South Carolina Emergency managers are planning for an influx of more than 1 million visitors into South Carolina. Eclipse viewers who gather in areas like Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston will experience the longest period of 100% total eclipse for a metropolitan area on the U.S. East Coast. Hotels and related businesses are expected to be filled above capacity for nearly a week in prime viewing areas. Cell phone service and smartphone Internet may be unavailable inside the path of totality due to large concentrations of people. Visitors to South Carolina for the eclipse are encouraged to print paper versions of directions, lodging and restaurant reservations, and tickets to local eclipse events they plan to attend. Cell phone companies will reinforce their network capacity for emergency responders.
The South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) has provided travel, commute, and planning recommendations and resources, including live traffic maps and the latest announcements regarding the hours of operation for State Government Offices, for South Carolina residents, businesses, and visitors. New updates to SCEMD eclipse recommendations and resources can be followed on Twitter and Facebook.
The American Astronomical Society provides a list of reputable vendors of solar glasses, filters and viewers that meet recommended safety standards. Enter your zip code into the Eclipse Time Checker to find out what time you should step outside to view the eclipse.
South Carolina ETV's live eclipse coverage can be viewed online, August 21.