State House Daybook: Feb. 14, 2019


State House Daybook provides you with the information you need to navigate the South Carolina General Assembly during the legislative session. Each edition provides a snapshot of the legislative day with meeting schedules, agendas, news and other resources in one place.

Follow reporter Gavin Jackson's Twitter for the latest legislative coverage.




The Senate gavels in at 11:00 a.m. Watch live hereCalendarJournal.


The House gavels in at 10:00 a.m. Watch live here.  Calendar.  Journal


Combined meeting schedule

8:45 a.m., House Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee, Blatt Room 110, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast

9:00 a.m., House L.C.I. Full Committee, Blatt Room 403, Agenda Available

9:00 a.m., House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee, Blatt Room 410, Agenda Available

9:00 a.m., Senate L.C. I. Committee, Gressette Room 308, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast

9:30 a.m., Senate Finance Special Subcommittee on S.298Gressette Room 105, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast

9:30 a.m., Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on S.259S.281 and S.384, Gressette Room 209, Agenda Available

9:45 a.m., Senate Finance Natural Resources and Economic Development Subcommittee, Gressette Room 407, Agenda Available

10:00 a.m., Senate Education Subcommittee on S.203 Gressette Room 207, Agenda Available

10:00 a.m., House of Representatives, State House, House Chamber, Live Broadcast

11:00 a.m., Senate, State House, Senate Chamber, Live Broadcast



South Carolina Lede

Episodes of This Week In South Carolina 

Cory Booker won’t become president unless he cleans up in South Carolina. Here’s why it won’t be easy.

Focused 'like a laser beam': NNSA defense leader discusses pit production commitment Aiken Standard

Dominion to start SC ad campaign over those $1,000 checks for SCE&G customers The Post and Courier

SC veterans will get help with their pets in new program backed by Gov. McMaster The Post and Courier

As drunk-driving death toll mounts, SC lawmakers push to close holes in DUI laws The State

South Carolina Senate addresses ethics code in school bill AP

SC school boards complain new anti-nepotism proposals are unfair The Post and Courier 

South Carolina senators delay mental patient transport bill AP



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