The past two weeks with my internship at SCETV Sumter have been hectic but exciting. The fact I was still going to do my internship despite the COVID-19 pandemic was a great surprise to me. My first week was done virtually at home with my director, Craig Ness, showing me around the Sumter office virtually via FaceTime. It was great getting to know what was going on at the office before I even got there. I then started to work on a video segment for "Palmetto Scene" in which a local pharmacy and cafe in Sumter is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. This was my first time editing a segment that would be seen by a large audience or, in fact, on television. When I finally got to the studio in the second week, Craig again showed me around the studio and offices before showing where I would be for the duration of the internship. I then got to meet the host of Making It Grow, Amanda McNulty, and the producer and director of the show, Sean Flynn. It was amazing talking to them and getting to know how the show works and how it is still being filmed despite the current pandemic.
Later that week, we went to film for a segment for "Making It Grow." I got there in the morning and it was not far from the Sumter offices and iwas, by far, the most beautiful garden I ever visited. As we were filming around the garden, the owner, J Grady Locklear, talked about how he started the garden from nothing, to what it is today. It was an inspiring story that I hope we can share with the audience when they see this segment.
These past two weeks of my internship have gone by very quickly and I have learned a lot already. The fact that I am already filming and editing segments for shows that are going to air soon surprised me. However, I am so glad that it happened and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the rest of this internship!