So, my first week as a 2016 SCETV Endowment Intern is just about over. What a week it has been! I went in a bit nervous and not knowing what to expect, but I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it now. I’m not a morning person at all, so waking up early has been pretty rough on me, but I know the opportunity is worth it. My first day, I was surprised to be shown to my own cubicle, complete with a desk, phone, and computer! It might sound silly, but I couldn’t help feeling more grown-up with those things. It’s interesting how just being treated like a professional can make you feel like one.
My mentor at SCETV, Ms. Tabitha Safdi, is super sweet and really patient with me, as I learn how things work here. I’ve already gone to two interviews with her, and both were incredible learning experiences. The first interview was at Riverbanks Zoo, where we interviewed a zookeeper about the new sea lion exhibit. I had my first on-camera experience at this interview. It was just a few brief seconds, but I got to introduce the Facebook Live video we did for the interview. You can watch it on Palmetto Scene’s Facebook page. Our second interview was with a talented 4th grader who sells his own paintings—and also happens to be autistic. He and his little brother were so cute!
I’ve discovered that I really enjoy meeting new, interesting people and getting to hear them talk about their talents and passions. I’ve already learned so much, and I’m excited to see what lessons and experiences the next nine weeks will offer!