative of the American dream, something Black people were denied and seen as unworthy of. Now I know and knowing this information aids in understanding the importance of redefining what the American dream is and how my history shapes that dream for my ancestors and future.
Although there may be some subjects in which knowing is half the battle, there are many more in which it is not. The recent climate of our society continues to posture young Black professionals to research deeper into historical African contributions and the impact those contributions had in our world. Knowing is a large portion of the battle, as knowledge ensures a true change occurs in real-world decisions.