I just finished week six of my internship at ETV. I can’t believe I only have four weeks left! The time seems to have zipped by fairly quickly.
At the beginning of the week, Mr. Dave Adams invited me to sit in on another live shot, this time with Fox News. The guest was Hogan Gidley, a Republican communications advisor for the firm Brabender Cox. I watched as the crew set up behind the scenes, keeping in contact with the Fox crew in New York, checking equipment, and preparing Mr. Gidley to be on camera. It was pretty interesting to see what kind of work goes into a live shot, and I really enjoyed getting to hear the Fox crew and the SCETV crew talk to each other.
On Wednesday, Kaisha and I did our first interview for this year’s intern video. Tabitha came to supervise and help us when we needed it. We interviewed fellow intern Olivia Aldridge, who works in radio. During the interview, Kaisha was in charge of the camera, and I asked Olivia the questions. Afterwards, Kaisha and I took turns getting B-roll. It took me a couple tries (and a reminder to ask questions when I don’t know how to do something), but I eventually got the hang of it, for the most part. Because Olivia works in a different part of the building than Kaisha and I do, it was really nice to finally have the opportunity to talk to her and find out a little more about her in the interview. One interview down, six (including Kaisha and I) to go!