The Mayor: Age of Riley, directed by Barbara Tranter and produced by Jennet Robinson Alterman, follows the career of Charleston Mayor Joe Riley’s remarkable four decade tenure. The film, four years in the making, features interviews with Mayor Riley and those who found favor (and disfavor) with his vision for the city. It premieres Thursday, April 14 at 8:00 p.m. on SCETV with re-broadcasts Sunday, April 17 at 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 24 at 6:00 p.m.
An inspiring story of a white, Irish Democrat in the American South who provided guidance and compassion to his community for an incredible 40 year period as the Mayor of Charleston SC, the film begins with a 1969 hospital strike and follows Riley’s battles over historical design, Hurricane Hugo, his appointment of the city’s first black police chief, the flying of the Confederate battle flag, gentrification, the closing of Charleston’s Naval Shipyard, and the Emanuel AME tragedy.