Lynn Cornfoot
Lynn Cornfoot
Documentary Producer/Director
Lynn Cornfoot has been working as a visual storyteller for over 30 years. Formally known as the “Jill of All Trades” in the freelance film and video world, her skills run the gamut in all aspects of production. She has been at SCETV since 2004 and can be found producing in and out of the office, in the edit suite, or shooting video along side ETV’s Emmy award winning team.
Production credits include:

Conway | Our Town
August 08, 2023Conway, South Carolina holds a special place in the heart of lifelong residents who cherish the river town's historic charm, vibrant downtown, and close-knit community. The town preserves the beauty of the natural Blackwater River systems, providing floodplain protection and... -
Anagama Kiln | Palmetto Scene
July 21, 2022There are many techniques to fire clay when making pottery – in an electric kiln, or over a fire to name a few. In the Upstate of SC you’ll find a group of potters who prefer to use the Anagama kiln, a communal firing technique that dates back to 5th century Japan. For more... -
Nature's Pantry | Palmetto Scene
February 24, 2022So we all know that eating healthy means incorporating vegetables into our diet, but do you know how these foods help to keep your body in check? Lere (ler-ray, like Renee) Robinson does, and she’s here to give you the skinny on the nutritional benefits of nature’s pantry. -
Mural in Columbia seeks to promote diversity in times of racial tension
October 01, 2020It started with a business that provides affordable housing for low-income households. Under the train trestle on Rosewood Drive in Columbia, there is a mural that is turning a lot of heads these days. Realty Haven wanted their new location to be a beacon of light during... -
SC Wildlife- Opossums
September 02, 2020Learning to live with wildlife can sometimes be challenging - but it doesn’t have to be. Each animal has a role to play on this earth, and Carolina Wildlife is helping animals in need to get back to their natural habitat, while educating the public about why our balance with... -
Pet fosters and adoptions are up since COVID-19
May 27, 2020Since people have more time on their hands due to COVID-19, why not foster or adopt a pet? If there is a silver lining in this pandemic, it's that more animals are finding loving homes to weather the storm. For more information, contact City of Columbia Animal Services.