Just recently, the South Carolina ETV team travelled to Camden, South Carolina to shoot footage for The Southern Campaign of The American Revolution. This shoot’s focus was the Battle of Camden, which occurred on August 16 1780. This historical reenactment was a sight to see. Passionate reenactors traveled hours to Camden from both inside and outside of the state to participate in the event. Yet, the reenactors are not the only ones passionate about this project—our crew is, as well.
“I think ETV’s Southern Campaign project is important because the efforts of South Carolinians in winning the American Revolution have been largely overlooked in historical accounts to date,” senior producer/director at SCETV Steve Folks says. He continues, “We are not trying to ‘revise’ history. Rather, we are attempting to set the record straight. Our target audience is middle-schoolers who are studying the history of our state and nation right now!”
South Carolina ETV is producing this project in cooperation with the National Park Service and The Sons of The American Revolution. Once the project is complete, eight five-minute-long videos will be available online at Knowitall.org.
We are thankful to everyone who has helped to make this weekend reenactment in Camden possible, especially Erick Nason, Regimental Commander of the 2nd South Carolina Regiment reenactor group, who recruited infantry soldiers; Edward Harrelson of the Third Light Dragoons/British Legion reenactors, who supplied cavalry; and Walter McIntyre of Locke’s Militia and Kingsbury’s North Carolina Artillery, who brought two three-pound cannons.