South Carolina has one of the highest infant mortality rate in the country. Text4Baby is trying to address the issue. Text4baby is the first mobile information service designed to promote maternal and child health through text messaging. This program is a tool that expectant and new mothers can use to become better informed parents.
Dr. Greg Barabell says, “What Text 4 Baby does is it gives small snippets of information, things I call "twitter for your critter," that help to prepare the mom for what is the unexpected--having a child enter your life--and it’s an amazing way to get moms prepared in small snippets during their days.”
According to the CDC,
The free text messages provide tips on breastfeeding, car seat safety, developmental milestones, emotional well-being, exercise and fitness, immunizations, labor and delivery, nutrition, prenatal care, safe sleep, and how to stop smoking. The text messages also provide 1-800 numbers and other resources to learn more.