I spent this week visiting some of the regional SCETV stations. As part of the Digital Media team in Columbia, one of my assigned tasks is to create the annual intern video for this year. We traveled from office to office to interview the other Endowment interns this summer. I had a lot of fun visiting the regional offices and seeing the work they do and how it compares to the work we do at the Columbia office. I loved talking with my fellow interns about their summer experiences with ETV and getting to know them a little better. I have to say I am in good company; every intern that I have spoken to seems excited about and dedicated to their work at ETV this summer. I’m very excited to share their stories with everyone. I don’t know if it is just my sibling rivalry coming out or not, but seeing how capable and enthusiastic my fellow interns are really makes me want to step up my game. We may need to start some sort of ultimate intern competition. Updates on this later.
My favorite part of week 7 was getting to share my work with fellow South Carolinians. After posting some of the videos that I have edited, I have gotten feedback from people involved in the making of the videos, friends, family, and even just audience members who have seen them. I am so thankful that ETV has given me the opportunity to share my work and to experience what it is like to create videos meant for larger audiences. I appreciate everyone who has been supportive of my projects, and I hope to continue to build my skills throughout the rest of my time here. They may come in handy when the battle of the interns goes down.